Thursday, May 27, 2010

It Didn't Mean I was Opposed to Gun Control. Quite the Contrary.

[M]y students and I narrowly avoided being shot during a field trip when a gang member chased after us with a gun... [More]
And you prefer being an adult who is powerless to protect juveniles entrusted to your care?


Anonymous said...

The armed illegals are a concern “because it shows threats to our officers’ safety”.

Of course. They must get those drugs across the boarder without causing the Only Ones angst.

The threat to the rest of the citizenry? What other citizens, They are the only ones.

Crotalus (Don't Tread on Me) said...

Interesting how he concludes with "We must not keep missing the point." He himself missed the most important points: the 2A, and the fact that the wrong people get all the guns they want, unhindered by the ban. In fact, he brought up the latter point in his question, yet he still is for gun control. How does one do that?

Was his only point in this latest opinion that Daley doesn't like to be challenged? Well, big whoop. What Mafioso does? And why did every reporter except the author laugh? Capo Daley basically just threatened the guy.

Defender said...

This week, a teenage girl called 911 to report three punks trying to get into her house, where she was alone. The 911 operator told her to go to her room and hide under the covers and be quiet. The cops got there fast enough this time, the intruders were arrested and the girl was merely EMOTIONALLY traumatized.
"Get Daddy's gun, make sure it's loaded, hide behind the bed and keep the front sight on the bedroom door. If they come through, you know what to do." Better.

Ned said...

Goodness, Defender - you can't go about tossing logic into an emotional discussion.

These hysterical mental midgets would rather the teenage girl be raped and killed than to "allow" her the tools with which to defend herself. That way she takes the high road.

And the police can then do what they're supposed to do - write reports and decry "gun violence."