Thursday, January 19, 2012

Another Kind of Web Blackout

No, not SOPA.


And your rights and the economic damage done be damned.


Crotalus (Don't Tread on Me) said...

Yeah, the system "crashed". (wink, wink, nudge, nudge)

I am really beginning to hate all forms of "American" government. But we haven't had a government that is responsive to the people in a long time.

What point is there in voting in this election, anyway?

Erin Palette said...

"The outage... caused a significant loss of revenue for the state of California."

I see nothing wrong with this statement. California has made it patently clear that it wants nothing to do with the firearms industry. I'd say "let it go bankrupt" but it's doing that already, by actively driving out businesses and residents.

Ed said...

I see confusion between what some would call an unanticipated error and others would call a goal - diminishment of commerce for a particular type of product.

Next thing you know, someone will claim that Californians were somehow safer because of it.

Robert Fowler said...

Before an FFL, either in California or in another state, can ship firearms to a California FFL, it must first access the CLFC website and obtain a verification approval number.

I had to go through this bullshit to ship a gun to a Kommifornia dealer. All of the manufactures should band together and refuse to ship any firearms to any branch of any government in the state.