Monday, June 23, 2008

The Proper Response to "Gun Violence"

The Ready Line shows us how it's done.

Condolences, Mr. Greer, on the loss of your friend.


Anonymous said...

The killer, when convicted, should be put in a cell unaware of his sentence. Then, on an otherwise ordinary day, he should be interrupted at a meal or from sleep or whatever and taken out in the prison yard and executed with a handgun on local TV. It may not be a deterrent to others, but it will guarantee that he finally has empathy for victims.
A couple of realistic dry runs might be helpful in educating him. Everything but the bang.
Cruel and unusual? Some people are so cruel and unusual, they are hardly people.
A Virginia female minister was followed home and killed for the Sunday collection by a homeless person she had helped. Sorry, she had already given the cash to a church member to deposit in the bank. A worse-than-senseless death. I say send 'em on their way.

Anonymous said...

I can answer the question about what should be done. The writer is questioning putting murders to death for their crimes because seemingly too many are on death row that should have been there in the first place as DNA is showing.
First off there's a reason too many folks who didn't commit a crime are on death row. The reason is the system is set up by parasites for parasites and justice is a thing of the past. The parasites need numbers to move up the latter and they don't care whom the screw over in the process. A classic example is Red's Trading Post. The parasites wanted to use Reds as another number to justify their promotions and more federal money for their racket. So they tried to nail them for Y's and N's in place of yes and no. Of course they knew what the Y's and N's stood for and would have convicted a felon for putting a Y or an N the same as Yes or No. The parasite system needs to change quickly because America's middle class is going to be largely government parasites. The system for government employees needs to change and once we get that in place, public hanging are in order. At the trial the only question is guilty or not guilty. No deals just clean justice and then the rope for the guilty and an open door for the not guilty.
So long as parasites use criminals as a tool to make a living on and the revolving doors of "so called" justice are nothing more than a scam to suck the citizens dry through taxes, we all run the risk of being violent criminals victims. The number one problem in this country today is the parasites who can't make it in the real world aka: the private sector have rigged our country to their advantage.

Brent Greer said...

David, thanks for the link. And for the sentiment. Much obliged.

Anonymous said...

Not to spoil the mood, but I think we need more justice, not less.

I've been reading Defining Deviancy Down by the late Sen. Moynihan, and although his stand on guns is nearly criminal -- he suggested outlawing .25 and .32 ammo because it's used in "Saturday Night Specials," he hits the mark in his basic premise; that our society keeps making exceptions for greater outrages against decency until, like the frog in the slowly warming pot, we are confronted with moral collapse.

I have no problem with the death penalty. There's no reason we should suffer a murderer to live. Bring back the rope.