Friday, February 15, 2013

We're All Al Qaeda Now

Even if we're not. [More]

[Via Michael W. Dean]

1 comment:

Kevin Wilmeth said...


For anyone who needs further education in how all this works, Solzhenitsyn kindly wrote it all down in the second chapter of The Gulag Archipelago, which every damn day is looking more and more like a history of the future.

I've for a little while now suggested that people re-read the second chapter ("The History of Our Sewage Disposal System") each time they encounter a modern story of government "going after" any demographic group that they do not personally identify with, in any way, no matter how minor or "reasonable" it seems. (I realize that this would shortly monopolize all your available reading time, but hell, there's a point in that too.)

I've been phrasing it "we are all podkulachniks, but maybe the modern Mad Lib replacement noun will wind up being "al Quaeda". You know, if "terr'ist" winds up to be too obviously generic for effective saturation.