Friday, December 04, 2009

Why We Have Murder

Because you don't trust government. [More]

An academic said it, I believe it, that settles it.

Just in case any of you selfish gun owners thought it was because too many people were "trusting" government to take care of what should be their own responsibilities...

First you endanger this young man here, and now this.

[Via Zachary G]


Sean said...

Murderer now, huh? Well, I better start updating my professor lists then, eh?

AvgJoe said...

If I understand history correctly. Governments that do not trust its citizens have engaged in mass murder of its citizens during the 20th century. Governments have engaged in the wholesale slaughter of many, many ten's of millions of its citizens. Keep in mind this person with this view in the story is a parasite, a part of the government and trying to lay the groundwork for government to come down on people for their political views to give himself job security. You can't make this stuff up.

Dave R. said...

I read a print article on this, in which the trust issue encompasses a general trust that justice will be done in the courts, that the police are not the enemy, and that citizens feel involved and respected. In its more basic and modest assertions I'm happy to entertain it. But even in the article, either the scientist or the reporter made the leap to tea parties and other anti-government protestors being the problem and sign of a coming wave of murder. I'm not buying it. That's simply not the cohort committing murders to date.