Thursday, April 08, 2010

Nothing to Fear But Intermediate Scrutiny Itself

This news is a couple of weeks old, but I don't think anyone here has discussed it yet...[More]
Maybe not there, but I certainly discussed it here. Heck, some of us complained years ago this would be the establishment fallback point that would allow them to give lip service to 2A without upsetting the balance of power.

I disagree that "gun controllers need not fear 'intermediate scrutiny'." I think that level of official arrogance ought to scare the hell out of everybody who is paying attention, particularly if what some perceive as an opportunity to gain ground is perceived by others as a line in the sand.

1 comment:

jon said...

if you don't worship DC and smell like money, cato and reason won't acknowledge your existence. among others, they exist solely to suppress libertarian economic thought.

the difference between the koch-money propaganda houses and progressive think-tanks, or even heritage foundation neoconservatives and the like, is that at least these latter examples don't pretend to be something they're not.