Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Using Gross Logic

We can begin by making our voices heard to defeat the George Zimmerman Armed Vigilante Act. [More]

If we're going to do guilt by association (remembering no legal guilt for Zimmerman has been established at this time), then Minister King Samir "Kill Some Crackers and Their Babies" Shabazz is the Brady Campaign.

After all, just like Dan Gross & Co., the King's court rushes to judgment without all the facts under the promise that "No Guns" will "Stop the Killing!"

As an aside, if Gross is the best the Bradys can do, that's just wonderful.  So far their vaunted new advertising professional is making Paul Helmke look like the paragon of effectiveness.

1 comment:

W W Woodward said...

It would appear due to recent developments in the Zimmerman/Martin matter that Zimmerman may have acted well within his fundamental right to self defense and that Mr. Gross and others are going to be served a meal of well done crow. Of course logic, appeals to rational thought, and documented facts have historically never deterred those who make a practice of dancing in the blood from their favorite sport so... they will as usual crawl back under their rocks without offering any apology to those they have unjustly vilified.