Friday, August 08, 2008

It's Always Death

The State’s worshipers and pawns fall all over themselves to praise the brave uniformed thugs and denounce Bob as having “had it coming.”
Huh. Reminds me of the comments of some about David Olofson.

But he's been taken care of. Now we need a new target.

How about this guy? He's actually willful and defiant.

We can't have that.

[Via Luke O]


Anonymous said...

To me Bob picked the wrong fight. Nevertheless, a better story that's based on some fact happened here in Boise in the last few weeks. Seems a few ounces of hazmat mercury was found in a hood and the folks in the hood were forced out by the feds from EPA. One homeowner wasn't happy about leaving and was told, SWAT would remove him. The guy could have been put to death for his own safety. Which is want this comes down to.

Anonymous said...

And so MANY things are on the hazardous materials list these days. Dihydrogen monoxide hasn't been added yet, but was much less of a threat to people in, say, New Orleans and, say, Cedar Rapids than the police who came to remove them from their homse and relieve them of their weapons.
DHM is H2O, water.
When you get an official letter that makes you feel threatened, that would be time to stop being supine and go prone.

Kent McManigal said...

It might be pragmatic to say Bob picked the wrong fight, but that is what the state wants. It wants us to all go along and not make a fuss. That way the ones who the state kills can much more easily be demonized as extremists. The state has no legitimate authority in any of the areas that they are willing to kill to preserve.

Anonymous said...

Two alleged drug dealers allegedly killed a Virginia Beach, Va. police detective investigating around a shopping center.
For some reason, I don't feel the usual outrage and disgust.
Had a wife and at least one child. Gee, that's too bad.
Still nothing.
Could that be unintended consequences? Yes, it could.
Not to cheapen human life by equating it with a sports contest, but if you're watching two teams who both play dirty and you have any sense of decency and sportsmanship, it's hard to care who wins.
Of course, this is no game.

jon said...

if someone shows up at your door and they were not invited over, you are not picking anything.