Thursday, March 11, 2010

The Secret Panel

Panelist names will still be withheld until after members interview the nine semifinal candidates this week. The panel will ultimately recommend two to three finalists to Beck. [More]
What possible, legitimate reason could mere citizens have for wanting to know who is behind the selection of a new chief "Only One"?

Hey, what do you want to bet we'll find out the panel has its share of strong gun rights types who are noted for championing the Constitution...?

1 comment:

Sean said...

Lemme get this right. The citizens have to pay for all of this process, including medical,dental, and retirement benefits, and it's a SECRET panel and process, and this !@@!#@$@$ says he doesn't want it open to the public because it MIGHT lobby the members of the selection committee? Just took my meds. All is well. Nothing to see here. Move along.