“My mother-in-law, a former teacher, had to point out that the Constitution doesn’t guarantee life,” Thomases had to admit. “That would be the Declaration of Independence. Oops.” [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes idiocracy in action.
Saturday, November 30, 2013
Anti-gun ‘Moms’ rooted in inexcusably irresponsible ignorance
The Mephisto Waltz
![]() |
Let' see 'em stop this guy. |
I see the MTNA is doing its best to appease instead of fight. Big mistake. This is the kind of overreach a smart politician could do much with.
This is the kind of stuff that makes for natural allies, if not for a preponderance of many in the music community to have "progressive" sympathies. I, in turn, can't be overly sympathetic when they get caught in a web they helped spin.
[Via Michael G]
Meanwhile, Over at the North American Marlon Brando Look Alikes...*
The group that will, within a few years, be leveling increasingly strident charges of intolerance and hate at "pedophobes" is projecting... [More]
[Via Florida Guy]
[Via Florida Guy]
Great Expectations
“I was in shock. Who would expect anything from out of the blue to happen like that." [More]I would. I imagine plenty of the folks visiting here would, too.
"Condition White" is dangerous for more reasons than one.
[Via Florida Guy]
A Very Gaga Thanksgiving
Disney/ABC shows for kids sure have changed. [More]
An exhibitionist sex simulator along with a luster after Cub Scouts, a drag queen, and an actor whose latest film is about a porn addict join up with a group that has a problematic past (and then some) with the intent of being invited into American homes and being accepted as family programming.
Funny, how before and after they air "The 700 Club" they post the message ""The following [preceding] CBN telecast does not reflect the views of ABC Family." Maybe that's because "Sir" Elton came up for air from one of his "Cub Scouts" long enough to proclaim he wanted to "ban all religion completely."
What a "progressive" attitude. And the penalties for defying that are...?
And that, of course, leads to the natural question of just what kind of programming does "reflect the views of" Disney/ABC.
"For the children," naturally. And as we've seen time and again that for "Progressives," every day is Opposite Day, we can take that to mean for them, and to the children. That ... uh ... push is already well underway.
The first thing we need to do is rewire boys. And I consider this a form of child abuse.
The more I see of what the establishment passes as "entertainment," the more I appreciate Skip Coolzip's memorable quote.
An exhibitionist sex simulator along with a luster after Cub Scouts, a drag queen, and an actor whose latest film is about a porn addict join up with a group that has a problematic past (and then some) with the intent of being invited into American homes and being accepted as family programming.
Funny, how before and after they air "The 700 Club" they post the message ""The following [preceding] CBN telecast does not reflect the views of ABC Family." Maybe that's because "Sir" Elton came up for air from one of his "Cub Scouts" long enough to proclaim he wanted to "ban all religion completely."
What a "progressive" attitude. And the penalties for defying that are...?
And that, of course, leads to the natural question of just what kind of programming does "reflect the views of" Disney/ABC.
"For the children," naturally. And as we've seen time and again that for "Progressives," every day is Opposite Day, we can take that to mean for them, and to the children. That ... uh ... push is already well underway.
The first thing we need to do is rewire boys. And I consider this a form of child abuse.
The more I see of what the establishment passes as "entertainment," the more I appreciate Skip Coolzip's memorable quote.
This Day in History: November 30
I have not to this day Information that you comprehend the Cypher wch. I have very often used in my Letters. [More]
Friday, November 29, 2013
Burlington withholding gun ordinance documents from public scrutiny
“Are you comfortable with any form of government in Vermont refusing to let the public see how it makes and/or enforces laws?” the VFSC advisory asks... [More]Today’s Gun Rights Examiner report demonstrates that when “Progressives” start talking about “forward thinking,” it’s a good idea to watch your back.
There's Really Only One Appropriate Response
The hell with the NFL. [More]
They'd all starve if they depended on my money.
I wonder how many gun owners will be participating in Super Bowl parties?
They'd all starve if they depended on my money.
I wonder how many gun owners will be participating in Super Bowl parties?
Nobody Wants to Take Your Guns Away
That's labor intensive, and potentially dangerous. We'd much rather we just send you a threatening letter and have you self-disarm and do our work for us. [More]
Here's the policy.
It all boils down to "Obey or be destroyed."
So: Looks like some people have some choices to make.What I'll be curious to see is how many will comply and then characterize it as their rights being taken away, as opposed to surrendered.
Easy for me to say?
No, it wasn't. And the ones who got maddest at us for public defiance assembled under a banner with an eagle, two crossed rifles and a shield.
Here's the policy.
It all boils down to "Obey or be destroyed."
So: Looks like some people have some choices to make.What I'll be curious to see is how many will comply and then characterize it as their rights being taken away, as opposed to surrendered.
Easy for me to say?
No, it wasn't. And the ones who got maddest at us for public defiance assembled under a banner with an eagle, two crossed rifles and a shield.
And What Social Engineering Lessons Does This Teach Us?
Employees said the woman told them she had a weapon and asked for all the money in the cash register. The woman was handed an undisclosed amount of money. [More]More than just stupid, petty lowlife crooks are counting on this type of conditioned response.
Sticker Shock
I'd love to find out who this person is, to see if they are anyone of influence or prominence, and also just to point and laugh. [More]
Ve're ze Only Vones Domestic Enough
The 56-year-old chief inspector's rape and assault of his girlfriend were domestic matters, and had no direct influence on his service, judges at the Bavarian administrative court ruled... [More]If anything, it shows a predisposition those employing him are relying on, as well as a commitment to tradition.
[Via Neil W]
This Day in History: November 29
I shall beg to give your Excellency a Detail of the Distresses of the Hospitals. [More]
Thursday, November 28, 2013
'Night of the evil Butterball'
This is what the heirs of The Sons of Liberty have been reduced to. This is what they have allowed, and in many cases, demanded. [More]Today’s Gun Rights Examiner Thanksgiving Day message is “Don’t let the turkeys get you down.” Literally.
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
NRA silence gave pass to ‘pro gun Democrats’ who voted for ‘nuclear option’
And now it looks like these Democrats will once again be allowed to escape any political repercussions for supporting a change that clearly poses great legal dangers for gun rights. [More]Today’s Gun Rights Examiner notes some loyalties take precedence and asks why our supposed chief watchman has called out no warnings and sounded no alarms.
As Long As We're Pointing
Can someone point me to your apology for the blood on your hands, you citizen disarmament-endorsing murderer-enabler? [More]
Douche didn't learn a thing, did he?
Douche didn't learn a thing, did he?
We're the Only Ones Crotchety Enough
Fire in the hole! And I do apologize for that cra... uh, forget it. [More]
If this ends up being true (and why else would the officer have been "disciplined"?), can you imagine anything such a sadist wouldn't do in a situation where she was given a sanctioned opportunity to just follow orders? I'm asking anyone who believes "it" couldn't happen here.
[Via Florida Guy]
If this ends up being true (and why else would the officer have been "disciplined"?), can you imagine anything such a sadist wouldn't do in a situation where she was given a sanctioned opportunity to just follow orders? I'm asking anyone who believes "it" couldn't happen here.
[Via Florida Guy]
I Hadn't Realized Artificial Intelligence was this Advanced.
I get the red squiggly line that warns it's a misspelling, and the first correction right-clicking it suggests is "Schemer."
A Studied Opinion
Johnson said the idea behind the bill originated following a long drive to Canada with his 14-year-old nephew, who told the 40-year-old lawmaker that plans to build 3D handguns could be found easily online.Yeah, and heat-seeking .50 BMGs can cook a deer from the inside with those shoulder things that go up.
“At first I kind of brushed it off,” Johnson said. “Then later I understood the seriousness of the problem.” [More]
Preemption doesn't come into play here?
[Via Hayden]
This Day in History: November 27
I have the honor to inform your Excellency, that on consulting with Lt Governor Jamieson for the removal of the sick Prisoners of War from Gloucester; the mode prescribed in your Letter to him was adopted. [More]
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Sandy Hook report shows even rapid police response has lethal delays
It was fewer than five minutes from the first 911 call, and one minute after the arrival of the first officer, that the shooter killed himself. [More]This afternoon’s Gun Rights Examiner report notes what happens when seconds count and “the law” only puts the good people under restraints.
Calling All Fudds
For all the good it'll do. [More]
Not that I ever had much faith in the idea of a "sporting sequester," first because of who would primarily suffer, but also because I have not seen much evidence to give me faith in most gun owners actually doing anything that requires a sacrifice...
Not that I ever had much faith in the idea of a "sporting sequester," first because of who would primarily suffer, but also because I have not seen much evidence to give me faith in most gun owners actually doing anything that requires a sacrifice...
Industry group continues preemptive surrender tradition for ‘undetectable guns'
In other words, because something “worse” might be passed, it’s best to cede the point now. [More]Today’s Gun Rights Examiner report notes you don’t throw a scrap of flesh to circling jackals and then think they’ll go away. Nature just doesn’t work like that.
Hate Watch Update
At this writing, Bloomberg is still affiliating himself with a known racist.
No word from the politically-selective "Hate Watch" hypocrites at SPLC, either...
I Have Always Depended on the Kindness of Strangers
My current campaign strategy isn’t getting a large turnout from Republicans and conservatives to overwhelm the Democrats... [More]Well, Minnesota gun owners, what the hell are you waiting for?
"Legitimate media" to help spread the word?
[Via Gary F]
To All You Paranoid "Fast and Furious" Conspiracy Nuts
Government would never do anything like that... [More]
[Via Andrea Shea King, who also has a new column up on WND.com]
[Via Andrea Shea King, who also has a new column up on WND.com]
Welcome to the WoGroll...
...Gun Safe Reviews... [More]
I finally had time over the weekend to do some extreme list cleanup, getting rid of discontinued sites, sites that haven't updated in over a year, and cheesy parasites who had initially approached me for links (because I don't solicit other blogs) and then decided to unilaterally stop reciprocating.
Thank you, War on Guns Correspondent "David" for your kind assistance. I'm sure you were wondering why it took so damn long, and the answer is because I spend so much time doing the basic work and everything that entails, plus I hate doing that kind of maintenance.
Reciprocity rules are over in the left sidebar. If you've linked to me and I haven't returned the courtesy, it's only because I don't know about it, so drop me a line and tell me.
Truth be known I'm not sure how much good these link lists do anyway, but if it saves one child it's worth it ... or something like that.
I finally had time over the weekend to do some extreme list cleanup, getting rid of discontinued sites, sites that haven't updated in over a year, and cheesy parasites who had initially approached me for links (because I don't solicit other blogs) and then decided to unilaterally stop reciprocating.
Thank you, War on Guns Correspondent "David" for your kind assistance. I'm sure you were wondering why it took so damn long, and the answer is because I spend so much time doing the basic work and everything that entails, plus I hate doing that kind of maintenance.
Reciprocity rules are over in the left sidebar. If you've linked to me and I haven't returned the courtesy, it's only because I don't know about it, so drop me a line and tell me.
Truth be known I'm not sure how much good these link lists do anyway, but if it saves one child it's worth it ... or something like that.
Talking Turkey
What? You mean it's not about being grateful to the Creator who endowed us with certain unalienable rights? [More]
Hey, I have a better idea. If anyone brings up this stupid MAIG propaganda at your table, talk turkey with them about criminal racists instead.
Right before you Demand Action that they get their stupid @$$ out of your house. Because anyone who would push this subversive crap on you and work for your disarmament under force of state arms is your enemy, blood or not.
[Via Neil W]
UPDATE: HA! (I hope you don't need to be a Facebook member to see that.)
Hey, I have a better idea. If anyone brings up this stupid MAIG propaganda at your table, talk turkey with them about criminal racists instead.
Right before you Demand Action that they get their stupid @$$ out of your house. Because anyone who would push this subversive crap on you and work for your disarmament under force of state arms is your enemy, blood or not.
[Via Neil W]
UPDATE: HA! (I hope you don't need to be a Facebook member to see that.)
The Nuclear Option
Courtesy of Wayne's "true champion of the Second Amendment"... [More]
I expect I'll have more to say about this later.
I expect I'll have more to say about this later.
A "Republican" Alternative?
John McKinney takes on Dannel Malloy. [More]
The hell with John McKinney. I'm delighted to see some gun owners leaving comments to tell readers why.
They can also let people know about who "turned his back" on whom here and here.
I'm seeing something here I see time and again, showing lazy-@$$, apathetic do-nothing let-George-do-it gun owners are bigger impediments than flat-out antis. Our friend Bill Stevens is once more showing leadership, being one of the few to post comments.
Only a few, and everyone else will just watch.
Why is it the same handful are always the ones to do all the work? How can anyone in good conscience see someone time and again stepping to the fore and not even lift a finger to help out, even on something so simple as this?
There ought to be a thousand damn comments from CT gun owners under the McKinney article. And everyone who does ought to recruit a dozen friends. No excuses.
Oh, but they make you register, and I don't want my name on any lists...
The hell with John McKinney. I'm delighted to see some gun owners leaving comments to tell readers why.
They can also let people know about who "turned his back" on whom here and here.
I'm seeing something here I see time and again, showing lazy-@$$, apathetic do-nothing let-George-do-it gun owners are bigger impediments than flat-out antis. Our friend Bill Stevens is once more showing leadership, being one of the few to post comments.
Only a few, and everyone else will just watch.
Why is it the same handful are always the ones to do all the work? How can anyone in good conscience see someone time and again stepping to the fore and not even lift a finger to help out, even on something so simple as this?
There ought to be a thousand damn comments from CT gun owners under the McKinney article. And everyone who does ought to recruit a dozen friends. No excuses.
Oh, but they make you register, and I don't want my name on any lists...
A Game of Our Own?
Oh my... [Watch]
I almost didn't watch just because of the title. And no, you can't just shoot people until an attack is actually initiated -- just "feeling" threatened is what Demanding Moms rely on.If I felt threatened, I'd avoid. If I weren't allowed to avoid, well, that would change things.
Still, the guy makes some points and his delivery is unique -- and I have to admit, I laughed out loud a few times. That said, and while some clearly need the plain talk, I realize I'm guilty of a double standard here. I don't think I'd have even watched this through, let alone linked to it here, if the guy were white.
This whole "race" business makes me uncomfortable. I really would like my acceptance of you and your acceptance of me to be based on common values and interests as opposed to outward appearance or heritage. That's what I gravitate toward for those I call "friend."
[Via Neil W]
I almost didn't watch just because of the title. And no, you can't just shoot people until an attack is actually initiated -- just "feeling" threatened is what Demanding Moms rely on.If I felt threatened, I'd avoid. If I weren't allowed to avoid, well, that would change things.
Still, the guy makes some points and his delivery is unique -- and I have to admit, I laughed out loud a few times. That said, and while some clearly need the plain talk, I realize I'm guilty of a double standard here. I don't think I'd have even watched this through, let alone linked to it here, if the guy were white.
This whole "race" business makes me uncomfortable. I really would like my acceptance of you and your acceptance of me to be based on common values and interests as opposed to outward appearance or heritage. That's what I gravitate toward for those I call "friend."
[Via Neil W]
This Day in History: November 26
As the Evacuation would have taken place at all events it is fortunate for the Troops that it happened so early, as they would have been exposed to much difficulty in a march thro a very barren Country, intersected by many Rivers that are not fordable—Whether I should reckon it fortunate for myself or not I am not so certain, but I am always satisfied with what produces any advantage to my Country and an other State being freed from the power of the Enemy is a circumstance of no little importance at this Juncture. It has also freed me from an uneasiness that hung upon my mind—that I might probably find them so posted as not to have it in my power to dislodge them, and be reduced to the alternative of an uncertain Assault or that of leaving them unmolested. [More]
Monday, November 25, 2013
Bloomberg anti-gun mayors group asked if racists are welcome members
What is MAIG’s criteria for expelling a member? Do you have one? Does this cross its threshold? If a white mayor uttered similarly racist remarks, would MAIG still retain him as a member? I demand action. Will you issue a public statement on this matter? [More]This afternoon’s Gun Rights Examiner report demands action—or at least an answer. Whether we get one may depend on whether you will join me in asking. Help me make them squirm?
We're the Only Ones in the Majority Enough
The latest indictments bring the total number of indicted BGF gang members and their affiliates to 44. Of those, 27 are Baltimore corrections officers. [More]Just a few bad apples, I'm sure...
[Via William T]
A Militia of One
You gotta admit, it would be hard to infiltrate, and right off you'd know who the undercover agent, the provocateur and the snitch were... [More]
[Via Bondmen]
[Via Bondmen]
You Get What You Pay For
...and pay for and pay for... [More]
At some point after all that paying for our own enslavement and everything just getting worse, you'd think people would wise up.The problem, of course, is that those not paying are getting what others pay for.
The Founders saw taxation without representation as an evil worth rebelling against. How about representation without taxation?
At some point after all that paying for our own enslavement and everything just getting worse, you'd think people would wise up.The problem, of course, is that those not paying are getting what others pay for.
The Founders saw taxation without representation as an evil worth rebelling against. How about representation without taxation?
We're the Only Ones Issuing Moving Violations Enough
Even more horrifying, this is the third accusation of sexual misconduct against Neal. [More]Oh, you mean a spate...
[Via Charley V]
Last Night on Armed American Radio
From Mark Walters:
One of the most important AAR broadcasts in recent memory. Harry Reid goes atomic in the US Senate and what it means for the makeup of the federal courts for now and generations to come. Famed attorney, winner of the two most important US Supreme Court second amendment cases in US history, Alan Gura joins the lineup to discuss along with Alan Gottlieb. Also, Michael Martin talks USCCA training materials, Brian Hearing talks drones, The Mad Ogre, David Codrea, Seanto and more!
Connecticut gun group charges police illegally disclosed permit information
“This type of disclosure potentially harms or endangers members of the public, and the state police are expected to follow these laws that they enforce on the rest of us." [More]This morning’s Gun Rights Examiner report notes the "Only Ones" exempting themselves again...
There Oughtta be a Law
Citizens in Wisconsin are being asked to support a petition to "demand independent review of police-involved deaths." [More]
Amazing that you gotta ask...
[Via Dave Olofson]
Amazing that you gotta ask...
[Via Dave Olofson]
We're the Only Ones Twistin' the Night Away Enough
In an unusual twist, Laieski is also considered a victim in the case, since at least some of the charges stem from a three-way sexual encounter the boys had with 43-year-old Chris Wilson, an openly homosexual Phoenix police officer who was arrested more than a year ago and is now in jail awaiting trial for his role in the abuse of both children. [More]I'll just bet there were some unusual twists.
[Via Matt Bracken]
This Day in History: November 25
November 25, 1781 - Word of the defeat reaches London. When informed of the disaster, Prime Minister Lord North exclaims, "Oh God, it is all over." [More]
Sunday, November 24, 2013
Tonight on Armed American Radio
Mark Walters' guests tonight include Alan Gottlieb of the Second Amendment Foundation and famed attorney Alan Gura, who will be discussing the ramifications of Obama/Reid invoking the "nuclear option" in the Senate.
Also appearing:
Also appearing:
- Trent Cooper and Carol Craighead of CrossBreed Holsters will debut a new product on air.
- Brian Hearing of Drone Shield will come on in hour three to talk about the latest hunter harassment technique, and what his company is doing to protect people engaged in lawful activities from high-tech animal extremists. (See my latest GUNS Magazine "Rights Watch" column.)
- I'll also be joining in during the third hour, as should George "Mad Ogre" Hill.
Gun Talk Today
I don't normally blog much on weekends besides making announcements, nor do plugs for radio shows I'm not on, but I wanted to mention Tom Gresham's Gun Talk this afternoon from 2 to 5 Eastern because of two guests:
- Publisher and author Robert K. Brown of Solider of Fortune will be discussing his memoirs, "I am Soldier of Fortune: Dancing with Devils."
- Emmy Award-winning Producer Kris Koenig will be talking about the latest developments for his documentary "Assaulted: Civil Rights Under Fire."
Saturday, November 23, 2013
Extremely Unlikely
Kennedy was way wrong about that, thanks to the consequences of brother Ted's legislation and executive branch subversion of our most fundamental national defenses -- borders and immigration controls.[More]Here's a very an essential essay appended as a comment to yesterday's JFK piece.
‘Assaulted’ available on DVD, video on demand and pay-per-view
This represents an opportunity for those interested in educating themselves and others about the purpose behind the Second Amendment to have another comprehensive tool for doing so. The documentary can now be shown virtually anywhere, and it’s not difficult to see how screenings could be hosted at gun clubs, in private homes, in community meeting rooms and the like. Those interested in seeing the information made more widely available can also urge local gun stores, ranges, and importantly, public libraries to carry copies. And with Christmas and Hanukkah quickly approaching, gun owners may wish to purchase additional copies of the film as gifts. [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes the most useful tools are those that are available when and where we need them.
"Dead, Thank the Lord" Redux
As regulars know, I typically don't do much weekend WarOnGuns blogging aside from announcing new Gun Rights Examiner columns and radio appearances. That said, Mike has dusted off one of his classics from years back that has special relevance for this time of year, and it deserves attention, particularly from those who've never read it before. [More]
Friday, November 22, 2013
Armed insurrectionist recalled on 50th anniversary of JFK assassination
That's a clear a rejection of the "monopoly of violence" society demanded by those who would remold ours. And “extremely unlikely” does not equate with “never.” He left that door open as a measure of last resort, when all other peaceable options had failed, essentially adopting a position where he, too, could be accused of treason and executed for it. [More]Today’s Gun Rights Examiner memorial challenges the antis to be consistent and issue a public condemnation.
Reese Family Update
Defense Team Defends Judge Brack’s Order [More]Luna Tea Party Patriots continues doing an outstanding job, not only in reporting when nobody (well, almost nobody) else will, but also in providing detailed, insightful and intelligent analysis.
You really ought to familiarize yourself with the details of this story and apprise others, because the fact is, any one of us could find ourselves on the wrong end of a prosecution where we are alone and deprived of resources against the leviathan state -- only to find out most gun owners and self-styled "liberty activists" don't give a damn.
Consuming information and making occasional comments does not make one an activist.
Sadly, I know every time I write about something like this I can practically guarantee the readership will plummet. There are reasons for that I believe are self-evident--dry legal details, too much information for a casual read, there's something more entertaining to focus on... That said, the people who ignore stories like this may someday find themselves in need of help, where only a couple faint voices who care are calling attention to their plight, and they come to realize that aside from that they're on their own, because understanding their ordeal has too many dry legal details, there's too much information for a casual read, there are plenty of things more entertaining to focus on.
Something to Note
Today's "Notes from HPS" entry over at The Captain's Journal...[More]
He links to a New Yorker piece that is the cover for another one of those divide and conquer Astroturf "gun groups" that I'll have more to say about later.
He links to a New Yorker piece that is the cover for another one of those divide and conquer Astroturf "gun groups" that I'll have more to say about later.
Thinking Inside the Box
Remember, the will of the people is limited by the rights of the minority, common sense and the law. Those elements are controlled by the ballot box and the jury box, when those fail in their solemn duty to protect the rights of the minority there is only one more "box" available to the people -- the bullet box, and none of us wants that outcome. [More]Mike McNulty got a letter published. He advises the paper wrote the headline.
I see the "Treason" crowd is weighing in. Feel free to leave a comment there.
This Day in History: November 22
I think it a duty incumbent upon me to observe, that those most desirable objects are not to be fully attained but by a continuance of those exertions which have already so greatly humbled the power of our inveterate enemies. Relaxation upon our parts will give them time to collect and recover themselves, Whereas a vigorous prosecution of the War, Must inevitably crush their remaining force in these States or put them to the shameful necessity of intirely withdrawing themselves. [More]
Thursday, November 21, 2013
Post-term bodyguards for Bloomberg and Kelly illustrate supreme hypocrisy
That former NYC mayors and police commissioners don’t even register on any official homicide by occupation statistics reports is hardly the point. As long as Mike and Ray have theirs, who cares what happens to anyone else? [More]Today’s Gun Rights Examiner report notes some people just consider themselves our betters, and they’re not above ordering force to make sure we understand our place.
Desired Results
What were they thinking? [More]
They were thinking they view "Tea Party" types as the bigger threat.
So they've given us this instead. It's what they'd rather have.
It's not like this should surprise anyone.
They were thinking they view "Tea Party" types as the bigger threat.
So they've given us this instead. It's what they'd rather have.
It's not like this should surprise anyone.
Bubble Safari
No, thank you for the invitations, but I have neither the time nor inclination to play Lucky Slots or Solitaire in Wonderland or...
There is only one reason I spend any time at all using "social media."
People with an internet connection who can't find anything better to do may just find themselves invited to play Astonished Victim or Cannibal Food...
There is only one reason I spend any time at all using "social media."
People with an internet connection who can't find anything better to do may just find themselves invited to play Astonished Victim or Cannibal Food...
"I'm Lucky," She Said
Yes, you were. [More]
Why is it you would impose depending on luck on everybody else?
Just what the hell's wrong with you?
[Via Jess]
Why is it you would impose depending on luck on everybody else?
Just what the hell's wrong with you?
[Via Jess]
And the Hits Just Keep on Coming
From every angle they can think of... [More]
Guess who never has to report a stolen gun.
Guess why.
Give up? Same principle would apply.
[Via Jess]
Guess who never has to report a stolen gun.
Guess why.
Give up? Same principle would apply.
[Via Jess]
Old Black Water, Keep on Rollin'
Today, Prince said he wants to set the record straight about him and Blackwater, the controversial private army he built into a global juggernaut. [More]*Per Jake Syma:
I don't like him, but there's a fella who has some intimate knowledge of the AECA and ITAR... and can tell you why the Executive, DOJ, and State Dept lines on Fast & Furious don't begin to explain away the [I'll say 'potential'] violations... because they were used against he and his companyCould be.
*But a law professor in this thread says "no." I don't agree with him, but no other lawyers have stepped up to weigh in.
*You may need to be a Facebook member to read these links.
Comedy Gold
Kurt reviews the satirical ramblings of one "Richard Cabeza". [More]
I would love to see Mark Dice do one of his trademark interview videos on this.
I would love to see Mark Dice do one of his trademark interview videos on this.
This Day in History: November 21
Orders:—Officer of the Day, to-morrow, Capt. Cummins: Guard to consist of one Lieut., one Serg’t, twelve privates; every person in samp to immediately enroll with Capts. Carruth, Cummins, or with Lieut. Baldwin; those who have been officers during the campaign to be called on duty as such: troops to hold themselves in readiness to march precisely at six o’clock in the morning. And it is required that the most profound silence and greatest order is observed on the march throughout the whole of this route. [More]
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Force Multipliers Wanted: Inquire Within
I need for everyone who regularly visits WarOnGuns to visit and share my Gun Rights Examiner links. I don't ask for tips and I don't ask for donations. I don't send out fundraising emails to any list. This I do ask for.
While I'm sure some return visitors are hostile, wouldn't mind me starving and just want to keep an eye on things, I figure I'm safe assuming the vast majority of you who come here regularly do so because you get value from the work -- otherwise, why would you keep returning? This is addressed to you whom that assumption applies to. The rest of you can leave.
If you're worried about stupid Examiner pop-ups, you can't be safely on the internet anyway if you don't know how to install a blocker add-on. So consider this the right prod to make your experience better on all kinds of websites, because sites like WND and The Blaze, etc., also inundate those who allow it. Practice safe surfing.
One other thing, as long as I'm bending your ear. I sometimes find blogs, websites and forums repro'ing entire articles. That kills me and the other guys like Kurt and Dave, because we get compensated based on page views, and if someone can read the work somewhere else, there is no reason to read it where we get paid for it. We welcome links to our work, and even a representative sample teaser paragraph, but please...don't post the whole thing.
If you believe the work we do is unique, if you get information you don't readily find (or find at all) anywhere else, if you get value from it, and if you agree that our contributions merit sustenance, you won't just ignore this. If you come here daily, you'll realize that our ability to continue to bring this information is predicated on being able to get by, and you'll regularly take a moment to help out.
While I'm sure some return visitors are hostile, wouldn't mind me starving and just want to keep an eye on things, I figure I'm safe assuming the vast majority of you who come here regularly do so because you get value from the work -- otherwise, why would you keep returning? This is addressed to you whom that assumption applies to. The rest of you can leave.
If you're worried about stupid Examiner pop-ups, you can't be safely on the internet anyway if you don't know how to install a blocker add-on. So consider this the right prod to make your experience better on all kinds of websites, because sites like WND and The Blaze, etc., also inundate those who allow it. Practice safe surfing.
One other thing, as long as I'm bending your ear. I sometimes find blogs, websites and forums repro'ing entire articles. That kills me and the other guys like Kurt and Dave, because we get compensated based on page views, and if someone can read the work somewhere else, there is no reason to read it where we get paid for it. We welcome links to our work, and even a representative sample teaser paragraph, but please...don't post the whole thing.
If you believe the work we do is unique, if you get information you don't readily find (or find at all) anywhere else, if you get value from it, and if you agree that our contributions merit sustenance, you won't just ignore this. If you come here daily, you'll realize that our ability to continue to bring this information is predicated on being able to get by, and you'll regularly take a moment to help out.
Resurrected Johnson gun bill extends far beyond airport premises
If passed and signed into law, his bill would effectively negate the ability of concealed carry permit holders, or gun owners in states that recognize “Constitutional carry,” to lawfully carry their firearm when dropping off or picking passengers up, rendering them defenseless for the duration of the trip to and from an airport. And importantly, it “would take precedence over any city or state laws that allow weapons in any airports nationwide.” [More]Today’s Gun Rights Examiner report notes “progressives” are busy finding new ways to make the airport experience even more painful for everyone who obeys the rules, while making things easier for those who would prey on them.
Be Aware
Be very aware... [More]
Walk with confidence and purpose, and make a point of looking around. Listen to your gut. If it tells you avoid or wait or retreat, avoid or wait or retreat. And be prepared. I always just shake my head when I see people in public plugged into their electronics and oblivious to their surroundings.
Oh look! I love a happy ending!
Walk with confidence and purpose, and make a point of looking around. Listen to your gut. If it tells you avoid or wait or retreat, avoid or wait or retreat. And be prepared. I always just shake my head when I see people in public plugged into their electronics and oblivious to their surroundings.
Oh look! I love a happy ending!
We're the Only Ones Uncharged Enough
Farmer was Sierra’s third shooting in six months, yet the officer remained on the job. The video showed Farmer lying on the ground bleeding as Sierra shot three bullets into his back. An autopsy later determined those three shots in his back were the fatal wounds. [More]Plus he'd been drinking and the cops delayed the breath test and ... forget it Jake, it's Chi-Town.
Huh, a spate...
What's that, "Think Progress"? You still demand a monopoly of violence where government enforcers are the "Only Ones" trusted with guns?
So why all the outrage?
Everybody Who Thinks This Is About Safety Raise Your Right Hand
No, hold your arm at more of an angle, and keep that elbow straight. [More]
And just guess who the "Only Ones" who are exempt enough will be?
[Via Florida Guy]
And just guess who the "Only Ones" who are exempt enough will be?
[Via Florida Guy]
Piling on in Oregon
Oath Keepers are warning about the dangers of the National Defense Appropriations Act. [More]
Another Hurdle Cleared
...and it's heading to the floor. [More]
Uh-oh, FOP lobbyist Mike Weinman doesn't like it. And I so wanted him to personally approve all of my rights...
I'll have to go back through the petition and see if his is one of the real names on it...
Uh-oh, FOP lobbyist Mike Weinman doesn't like it. And I so wanted him to personally approve all of my rights...
I'll have to go back through the petition and see if his is one of the real names on it...
We're the Only Ones Collecting Enough
What, you want us to spit on you? And you'll be happy to make us bleed? [More]
What's this "100 percent voluntary"? What right did you have to pull people over and detain them in the first damn place?
And if someone doesn't pull over, or indignantly asks you that if he does, will you use that as "probable cause" to escalate the "continuum of force," up to and including murdering him for resisting being taken hostage, and chalking it all up to "established department protocols" because you wanted to "make it home at the end of your shift" -- as if everybody else doesn't, too?
[Via Ron W]
Update: The Captain's Journal says the governor needs to be made accountable for stopping this.
What's this "100 percent voluntary"? What right did you have to pull people over and detain them in the first damn place?
And if someone doesn't pull over, or indignantly asks you that if he does, will you use that as "probable cause" to escalate the "continuum of force," up to and including murdering him for resisting being taken hostage, and chalking it all up to "established department protocols" because you wanted to "make it home at the end of your shift" -- as if everybody else doesn't, too?
[Via Ron W]
Update: The Captain's Journal says the governor needs to be made accountable for stopping this.
This Should End Well
Just remember to blame the guns and the NRA when they shoot up a "gun free zone." [More]
I don't suppose "universal background checks" and "mental health evaluations" for foreigners allowed into the country would fly?
I don't suppose "universal background checks" and "mental health evaluations" for foreigners allowed into the country would fly?
What Do You Mean I Have to Pay for It?
You promised me somebody else would have to... [More]
You mean I'm not entitled to the fruits of someone else's labor? What a gyp!
You mean I'm not entitled to the fruits of someone else's labor? What a gyp!
This Day in History: November 20
The prospect of America is truly glorious. She rises triumphant in one of the most honourable & important contests that ever any people were engaged in... [More]
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Honduran gun report fails to recognize truth in own facts and numbers
Reagan guns aside, there's apparently one other key impediment to the tranquility that everyone who's ever lived in a monopoly of violence-enforced gun free zone has accepted as the natural order of things: The government just doesn’t have enough power. [More]Today’s Gun Rights Examiner report notes an admission that more guns = less crime followed with a wish for fewer guns. Probably because fewer guns = more tyranny. “Progressives” – they’re so predictable.
For a Good Cause
If you are a Connecticut gun owner, support this.
This is the type of event that can be very useful with people who have the potential to become allies with a bit of persuasion, especially when they see other people who look like their relatives, friends and neighbors having a good time and learning.
About Last Night...
The Council ultimately approved two of the resolutions — a safe firearm storage requirement and a ban on guns in establishments with liquor licenses — with amendments. Council members sent a third resolution, which would allow police seizure of guns in cases of suspected domestic abuse, back to the committee level for more fine-tuning. [More]If you haven't been following this story, you can find out more here.
UPDATE: I just received the following statement from VTFSC:
The Vermont Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs opposes Burlington's politicized attack on the Vermont Sportsmen's Bill of Rights. This law went into effect in 1988 and has served this state well in providing a set of uniform laws regulating firearms and avoiding a confusing patchwork of conflicting ordinances.
Vermont's laws serve our state well, which is why this state is constantly one of the very safest states in this nation, as proven by our firearm related accident and crime rates. The Burlington City Council seeks to enact a politicized solution in search of a problem.
The state legislature passed this law correctly believing Vermonters are vastly law abiding, safe and peaceful, and willing to comply with the state's laws. The Burlington City Council's proposed ordinances would only defeat the state-wide legal uniformity provided by the Vermont Sportsmen's Bill of Rights, a law promoting effective citizen voluntary compliance.
It's Time to Have the Talk: Five-Minute Activism
And it's time to pit the left against each other and sit back and watch the fun.
Just look at this scene of barbaric "holiday" cruelty and carnage being promulgated by the Obama administration:
Send this link to PETA via their contact form.
Express your outrage that a progressive administration would callously use a piece of mutilated dead animal corpse as a centerpiece prop, and that this sends the message to all Americans that it is acceptable for greedy corporations to murder and selfish conservatives to devour fellow beings with mothers and faces.
If they're going to be consistent with their message, they'll howl with indignation. If they don't, well, that will just further demonstrate they're not about principal -- it's all just a show for the useful idiots they sucker donations out of.
Oh, hell, you might as well contact these guys and object, too.
Just look at this scene of barbaric "holiday" cruelty and carnage being promulgated by the Obama administration:
Send this link to PETA via their contact form.
Express your outrage that a progressive administration would callously use a piece of mutilated dead animal corpse as a centerpiece prop, and that this sends the message to all Americans that it is acceptable for greedy corporations to murder and selfish conservatives to devour fellow beings with mothers and faces.
If they're going to be consistent with their message, they'll howl with indignation. If they don't, well, that will just further demonstrate they're not about principal -- it's all just a show for the useful idiots they sucker donations out of.
Oh, hell, you might as well contact these guys and object, too.
Smart Man
Bugarcic quickly turned away when we went to see him. "I'm not talking," he said. [More]James Duane's advice goes double for "real reporters."
Meet John Doe
The probe began in the office of Milwaukee County Assistant District Attorney Bruce Landgraf, though no one will publicly claim credit for appointing Mr. Schmitz, the special prosecutor. The investigation is taking place under Wisconsin's John Doe law, which bars a subpoena's targets from disclosing its contents to anyone but his attorneys. John Doe probes work much like a grand jury, allowing prosecutors to issue subpoenas and conduct searches, while the gag orders leave the targets facing the resources of the state with no way to publicly defend themselves. [More]And here I thought "progressives" were all about transparency in government...
This Day in History: November 19
Maj. William “Bloody Bill” Cunningham and a large force of Loyalist militia attacked a group of Patriot militia that were resting in the home of their commander, Col. Joseph Hayes. The Patriots surrendered when the home was set on fire. Bloody Bill then lived up to his name by personally killing every prisoner in cold blood. [More]
Monday, November 18, 2013
‘Constructive conversation’ on guns precluded by ‘progressive’ goals and tactics
“We don’t want to infringe anybody’s personal liberties,” Board of Selectmen Chair Jill G. Sullivan added to the discussion, right before exposing her big “but.” [More]
Today’s Gun Rights Examiner report notes honest dialog is only possible between sincere people, meaning worm-tongued gungrabbers with a veiled agenda automatically disqualify themselves.
Attention Vermont Gun Owners
Burlington’s three proposed regulations on guns are slated to return to the City Council on Monday night with ballot language. [More]Here's the agenda.
If I were a Vermonter, I would be here tonight.
If you haven't been following this story, you can find out more here.
Pass this along to any Green Mountain State gun owners you know.
We're the Only Ones Put Into Perspective Enough
You’re Eight Times More Likely to be Killed by a Police Officer than a Terrorist [More]Maybe we should do some studies and treat the epidemic of "police violence" like a pathogen...
Armed American Radio Redux
From Mark Walters:
Live from the Tampa Florida studios of Talk 860 WGUL/News Talk 930 WLSS Sarasota, Mark welcomes Alan Gottlieb, The Black Man with a Gun- The Rev. Kenn Blanchard, Scott Currie, David Codrea, Bullet Hole Gun Shop owner Fran Misantone, George Hill the Mad Ogre, Jose Cruz, Seanto and more!
Captain's Log
Plenty of new entries, including guns in national parks, guns in churches, a warning for preppers and more... [More]
The Wages of Sin
Pennsylvania Mayor Kicked Out of Office For Signing Up City to Support Bloomberg Gun Ban Initiative... [More]They have to wait until January? Why can't they just throw his stuff out on the sidewalk now?
[Via Andrea Shea King]
Survey SAYS...
Not that it ultimately matters. What I'm concerned about most is how many would enforce something they know is wrong. [More]
[Via M. Terry]
[Via M. Terry]
The Nutty Professor
Doesn't she know repealing 2A would not affect RKBA, and that even the Supreme Court has acknowledged “[t]his is not a right granted by the Constitution. Neither is it in
any manner dependent upon that instrument for its existence..."? [More]
Oh, she does?
Oh, she does?
To Paraphrase Bill Clinton...
It all depends on what the meaning of the term "finish the job" is. [More]
National socialists and their final solutions...
National socialists and their final solutions...
This Day in History: November 18
You are then to join Col. Leonard and take such a route as will tend more effectually to disperse and finally subdue such tories and disaffected people as continue embodied in the settlements bordering on this State and adjoining to South Carolina; [More]
Sunday, November 17, 2013
Tonight on Armed American Radio
Mark Walters will host SAF's Alan Gottlieb, "Black Man with a Gun" Kenn Blanchard, firearms training student Scott Currie, Bullet Hole Gun Shop owner Fran Misantone, George "Mad Ogre" Hill and yours truly.
The program broadcasts from 8 to 11 p.m. Eastern. Click here to find a station near you or to listen via live streaming. You can also watch the studio feed hosted by producer Sean "Seanto" Young at IRF News.
The program broadcasts from 8 to 11 p.m. Eastern. Click here to find a station near you or to listen via live streaming. You can also watch the studio feed hosted by producer Sean "Seanto" Young at IRF News.
Hearst ‘Oswald’ hit piece on guns spreads falsehoods about federal law
Were Freedman to make good on his assertions and demonstrate the equivalency he would have readers believe exists, he would next demonstrate how he can “buy” a gun online and have it shipped to him through the mail. But he knows he can’t because that would be against the law. [More]Today’s Gun Rights Examiner deconstruction of lies notes the Clintonian nature of anti-gun activists passing themselves off as reporters: It depends on what the meaning of the word “easy” is.
Friday, November 15, 2013
‘Saddam Hussein’ and ‘Osama Bin Ladin’ oppose Ohio ‘Stand Your Ground’ bill
What’s telling here is not that the OBLC gungrabbers were punked, but that they either didn’t recognize the names, or did, and left them in anyway.. [More]Today’s Gun Rights Examiner report notes the gungrabbers aren’t too picky about who signs their petitions just as long as they get some names.
He'll See the Big Board!*
Yellen against Rand Paul’s ‘Audit the Fed’ bill [More]Gomer?
In a sane world, this would be non-negotiable. And "legitimate media" would be screaming for it the loudest.
Oh, You Think That, Do You?
“We’re not in it to stockpile. We’re in it to take what you have and there’s nothing you can do to stop us,” Tyler Smith says. “We are your worst nightmare, and we are coming.” [More]We'll be here, Tyler.
Mayors Against Legal Pipelines
Because rendering human subjects powerless, in more ways than one, is the "progressive" thing to do. [More]
Why does an old made-for-TV movie come to mind...?
[Via Michael G]
Why does an old made-for-TV movie come to mind...?
[Via Michael G]
Outdated Technology
Why, do you realize, that in this day and age, some of our DIOs actually have to use hand tools to bore out glory holes in their hotel doors when they're out in the field? [More]
Besides, you people are just fear-mongering. Trust him. He's taken an oath.
Never go full B. Todd...
[Via several of you]
Besides, you people are just fear-mongering. Trust him. He's taken an oath.
Never go full B. Todd...
[Via several of you]
Global Gun Rights
This is the conference Alan Gottlieb went to. [More]
I'd be interested to learn more about it and the organization.
I'd be interested to learn more about it and the organization.
Bill Gates backing gun control measure
...Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates and his wife, Melinda have contributed $25,000 apiece to the Initiative 594 campaign, joining a growing list of wealthy Seattle-area supporters of the 15-page gun control measure... [More]What do we expect from an insulated and well-protected elitist who thinks Obama doesn't have enough power?
Candidly, I liked him better when he was voicing Pooh.
A Serious Threat?
Blogger threatened with 10-year prison sentence for posting public official’s phone number...[More]So if I cut and paste the information or produce a screenshot from this public document, paid for with tax money and even downloadable, I could be threatened with 10 years in the slammer?
I don't believe it. This I've gotta see for myself.
Anybody feel some kind of Streisand Effect or something going on here...?
So you mean to tell me if I put angelene f. richardson 617-343-4500 into the Google search bar, that those responsible for all the results that turn up will also be subject to such a threat, including the City of Boston? And they'd send guys with guns to haul the ones who survived the jackboot encounter away?
Really? That's horrible. That sounds like something out of Stalinist Russia.
Or Beantown. The Mumbles Administration 'n all...
Hey, nice jersey...
[Via Florida Guy]
Beaming the Smile No American Will
You mean to tell me the face of damn Obamacare isn't even a citizen...? [More]
And since when is it the function of Medicare/Medicaid, or in the enumerated delegated powers of the federal government, to give free family photos? Who would even think to go ask them about cutting that kind of a deal?
And since when is it the function of Medicare/Medicaid, or in the enumerated delegated powers of the federal government, to give free family photos? Who would even think to go ask them about cutting that kind of a deal?
This Day in History: November 15
While our enemies are disappointed, mortified and stunned; while our combined forces are flushed with victory; while all Europe is on our side, and look upon us as engaged in the common cause of mankind; now is the time to improve our success, and press the enemy with redoubled ardor, till Britain shall be obliged to yield us the happy fruits of our toils and sufferings, of our blood and treasure, in the blessings of an established independence and peace. [More]
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Can't We All Get Along?
Sure, if the answer to "Are you going to stop trying to rule me?" is "Yes." [More]
‘Prohibited persons’ qualifying as Obamacare ‘navigators’
Now it has come out under sworn testimony that government employees being entrusted by citizens with some of their most personal information are not even trusted by the government to exercise one of the most fundamental natural and civil rights, the right to keep and bear arms. [More]Today’s Gun Rights Examiner column asks if the government that employs them doesn’t trust them, why should we?
A toll-free "tip line" has been launched that enables any person with a phone the ability to initiate an investigation on any gun owner. [More]No kidding?
I gotta tell ya -- it gets old
[Via Bluesgal]
What Better Way to Honor Those Who Served...
...than by eviscerating every principle they swore an oath to uphold? [More]
Our friends at Vermont Federation of Sportsmen Clubs continue to do great work. I feel bad, because they've sent me updates on their continuing efforts and I haven't been able to write everything up due to the need to cover other things and the fact that there's only one of me.
Cases in point: Yesterday I spent several hours on a follow-up to a story I've been covering for over a year-and-a-half, and that one won't be ready to release for at least another week--but the work needed to be done while I had a chance to focus on it. And today, I just got a response from the Assistant Chief Counsel at the Ohio governor's office about another exclusive, and will be spending the later afternoon and evening doing mundane data compilation in order to make that story happen. And I could cite a dozen other directions I'm being pulled on any given day.
While what VFSC is doing is limited in actual impact to their state, what they're protecting against is a threat to gun owners who live in any state where firearms preemption prohibits patchwork quilts by municipalities. That's why I encourage everyone to bookmark their blog and keep up on their actions, to stay informed, to learn, and to help be on guard where you live.
I wish I could do more -- for them, and for dozens of others. But I suppose I'd better get some lunch first, and see how many more dozens of emails and social media messages have built up in the interim...
Our friends at Vermont Federation of Sportsmen Clubs continue to do great work. I feel bad, because they've sent me updates on their continuing efforts and I haven't been able to write everything up due to the need to cover other things and the fact that there's only one of me.
Cases in point: Yesterday I spent several hours on a follow-up to a story I've been covering for over a year-and-a-half, and that one won't be ready to release for at least another week--but the work needed to be done while I had a chance to focus on it. And today, I just got a response from the Assistant Chief Counsel at the Ohio governor's office about another exclusive, and will be spending the later afternoon and evening doing mundane data compilation in order to make that story happen. And I could cite a dozen other directions I'm being pulled on any given day.
While what VFSC is doing is limited in actual impact to their state, what they're protecting against is a threat to gun owners who live in any state where firearms preemption prohibits patchwork quilts by municipalities. That's why I encourage everyone to bookmark their blog and keep up on their actions, to stay informed, to learn, and to help be on guard where you live.
I wish I could do more -- for them, and for dozens of others. But I suppose I'd better get some lunch first, and see how many more dozens of emails and social media messages have built up in the interim...
In Strictest Confidence
This should be a no-brainer. Jana voted with her feet and chose to live and work in the most First Amendment-friendly state in the union. She should be protected by New York law. If she is not, then all reporters will lose their confidential sources, and all Americans will be in the dark when whistleblowers know awful truths but are unwilling to pay the price of public revelation. [More]I know Mike and I were committed to being jailed before revealing our sources. We still are.
You're just going to have to trust me when I tell you that people have no idea what went on behind the scenes of this, and the fears that went with it.
That's a big reason why I am so ruthlessly critical of the whole concept of "Authorized Journalists," especially when tyrants like Feinstein presume to define "real reporters" and tools like Biden blather on about "legitimate news media."
If left to the national socialists, the only alternative would be resurrecting the White Rose.
[Via Ron W]
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