Monday, June 23, 2008

Every Constructive Idea

When that decision involves a gun, it can be a deadly lesson, which is why every community should engage every constructive idea on how to keep children and weapons from coming together.
That's why we recommend prohibition and rendering what we still allow you to have (for now) useless.


Put guns in kids' hands? Teach them to become responsible shooters?

No, we meant every constructive idea except that.

Oh, and as far as "easy access" goes...


Anonymous said...

My 10-year-old granddaughter and I had a GREAT time shooting my pellet gun over the weekend. I made sure she could tell me the gun safety rules before we started. She only swept me with the muzzle once, and not again after I reminded her. She was serious and intense. And a heck of a shot. We'll graduate to .22 rifle soon. SHE'LL never shoot someone through carelessness or negligence, or on purpose for a stupid reason. SHE'LL know guns don't just make red spots and make you go "Ow!" and you're all healed by next week's episode.

Anonymous said...

Mexico City police were very concerned with keeping underage youth and alcohol and drugs from coming together. They raided a club where students were celebrating the end of the school year, and 12 people died in the stampede to get out.

Anonymous said...

Much of the attention on juvenile crime and guns is related to gangs. In those settings, young people tend to feel peer pressure, even to the point of doing things they would not do otherwise. When kids act together, with guns in the mix, it can be tragic and deadly.

The root of the problem is the ready availability of guns...

Well, which is it? Gangs or guns?

The writer of this drivel has the intelligence of Porky Pig's dog... half boxer, half spitzer, half pointer, and all Labrador retriever.