Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Considering Smarm

Oh, I see what she's doing--taking anecdotes and then making pictures with a gun in them to misdirect the blame through an appeal to ignorance-based emotions.

I can't reproduce any of her stupid crap here because of a rather restrictive and anally-stated use and duplication policy (funny how the ones who cause all the problems with guns would show no respect for her intellectual, physical or primordial property rights if it suited their purposes to take any damn thing they wanted from her), but I can point you to plenty of pictures where there are no guns--and more's the pity.

These bleeding heart herbivore types never consider the harm they do in their self-righteous benightedness.

[Via beulahgg]


Peter said...

One pingback, no comments.

You should have ignored her; everyone else is.

vintovka said...

Here's the comment I left on her website:
Pamela, you are wrong. A gun saved me from death or serious injury and my female partner from rape and/or death at an isolated rest stop in North Carolina in 1995. I didn’t have to fire it. I didn’t even have to point it. The bad guy saw it and left. There are millions more stories like mine. If I had not had that gun that night, I might be a statistic instead of replying to you.
best regards,
Roger Jerry (real name)
Spruce Pine, NC

Crotalus (Don't Tread on Me) said...

Apparently, your comment did not fit her narrative, vintovka.

Anonymous said...

I posted the comment below. Let's see if she allows it (somehow I doubt it!)

It's not the inanimate guns that are the problem, Pamela. It's the violence in hearts and minds. It doesn't take a gun to commit murder, rape, or robbery. We had those crimes for millenia before guns were invented. If you personally held a gun in your hand today, maybe shot it at a target, would you suddenly become a violent person? Somehow I know your answer would be: of course not.

Same is true of me, and of everyone else I know who owns guns legally. Stop demonizing guns, because they save lives every day too. Learn about them if you are afraid of them. Face your fears.

Anonymous said...
