They had more in common than unleashing carnage — nearly every gunman in this monthlong series of mass killings was legally entitled to fire his weapons. [More]"Licensed to kill"?
"Entitled to fire his weapons"?
Gee, a bit of manipulative wordsmithing going on there, eh MSNBC?
I know the meme they're trying to promulgate is that the political right is responsible for gun owner paranoia, but when we see outright lies coming from the treasonous "Authorized Journalist" left that are clearly designed to poison public perception against our unalienable rights, what they're doing becomes clear to anyone with eyes.
They are fueling the fear that is out there. They're counting on the weak-minded falling for it.
More blood to dance in--more "justification" for their agenda--disarming us--what they say we're paranoid for believing and criminal for repeating.
[Via Ed M]
That's about all one can expect from the "Ignorami."
If local, state, and federal cowards,socialists,felons,retards,and pukes, murder,rape,steal and assault their way across the landscape, do they have a license to kill? They seem to think so. So how come this pussy isn't concerned about the carnage THEY wreak, and the fact that these swine do so with impunity, and are mostly never even charged? Cry me a river. It's coming. III.
It is odd that few recognize that looking back we can clearly reach conclusions on events that happened, yet we are weak on events of the present and clueless as to events of the future.
The U.S. citizen has the right and duty to speak freely, influencing others to act, and to vote, selecting people to represent them in the decision process, without fear of retaliation by the government.
The U.S. citizen has the right and duty to serve on a jury where they may ultimately deprive others of liberty or life for their crimes.
As a member of the militia (original definition as understood by the Founding Fathers), the U.S. citizen has the right and duty to keep and bear arms. This right does NOT include the right to murder without justification, as this article would have you believe.
No one in their right mind wakes up in the morning and says to themselves "I am troubled. Today is a good day to kill others to relieve my troubles." You never know whether someone else has made that decision until they begin to act abnormally. The weapon that the deranged use is irrelevent - whether it be a gun, knife, machete, powertool, chainsaw, baseball bat, 2" x 4" lumber, motor vehicle or their bare hands.
You cannot rely on others to predict whether someone will become dangerous, or to relieve you from the responsibility to defend yourself and those you care about from those who would endanger you. If you want to reduce the damage inflicted on you and others then you must arm yourself and act appropriately to the danger presented to you. It is your right and your duty.
If they had driven gas trucks into the respective buildings and detonated them, gee, it would be just some lone nut. They'd never THINK of going after everyone who didn't do it. A tanker delivery to every gas station at least twice a week. How come no one's getting blown to hell? It's not because of ultra-strict regulations on access to trucks.
But gas trucks are not, directly, tools of the Resistance.
At least not until, and if, they get the guns. And they're not.
All that is necessary for us all to get along is for them to STFU. If they want to go after the 99% who never did it, WOULD never do it, then they will run up against the 3% who hoped never to have to do what they're apparently going to have to do.
You notice that there is no provision for comments at MSM... wonder what they are afraid we'll say?
Considering the number of disarmed people who have been killed over the last few weeks, the last thing I'm going to do is hand over my only means of protection.
After examining these recent incidents, rational people will come to the conclusion that the restrictions aren't protecting anyone. Which, of course, is what the lot of us have been saying for more years than we care to count.
hmph, of course they give this asshole Vogel the last word.
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