Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Communist Dreams

More interesting to me than the main rant, which truly didn't interest me at all, are the comments. [Read]

Does anyone seriously think there can be peace with these nasty hive insects? Has their evil doctrine ever produced anything but genocide, killing fields, poverty and starvation?

Is it any wonder they host these subversives?

Maybe it's time to ask "Republicans" Paul Helmke and Sarah and Jim Brady why they happily partner with a site that openly promotes the destruction of capitalism...

I'm wondering if this entire disgusting lot doesn't qualify for the term "domestic enemies," who does?


Crotalus (Dont Tread on Me) said...

Wow! What a bunch of completely useless idiots!

David Codrea said...

No, they're what the evil minds behind the corruption consider "useful idiots."

They don't become "useless eaters" until they're no longer needed.

fidelity said...

David you're over reacting to a bunch of delusional people. They just want a fundamental change in our society - they think Socialism is the answer, you think Capitalism. Considering we live in a country that is neither capitalist nor socialist (or maybe socialist for the rich, capitalism for the poor) - both of you are equally radical and subversive. Didn’t you just post about how the DOJ – you suspect – is monitoring your website? Are you not equally subversive to the powers at be (and, perhaps more dangerous as people like us own firearms, compared to these idiots)?

“Socialism” in this country really has no definition. You probably relate it to the USSR - some of these kids were not even born when the wall fell. Socialism in most young people's eyes is just a euphemism for wealth redistribution, like the Bolivarian models in South America. Ideologically, it’s way different in Cuba and Venezuela than what happened in Russia or China. More than half of these kids will grow out of it, the other half will work with groups not dissimilar to the UK's Labour Party. If you apply FoxNew’s definition of socialism (universal healthcare, taxing the wealthy, and welfare programs) then Thomas Jefferson was a socialist for advocating the exact same things under the pretext of preserving liberty. I think they would argue that global capitalism enables “genocide, killing fields, poverty and starvation” equally as the USSR. They’re hardly treacherous, most are weak willed, and almost all are disarmed – otherwise, they’re genuinely interested in making a better world, even if misguided.

Can’t we all agree that this country is really fucked if we continue with the status quo?

MamaLiberty said...

Sadly, none of those people understand how wealth is created, let alone how government - any flavor - really works.

And far too many of the words now have different definitions, some contradictory.

If you have no idea what "freedom" means, it's difficult to discuss it.

Defender said...

They certainly have their blinders firmly in place. "The Russian people don't seem to have hated communism and socialism as much as portrayed here in the West?" Yeah, and I bet he felt safer walking in Moscow after midnight than he did in Cleveland at midday because of absolute gun control.
I feel like a victim of capitalism, laid off to make the company's profit stats more attractive to investors. But I realize that it was individual capitalISTS, not the capitalist system, that did me dirty.
But it gets worse. The IRS says since I couldn't pay back a loan TO MYSELF from my 401(k) that it was "income" and now I owe THEM one-third of the loan total plus penalties.
That's not capitalism, it's socialism. It's here, but these idiots don't recognize it, being un-screwed as yet. They won't be happy for long if they win. Not at all.

Bill said...

The scary thing is, not that these morons are obviously victims of a public school education, but that they whole - heartedly believe this twisted tripe. They do not care enough to find out the definitions of the terms they bandy about and. . . they VOTE!

Defender said...

"socialism (universal healthcare, taxing the wealthy, and welfare programs) then Thomas Jefferson was a socialist for advocating the exact same things under the pretext of preserving liberty." -- Fidel(ity)

I've seen others misinterpret the enumerated federal power to "provide for the GENERAL WELFARE" as the Founders' plan for public housing and food stamps.
Quite a stretch, just like believing the "well-regulated militia" is the National Guard where every round of ammunition has to be accouted for and you keep your government-issue rifle in the government armory, not at home, and you march at the government's command.

Capitalism is not the antithesis of socialism. Capitalism is an ECONOMIC system. Socialism is a sociopoliticoeconomic system. A total package.
FREEDOM as found in a constitutional republic is the opposite of socialism.
Yes, I agree that we don't have that. But thinking Jefferson was a socialist ...

Pat H. said...

Those people know very well what they're doing and that's the plan for the ruthless acquisition of power.

The answer is, of course, that they're dangerous and incompatible with America and Americans and there are no compromises with them.

They will have to be removed from our land.

I don't care how.

Defender said...

They remind me somehow of these other folks, in that to disagree with them means one is less than intelligent, or less than human, or dead.

Defender said...

Obama proposes Internet ID electronic certificates.
But don't worry, it'll be voluntary, like the income tax and Social Security.