Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Vested Interests Leave Gaping Holes

Livery Cab Drivers To Receive Bulletproof Vests [More]
And then they'll turn their backs on their fares leaving the back of their heads the most opportune close-range target.

Fernando Mateo appears bipolar on the self-defense issue.

On the one hand, he is trying to arm bodega owners.  On the other, he promotes inane "buy backs."

And naturally, he's taken care of.

Let's just hope none of his union members have problematic pasts, because:
As of February 2010, it is against federal law for a convicted felon to possess, purchase or wear any type of body armor.
[Via David R]

1 comment:

Defender said...

"I don't care about racial profiling. You know, sometimes it is good we are racially profiled, because the God's honest truth is that 99 percent of the people that are robbing, stealing, killing these drivers are blacks and Hispanics," said Mateo, who is Hispanic and has a black father.

...The Rev. Al Sharpton called Mateo's remarks "absurd."

But Mateo told The Post, "I'm asking black and Hispanic people to profile their own, so how the hell can this be racist?

"It's our own committing these crimes against us. It's weeding out the criminal element."

So psychic ability is vital for all YOU unarmed hack drivers' survival. I got mine.
