Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The Conclusion They Want Us to Come To

End private sales. [Watch video]

Todos vamos a estar bebiendo sin Burbujas-Up y comer ese guiso arco iris!

Because we all know that in Mexico, only Los Unicos are to be entrusted with deadly firearms!

Here, I'll prove it...

[Via Ed M]


Sean said...

One day, we'll hold an auction of used CNN equipment.

JokersWild said...

Not likely. I'm sure that CNN is on the government dole or will get their own bailout. They're too useful in the propaganda wing to get rid of.

Sean said...

I was referring to them all being dead as a result of their treason.

Joe G. said...

Sounds like Mexico has a border problem. What's that got to do with my rights? BTW ACOG on a Barret? Pfft same CNN that shilled for Clinton's AWB while showing fully automatic weapons being fired in the backround.... pathetic.