Thursday, September 16, 2010

We're the Only Ones Well-Adjusted Enough

Three Dallas police officers face criminal charges after two were accused of beating a motorcyclist after a chase and lying about it in reports and a third adjusted an in-car camera to conceal a portion of the controversial arrest, Chief David Brown said Wednesday. [More]
Gee, no wonder they don't want us recording them.

[Via Todd F]

1 comment:

Defender said...

Like the Maryland state trooper in the "Camera-Shy" story, who felt the need to arrest the motorcyclist even though he was off-duty, in plain clothes and his personally owned unmarked vehicle, and drew his gun without showing a badge -- the guy was just sitting there at the light after some admittedly reckless riding -- cops seem to take things personally sometimes. Will your one-time lane-change without signaling be the final straw? Your daughter's lane change in an intersection? Two miles over the limit from bad speedometer calibration, or ten over because they blocked the sign with their car?
Been driving for 30 years and never heard of that intersectin law until Jim Carrey's movie "Liar, Liar." He's cursed to tell the truth about EVERYTHING and confesses to violations no one even asked about. The perfect citizen.