While I’m waiting on the last few affidavits to get done I thought I would work on that infamous Email the government keeps referring to. After a whole lot of fighting (feds don’t want it publicly disclosed, go figure(just like the video)) I finally got my hands on that email the government keeps claiming proves I bought a set of M16 FCG parts. Here it is, all four emails over a few week period wrapped up in one. See if you can find the deal for that M16 FCG parts set they claim I bought from him.
While some, generally anonymous chatroom warriors, would rather attack Mr. Olofson, some viciously, those of us with our eye on the ball know we need to focus on supporting this case and bringing information to light the government would rather you not see. You know, stuff the watchdog press "Authorized Journalists" are either oblivious, apathetic or hostile to sharing.
Let's see if this dang new-fangled widget thingy works...
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Olofson EMails.pdf |
Hosted by eSnips |
It works.
I am doing the best I can in support of Mr. Olofson's case, by posting as much information on the boards, blogs, and web sites I can. I will post it all as one large page on my web site when the last of the affidavits gets out.
(sarc on) But Steve said he had almost all M16 parts, which is the same as having all the parts, and since David was in correspondence with him that is the same as David having all the parts. So since David had an AR15 and all the parts of an M16 he actually had an M16 which is a full automatic weapon. And that stuff about carriers and pouches? Obviously code for a personal meeting that he left with pockets full of auto sears that were falling out where ever he went.(sarc off)
It isn't just chatroom warriors that attack Olofson and talk about how he wasn't a good candidate for support from themselves or the NRA. Some very visible gunbloggers have done it,also.
Reading what was written now and in the past when episodes like this occur, I must assume these people "who will fight to the death" wouldn't support Jesus Christ, himself, if he was charged. After all, he wasn't a lawyer who knew the ins and outs of the legal system, he wasn't quiet about his disagreement with the powers that were trying to destroy him, and more importantly, his supporters came under scrutiny and were liable to be treated poorly.
All reasons why these gun bloggers have stated that only a perfect defendant is worthy of justice, or at least, their support in pursuit of it. Which is ironic, because it is the lack of commitment of the detractors that has ruled their retreat, not the personality, or legal acumen, or the lack of the perfect defendant.
They try to confuse the issue by attacking the character or actions of a man known by any sensible person to be innocent, except in a crooked courtroom. They hope by engendering that confusion the discussion will move to the merits of the defendant, which can be argued ad nauseum, thereby avoiding the real issue of the sorry state of the judicial system and law enforcement when they cheat. If successful they can continue to pose as friends of free men, while selling them out.
It is impossible to be betrayed by an avowed enemy, one knows where he stands. An avowed "friend" without courage, or with a hidden agenda are the only ones with the opportunity to betray.
Unfortunately, we are inundated with them.
And we know who they are. And they are always the most vociferously indignant when called on it.
Funny, I don't see any interest expressed in the unspecified M-16 parts, only a Hogue tube.
If Mr. Olofson responded to a spam ad for natural penis enlargement, would that make him a suspect for male prostitution or rape?
If the "AW" ban is renewed, the part about "many 30-round mags" could be equally damning.
Arbitrary laws and the slavish devotion to enforcing and obeying them... and turning in those who don't... That's why the life expectancy of a republic has historically been about 250 years.
If you count from 1776, this is the year 232.
Clearly stating something a person has done by subjectively reading in between the lines is a far cry from justice being served. I feel that I can believe that the emails being posted are not abridged because Mr. Olofson clearly knows if he started posting up lies and BS any support he's generated would walk away from him, never to look back.
This is a pretty up front case and the only thing I see that could make this matter appear differently then a miscarriage of justice, is misinformation. From what I can see from the misinformation thats been put out in public. Has been very weak and without any basis and easily able to be validated. Being said, my big issue on this topic of misinformation is: The person or people who have put it out in public need to step up to the plate and reveal their source of this misinformation. They have no binding agreement with anyone who revealed this misinformation because the person who gave it to them, lied.
Personally I believe any Blog that posted misinformation and half truths owes it to everyone to reveal the sources of this misinformation, with all due respect because mistakes happen and we are only human.
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