Friday, July 09, 2010

A Question of Authority

"The state seeks to have illegal orders of expungement set aside .... The judge who signed the expungement orders was without the legal authority to do so." [More]
Government usurping authority?


Funny though--I assume the complaining DA took an oath to uphold the Constitution--I don't see him squawking over how "gun permits" square with "shall not be infringed"...

But then again, I have a pretty peculiar take on people who shouldn't have guns.

[Via FFFW]


straightarrow said...

I don't think this has anything to do with the law. The judge needs no signatures from anyone, but usually, they like to get others on board so as to eliminate loud political accusations if things should go wrong.

I think this is simply the natural anger of one who has seen his total control removed from two head of livestock.

Defender said...

No mention of the felons' felonies that I could see. Bad checks? Unpaid parking tickets?
If there is ONE judge in America that has perspective and common sense, maybe there's hope.