Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Fingers Point South of the Border

30 dead in worst weekend of Mexico violence this year
The accompanying photo says it all: It's the gun's fault, and not just any gun, but evil "semiautomatics."

Y'know, Mexico ought to be Sarah Brady Paradise--except for those damned American gun shows, which I'm sure are where corrupt military, law enforcement and international drug cartels get all of theirs. Right?

[Via Dave Licht]


Anonymous said...

Maybe it was that FedEx guy.

My theory is surplus FULL-autos are coming north from Central and South America along with cocaine and heroin (in shipments of 2 to 4 TONS). From the wars in Nicaragua, El Salvador, Honduras, Chile, Argentina... Almost the entire continent, actually. Where the struggle between liberty and socialism isn't just a war of WORDS.
Some may "fall off the back of a U.S. military or federal agency truck," to create just such a situation so semi-autos look like A Threat To World Peace.

Anonymous said...

Seal the border, stupid.

Anonymous said...

If the border is sealed, how will the Cocaine Importing Agency fund their black ops to suppress liberty?

Unknown said...

Look....what happens in Mexico can stay in Mexico....they want to take our guns because of Mexico? That would be like trying to topple our government because the Pakistani's are demanding Musharraf be impeached.

Hell, why blame the guns, they can just blame those evil little bullets.

Kent McManigal said...

If the border is sealed, how can we escape if it comes down to that?

Anonymous said...

"seal the border"
Are you serious? Have you ever been to the border? How about a map, ever looked at a map of the border? Jdo you plan to seal that??

Anonymous said...


We could do what the Mexicans do on THEIR southern border:

Put up guard towers every 200 meters and shoot anyone coming across the No-Man's-Land.

That'd dampen the campesino's enthusiasm in a hurry.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and before you climb up on your high horse and cut loose with your flamethrower, check your irony meter. That was sarcasm directed at the Mexican government's hypocrisy.

I hate having to explain my nasty sense of humor.

Anonymous said...

In case it is suspected that I am engaging in extreme right-wing hyperbole, I would invite David's readers to go to the website:


and enter the following coordinates: N 15.82063 W 91.88119.

This is a satellite view of the border between Mexico and Guatemala, outside of the Mexican town of Cristobal Colon.

Tell me THAT doesn't look like a fortified border with a set of guard towers.

Anonymous said...

I live about 30 miles north of the US/Mexico border, within one of the more heavily traveled/policed corridors. The great majority of my life has been spent within 200 miles of that same border. I'm also very familar with that border country from El Paso to Tijuana(roughly 400-500 miles). I have the perspective of several decades of personal history in the region, and the perspective of at least two earlier generations of family and friends who've seen events pass there. Fwiw - one of my studies is SW US history - from the early indigenous people until this very day.

I cannot conceive what it would take to "seal the border" - and I'm not even thinking now of the Texas stretch - Just NM, AZ, and California. If for nothing else, too - I kinda' like all the fresh produce that I have year-round access to - tomatoes and jalopenos included.

What we now have are several heavily militarised stretches of this western part of the border - a total no greater than 150 miles of the 4-5 hundred I'm referring to. Just tonight on the TeeVee some talking head said that 380,000 illegal border crossers were apprehended 'last year' locally - and this is in a heavily policed section! I think a rough but realistic guess on the amount of crossers who aren't caught would easily be 3-4 times that amount - in this already heavily policed sector.

There's some 250-350 miles of rugged, Great Big Nowhere still relatively open - and that perpetual border fence all the politicos like to talk about... It's Bullshit. That 250-350 miles I just referred to is slated for 'virtual fencing'.

The fedgov can try to 'seal the border' - and they can throw a whole bunch of money at it. (and consequently - productive lives) At best - one will experience a pretense of 'sealing the border' - and at worst - someone will call for making an East Germany that stretches for over a thousand miles. Enunciating that call with words like "stupid" won't change the facts on the ground nor the people who live on it.

Times are like the weather - stick around - it'll change. Perhaps a wise man looks around - and puts his own house in order. If one has to frame this from a political point of view (cannibal pot?) - there are very definite reasons things are as they are. If 'we' have to view this collectively - then some 'house cleaning' might indeed be in order. Barring off the bordello may not quite result in the intended consequences...

Anonymous said...

Defender is likely correct. What self-respecting gang armorer would buy expensive arms in USA instead of cheap full auto tools from Venezuela or other SA countries?

My govt is chock full of scheming, cynical liars and thieves.