Friday, July 09, 2010

Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition

Jindal Agrees to Allow Concealed Guns in Church [More]
I hate to spoil the jubilation by pointing out that's really not his decision to make, but then I always was a bit of a heretic...

[Via Jeffersonian]


Teke said...

From what I have read on this is you must take extra training to be able to do so. And the training is annual. This does not feel like a huge win in the you are a trusted member of society category and well church is just another building. What is the training going to entail. How to retain control of your sidearm while the forces of the almighty try to make it jump out of the holster and dance?
A true rule change would have been you are legitimate to carry we have removed another place that was off limits

Defender said...

Don't ask, don't tell. It's nobody's business if you do. And if your church, synagogue, temple, whatever, agrees that you can, it's DOUBLY nobody else's concern.
Probably La. law requires more firearms training for civillians for concealed carry than for police. Upside-down and backwards.
I can hear them no: "If we give a little on X, we can have a separate list of smartass (Thank YOU, Vice President Biden!) gun nuts who want to push the envelope."