Tuesday, February 16, 2010

We're the Only Ones Untouchable Enough

Rourke’s daughter, frantic for her father’s safety, demanded that his assailants leave him alone, only to be given an abrupt reminder of how members of the state’s coercive caste perceive the rest of us: “You don’t ever touch a cop,” one of them snarled at her. [More]
I guess that's the PA "Only Ones'" version of "lift a finger and die"?

[Via Zachary G]


Crotalus said...

And people wonder why more cops are being gunned down. How many of these are vengeance due to thwarted justice?

Sean said...

Words fail. But the man with rifle knows.

straightarrow said...

They are building their own coffins. I hope they use them soon.

There are some who would have already sent them on their way. It's not too late.

Kent McManigal said...

This is why I will NEVER ever mourn a dead cop. How many escape for each one who receives justice?