Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The Ash Heap of History

We need to outlaw firearms in the hands of all civilians and start to collect every one of them and melt them down for railroad track. [More]
Try it. 

Thing is, this hive insect claims to be a descendant of Declaration-signer Josiah Bartlett.

Meaning also he's a descendant of John Bartlett, the guy who hid his gun in a chimney from confiscators only to retrieve it years later and have it used by a grand nephew fighting against tyranny in the War of the Rebellion.

Bernard H. Ash, you betray your country and you betray your forebears with your contemptible degeneracy.


Mack said...

Sounds like his final solution.

No more jews (or guns). Some think that way. Not good.

Erin Palette said...

Some days I am really, really tempted to get a "ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ" tattoo...

Crotalus (Don't Tread on Me) said...

His ancestors are shaking their heads in bewilderment and shame.

And what tracks would those be, Mr. Ash? The ones that go to the FEMA camps and the ovens?

Come and take mine, if you think you have the balls!

Glenn B said...

When it comes to his stating of history and his opinion that only the government should be armed, for who are the police and military eacept the heavy hand of the government in a state where civilians must be unarmed, this guy sounds like he could win asshole of the year award and he could win it with little if any competition.

All the best,
Glenn B