Wednesday, December 02, 2009

A Member in Good Standing

I am a member, and I've passed this on to other members. Perhaps they may feel compelled to conversate with you, or perhaps not. As it is, we are confronted by naysayers all the time, and usually don't waste time arguing points with the close-minded. We are about action, and respecting other's opinions by letting them have them. If you are against gun control, then lobby your legislators. [More]
You respect my opinions by "letting" me "have them"?

Sonia P steps up to the plate in "Comments" to yesterday's GRE, to educate us all about the National Black Police Association.

Feel free to go educate right back.


straightarrow said...

conversate??? What the Hell is conversate? Did the author mean converse?

Adding unnecessary syllables does not make one appear more intelligent, in fact, it accomplishes just the opposite.

She can't "let me have" a damn thing and she better not try assume command over what I already have as my birthright.

Mike Gallo said...

Isn't there a logical inconsistency with being able to write, yet still using ebonics? The whole reason for the language subset in the first place is the rampant illiteracy in the black community.
Oh, well, that probably means I'm racially insensitive.

Kent McManigal said...

This has nothing to do with her or the other members of her cult being of any particular "race". It has everything with them thinking they are authorized to control the non-aggressive behavior of others (including the honorable members of their own "race"). They are advocating evil.

anhourofwolves said...


Now where have I heard that dialect before?

Mack said...


It never seems to end. It seems all black folks (formerly referred to as 'Negroes') have to stay united - or else. Let any dissident disagree, and that 'Oreo' is off the Plantation.

And THEN that dissident catches unending grief.

Compare the rhetoric of SoniaP with the unrepentant Cleveland Call & Post calling such a dissident an Aunt Jemima:

When Don King purchased the Call & Post, his one demand to both editorial and administrative staff was that the rights of Black people be protected. We have adhered to that demand.

This newspaper stands by the front-page editorial and all of its ramifications.

And while we welcome disagreements and the discussion that this issue has created we won’t be bullied by any institution, corporate interest, elected official and to be certain, a fellow newspaper.


We can’t and won’t allow White people to select the leadership for Blacks.

Anonymous said...


Mike Gallo said...

Kent; that wasn't a point I meant to make; I just found it a curious read considering it wasn't a line in a script. It's like the scene from Monty Python and the Search for the Holy Grail, where they're arguing over the inscription on the wall that says "aaarrrrrrgghhhhhh...."

straightarrow said...

That would be funny wolves, if it wasn't so damn representative of certain members of a certain ethnic group. But to call them on it means you are a racist. Say what?