A former U.S. attorney should be “celebrated, not sanctioned” the editorial board of The Arizona Republic recommended Saturday. [More]Today’s Gun Rights Examiner report notes those demanding sympathy for the devil all seem to be carrying fireproof press cards...
Monday, March 31, 2014
‘Legitimate media’ gives pass to disgraced Fast and Furious prosecutor
Pop Sugar
Who are these people, and what makes them anything other than contemptible propaganda tools of the lowest order? [More]
And more to the point, what the hell is wrong with celebrity worshipers that enable and sustain this?
On the plus side, I guess a short term supply of cannibal food will give the harder targets more time to fortify and prepare...
And more to the point, what the hell is wrong with celebrity worshipers that enable and sustain this?
On the plus side, I guess a short term supply of cannibal food will give the harder targets more time to fortify and prepare...
Tales from the Bizarro World
Many neighbors in Oak Cliff said the problem is so out-of-control they’re afraid to even go outside for a walk. [More]That'll be the day...
In Memoriam
The nephew who allegedly shot his uncle, the rapper Benzino, while both were in the funeral cortege for the family matriarch opened fire while the procession was on Route 3 in Duxbury to protect himself, the nephew’s attorney said today. [More]If only they would disarm you and me...
Ellmers Fudd?
Just connecting some dots here on Renee Ellmers--some constituents are mighty displeased with her on her immigration stance......which appears to be shaped by these Mark Zuckerberg-funded establishment "conservatives"...
So what's with her NRA endorsement followed up with this sign?
First of all why would someone who deserves our support even have it, and second, is it even legally enforceable? What about all the other prohibitions?
It's all interrelated...
[Via RD]
So what's with her NRA endorsement followed up with this sign?
First of all why would someone who deserves our support even have it, and second, is it even legally enforceable? What about all the other prohibitions?
It's all interrelated...
[Via RD]
Saturday, March 29, 2014
Montana ammo casing processor raid recalls warnings of anti-gun agenda at OSHA
Case in point, since OSHA is mentioned as a possible catalyst in Thursday’s Bozeman raid by other agencies, this column warned back in 2009 that Obama’s pick to head the agency, David Michaels, was strongly anti-gun and committed to using regulatory schemes to get his way. At the time of his nomination, this column advocated organized opposition, including scoring confirmation votes against gun group ratings and contacting the appropriate Senate committee, even reminding readers of Michaels’ organizational connections with George Soros (himself a backer of draconian international citizen disarmament efforts). [More]Today’s Gun Rights Examiner report notes not all hazards are readily apparent when they first appear and not all protective measures are taken when they're pointed out.
Friday, March 28, 2014
Subjective ‘self defense’ vs. ‘murder’ case highlights reporting dilemma
One can walk away from this (because we have that option) feeling that this entire episode was unnecessary and tragic, and one can feel sympathy (or not) for all concerned. Perhaps there will be nothing Kiehlmeier can do, and if one is a survivor of the deceased, perhaps that’s the least of what they would demand. [More]Today’s Gun Rights Examiner report notes sometimes, there are no satisfactory answers. At least any that are readily apparent.
A Man's Gotta Know His Limitations
And boy, have I been learning mine. Plus I've been scheduling some follow-up doctor visits through the weekend. And no, I'm not going to get into details or personal stuff, except to say thank you for well-wishes and prayers.
On the plus side, it doesn't look like this isn't anything I won't be able to heal out of, although what I find out over the next few days could change that assessment. And my plans are still to keep my commitment in CT for April 5.
That said, the slowdown here will continue for a few more days, with everything that means in terms of not being able to react to or respond to most communications. Everything is taking me a lot longer than usual, and just being able to type a sentence without multiple typos needing correction is currently a challenge.
I'm working on a GRE column for later today--Hopefully, I'll have something posted in a few hours.
In the mean time, make sure to visit all the usual folks I routinely promote around here.
On the plus side, it doesn't look like this isn't anything I won't be able to heal out of, although what I find out over the next few days could change that assessment. And my plans are still to keep my commitment in CT for April 5.
That said, the slowdown here will continue for a few more days, with everything that means in terms of not being able to react to or respond to most communications. Everything is taking me a lot longer than usual, and just being able to type a sentence without multiple typos needing correction is currently a challenge.
I'm working on a GRE column for later today--Hopefully, I'll have something posted in a few hours.
In the mean time, make sure to visit all the usual folks I routinely promote around here.
Thursday, March 27, 2014
Citizens can learn and use jury power to thwart unjust prosecutions
“Note how the courts turned the state's hurdle of ‘beyond a reasonable doubt’ -- as was intended to be decided by an informed and empowered jury -- into a rigged hurdle against the defendants to prove that they ‘would've been likely to win’ -- as ‘determined’ allegedly in good faith by one or more ‘justices’ or judges,” my friend observed. “Thus changing the presumption of innocence to more of a presumption of guilt. How do 'justices' know what a jury would've done had it been a fair trial? Some kind of crystal ball?" [More]Today’s Gun Rights Examiner report notes a “secret” power that must stay hidden in order to be used, and doesn't that just tell us everything we need to know about how far things have been allowed to degrade?
SHALL Be Infringed?
And remember, with "progressives," every day is Opposite Day. [More]
This really ought to be actionable.
This really ought to be actionable.
About Leland Yee
Again, "thanks" to my illness, this is one I just have not been able to come up with a timely response for my GRE columns, but the unfolding developments will lend themselves nicely to a new GUNS "Rights Watch" column, due early next week.
So if you want to keep up with the utter and astounding hypocrisy of this one, allow me to point you to Mr. Workman's latest efforts:
So if you want to keep up with the utter and astounding hypocrisy of this one, allow me to point you to Mr. Workman's latest efforts:
The Drawbacks of Incapacitation
Being ill only compounds the reality that there's only one of me, and only so much I can take on. Add to that the introduction of complex issues that require not only research to understand, but also familiarity with the way laws and proposed changes to them impact each other, then factor in how many people my niche readership includes who will care about a given issue enough to grasp it and then actually do something productive about it, and the conclusion is some loads are best left to others to bear.
So what happens when they won't?
I just got "invited" into a Twitter spat of sorts centered on a bill in PA, House Bill 1243, "In firearms and other dangerous articles, further providing for persons not to possess, use, manufacture, control, sell or transfer firearms and for Pennsylvania State Police."
Evidently passage of this bill is a priority for CeaseFirePA.
And evidently NRA-ILA has been silent on it.
Curiously, it looks like there is no shortage of sponsorship support for it by Republicans joining with Democrats. So what now?
Per LegiScan status:
I'm not going to get into the Twitter recriminations and "FY" responses between the person who clued me into this, one who appears to have some skin in this game, and the prominent PA gun blogger who allowed a questioning of his personal loyalties to result in his refusing to discuss this altogether. Those who have the time and inclination can scroll through this to pull and follow threads on their own.
All I will say is that we shouldn't have to wonder or search for what NRA, which represents itself as the leader, has to say about any given gun issue. If and when this gets put back on the table, reasons and rationales ought to be fully laid out.
So what happens when they won't?
I just got "invited" into a Twitter spat of sorts centered on a bill in PA, House Bill 1243, "In firearms and other dangerous articles, further providing for persons not to possess, use, manufacture, control, sell or transfer firearms and for Pennsylvania State Police."
Evidently passage of this bill is a priority for CeaseFirePA.
And evidently NRA-ILA has been silent on it.
Curiously, it looks like there is no shortage of sponsorship support for it by Republicans joining with Democrats. So what now?
Per LegiScan status:
Status: Introduced on April 23 2013 - 25% progressDitto per American Gun Owner Alliance.
Action: 2014-03-19 - Removed from table
I'm not going to get into the Twitter recriminations and "FY" responses between the person who clued me into this, one who appears to have some skin in this game, and the prominent PA gun blogger who allowed a questioning of his personal loyalties to result in his refusing to discuss this altogether. Those who have the time and inclination can scroll through this to pull and follow threads on their own.
All I will say is that we shouldn't have to wonder or search for what NRA, which represents itself as the leader, has to say about any given gun issue. If and when this gets put back on the table, reasons and rationales ought to be fully laid out.
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
‘Lifelong hunter’ shows hypocrisy of supposed gun owners against gun rights
![]() |
"When carrying a gun, one must at all times experience an underlying uneasiness." |
Assuming there aren’t, that was not only a violation of Ashland Code on “Discharging Weapons.” A quick look at the layout of the neighborhood shows the weapon was discharged in close proximity of other inhabited houses, and per the news account, “OSP also issued Morris a warning for taking the deer unlawfully.” Add to that going after a deer with a pellet gun, first as a method of preferred yard protection, and also as the way a "lifelong hunter" would ensure an expert, quick and humane kill. [More]Today’s Gun Rights Examiner report notes self-proclaimed Fudds aren’t necessarily champions of liberty, or even competent gun owners, and at one time, one of our greatest military heroes was a guy named Benedict Arnold.
UPDATE: This one took it all out of me, folks. Just 'cause I'm posting doesn't mean I'm back in full -- please understand if I just can't get to your communications. I'll try to do some work again tomorrow. In the mean time, if you support my work, please share the links.
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
Continue to hold emails, tips, requests and comments please. I continue to recover from health challenges with further testing scheduled over the weekend. I hope to begin a limited production schedule tomorrow, possibly just a GRE column, perhaps a blog post or two. My primary goal is to be well enough to keep my commitment to the good folks in Connecticut for April 5, which barring any unforeseen emergency setback I should still be able to make--and I am in touch with them and keeping them, and those with a need to know, fully apprised of my situation.
Friday, March 21, 2014
We're the Only Ones Shtupping to Conquer Enough
Hawaii police urge lawmakers to let undercover cops have sex with prostitutes [More]I can see where this is going. (Warning: The video is not safe for work. Do not play if offended by sexual content.)
Ninth Circuit vacates lower court decision on carrying guns in Hawaii
Add to that a conflict highlighted by the Supreme Court declining to hear Woollard v. Gallagher, a similar case originating in Maryland, and gun owners are reminded that all the high court has to do to let bad law stand is ... nothing. [More]Today’s Gun Rights Examiner report cautions that “Aloha” can be used to say either “hello” or “goodbye.”
III, Prozi-style
Funny. By the time they get to the Mark III model, you'd think they'd have worked out the defects. [More]
[Via Florida Guy]
[Via Florida Guy]
US Congressional Guide to SUBVERSIVE Organizations & Publications, 1951
Funny-- the biggest infiltrated threat isn't in it... [More]
Stop the Threat - "Parking Lot Carjacking"
From American Trigger Sports Network:
How many times have you seen someone outside your local store and something about them just didn't seem right? Maybe it was the eye contact, lack thereof, or the way they were working the parking lot. Should you report them or mind your own business?
Be Safe... Be Trained... Be Alert.
On the Pursuit Channel
Prime Time Every Friday! 6:00pm Pacific/ 9:00pm Eastern
DirecTV Channel 604/ DISH Network 393
"The Owner"
The owner of Backstreets Pub and Grill, who did not want to be identified because of the backlash, said it has all been blown out of proportion. [More]What?
Peter Matsko doesn't want to be identified?
He should have thought of that before being such a douchebag.
This I Tell Ya, Brother, You Can't Have One without the Other, Eh?
VIDEO: Canadians Warn Americans, ‘Registration Leads to Confiscation’ [More]Assuming confiscation attempts don't lead to softer hands...
[Via Neil W]
The Razor's Edge
Why did the hive insects swarm her in the first place? [More]
The kid deserves an award.
[Via Mack H]
The kid deserves an award.
[Via Mack H]
Putting the "Dead" in "Deadline"
“For those who want to defend their country with an assault rifle in their hands, welcome to the National Guard or the Army,” Mr. Yatsenyuk said in a speech this week. [More]Let's see...where have I heard that before...?*
Figures the Vichy French would be on board with it.
* Yes, I realize some question the authenticity of this quote, but the sentiment is consistent with Prozi "monopoly of violence" demands everywhere.
[Via cycjec]
"A True Champion of the Second Amendment"
Senate sources said Reid’s office reached out last month to Mayors Against Illegal Guns (MAIG), which is the most politically active group pushing for tighter gun regulations. Reid wanted the group, funded by former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, to help push back against the NRA. [More]Gee whillikers--Harry trying to collaborate with Mike. Who could have foreseen that?
You ready to retract that "true champion" nonsense and give him an "F" yet, Wayne?
And if I were a Nevada gun shop proprietor, I'd tell every one of these kapos to get the hell out of my store.
We're the Only Ones Retaliating Enough
Kansas ‘retaliation’ bill would allow police to arrest people who complain about officers [More]While I don't agree with special privileges for any class of citizen, I do believe in equal protection for all. So if someone is knowingly and maliciously filing false reports, if it rises to the bar for libel that the rest of us could sue for, the falsely-accused cop(s) should do what the rest of us would do.
The question also arises about expending resources reacting to a false report. Didn't Martha Stewart and Scooter Libby get in trouble for lying during official investigations?
As for anonymous tips, hey, sow the wind and guess what can happen?
Me, I'm worried more about lies coming from the enforcement side...
[Via Gerald H]
If They're So Smart...
...how come the Only Ones want nothing to do with them, up to the point of they don't even want criminals having them? [More]
Signed, Sealed and Delivered
"Sealed" and all filed on March 14 in the Southern District of California. A legal source figures the DOJ move against Ares Armor is in here somewhere, telling me "No other information listed. The other blanks areas are for when the case was filed and what judge it went to."
He will continue to monitor things.
He will continue to monitor things.
Go Ahead and Jump
Connecticut Ponders Doctor-Aided Suicide [More]It's the politician-aided kind they're pondering that I'm worried about.
That's Because You're a Racist
And seriously, linking to a racist "comedian" as proof of the "impossibility" of "reverse racism"? [More]
I suggest you go back to where you came from. Is it anywhere near Damour?
I suggest you go back to where you came from. Is it anywhere near Damour?
Rally in Connectict
Another announcement just went out. [More]
Two days ago I was starting to wonder if my recent bout with pneumonia might end up putting me in the hospital (again)--but I had my follow-up with the doctor yesterday and, among other things, he gave me some kick-@$$ anti-inflammatories, and while I'm still not 100%, I'm noticeably better in just one day, giving me hope that my obligation will not be jeopardized.
I just hope I don't end up looking like this...
Two days ago I was starting to wonder if my recent bout with pneumonia might end up putting me in the hospital (again)--but I had my follow-up with the doctor yesterday and, among other things, he gave me some kick-@$$ anti-inflammatories, and while I'm still not 100%, I'm noticeably better in just one day, giving me hope that my obligation will not be jeopardized.
I just hope I don't end up looking like this...
We're Number One ... Uh ... Not Quite
What displays are the top ten spots for each category. I typically place somewhere in the middle column along with Dave and Kurt, and we regularly migrate over to the column on the left. As for the column on the right, I just can't crack the top ten, as dogs, celebrity fitness and video games seem to be what are on the "minds" of most of our countrymen.
Part of the problem involves the Examiner website itself. I continue to receive complaints about pop-ups and autoplay videos, along with accusations of spreading malware and unnecessarily hostile parting words about never returning.
All I can say is, it doesn't happen to me with Firefox and ad block, and Examiner isn't the only website that uses such aggressive (and admittedly obnoxious) revenue-generating schemes to keep the lights on. It would seem to everyone's advantage if we all took the time to learn how to safely and responsibly surf the web without having our browsers hijacked, and that ought to be considered just basic standard practice. Or do people think learning and practicing self-defense doesn't extend in this, as well?
In case anyone hasn't noticed, we're in an ideological civil war that looks increasingly like it could go hot. To show up for virtual muster without mastery of equipment, accoutrements and skills is the virtual equivalent of attending a real one with the same insufficiency.
To those who won't, good luck getting the information a handful of us provide elsewhere.
And to all who think I should just move to a "better" site, I'd be grateful if you could help me do that. The reality is, the only gig a guy like me could ever get with a "legitimate media/ Authorized Journalist/ real reporter" newspaper would be delivering them.
Part of the problem involves the Examiner website itself. I continue to receive complaints about pop-ups and autoplay videos, along with accusations of spreading malware and unnecessarily hostile parting words about never returning.
All I can say is, it doesn't happen to me with Firefox and ad block, and Examiner isn't the only website that uses such aggressive (and admittedly obnoxious) revenue-generating schemes to keep the lights on. It would seem to everyone's advantage if we all took the time to learn how to safely and responsibly surf the web without having our browsers hijacked, and that ought to be considered just basic standard practice. Or do people think learning and practicing self-defense doesn't extend in this, as well?
In case anyone hasn't noticed, we're in an ideological civil war that looks increasingly like it could go hot. To show up for virtual muster without mastery of equipment, accoutrements and skills is the virtual equivalent of attending a real one with the same insufficiency.
To those who won't, good luck getting the information a handful of us provide elsewhere.
And to all who think I should just move to a "better" site, I'd be grateful if you could help me do that. The reality is, the only gig a guy like me could ever get with a "legitimate media/ Authorized Journalist/ real reporter" newspaper would be delivering them.
This Day in History: March 21
You will have heard before this can reach you, that Lord North declared yesterday in the House of Commons that his Majesty intended to change his ministers. The House is adjourned for a few days to give time for the formation of a new ministry. Upon this occasion therefore I must apply to you to know whether you would wish me to transfer the late negociation to the successors of the late ministry... [More]
Thursday, March 20, 2014
Appeals court deals latest blow to Reese family by overturning new trial
This latest ruling is another in a series of heavy blows against a family which has endured an ordeal approaching three years. [More]Today’s Gun Rights Examiner notes the outrage continues – and perhaps most outrageous of all is how few gun owners know about this story, and of those who do, how many have done something concrete to help this family.
We're the Only Ones Smart Enough
Smart enough not to use these dangerously dumb things... [More]
And if they won't, why would we?
[Via Tim R]
And if they won't, why would we?
[Via Tim R]
Oh, wait, I read this sorry excuse for magical "thinking" and my first thought was "Alakazam!" [More]
First of all, idiot, you'd better start with these guys.
It's like every few years they dust off old lies to spring on a new crop that hasn't heard them before. The comparison isn't between justifiable homicides and suicides, the comparison is between DGUs and suicides.
Gee, I wonder why they keep doing that?
And yet again there is no attempt to distinguish lawful gun owners from gun possessors, a criminal class with higher incidents of contributing factors including chronic drug and alcohol abuse, poverty, increased negative health, spiritual and moral issues, and a general higher preponderance for making poor and stupid choices.
Not that any of these arguments need to be made, as RKBA is not subject to debate, especially with a Prozi hive insect queen who agrees with removing all firearms from the home, and would, in fact, rather see you dead than armed.
I wonder how much use ol' Olga would be in a situation where a successful DGU is the only way out.
No I don't, but considering subversive crap like this, I couldn't feel too sorry for her and the editors of The Atlantic if they ever found sudden incentive to reconsider.
First of all, idiot, you'd better start with these guys.
It's like every few years they dust off old lies to spring on a new crop that hasn't heard them before. The comparison isn't between justifiable homicides and suicides, the comparison is between DGUs and suicides.
Gee, I wonder why they keep doing that?
And yet again there is no attempt to distinguish lawful gun owners from gun possessors, a criminal class with higher incidents of contributing factors including chronic drug and alcohol abuse, poverty, increased negative health, spiritual and moral issues, and a general higher preponderance for making poor and stupid choices.
Not that any of these arguments need to be made, as RKBA is not subject to debate, especially with a Prozi hive insect queen who agrees with removing all firearms from the home, and would, in fact, rather see you dead than armed.
I wonder how much use ol' Olga would be in a situation where a successful DGU is the only way out.
No I don't, but considering subversive crap like this, I couldn't feel too sorry for her and the editors of The Atlantic if they ever found sudden incentive to reconsider.
Help Me Darrell, Help, Help Me Darrell...
I'll be surprised if he does any time soon. The complexities of this case are many, and so much is still unknown and unfolding.
Politicians are, first and foremost, creatures of self-interest, plus the guy's got a pretty full plate.
I won't mind being dead wrong on my assessment.
And They Say There Are No Stupid Questions
The answer is even dumber. [More]
"Authorized Journalists" and "government officials"...
"Authorized Journalists" and "government officials"...
None the Weisser
An anti-gun rights FFL is butthurt (see comments). [More]
Principled gun owners would have nothing to do with the guy.
Of course, neither would principled gun companies.
Principled gun owners would have nothing to do with the guy.
Of course, neither would principled gun companies.
A Good Guy with a Gun
Of course the MILMs and their "Authorized Journalist" cheerleaders would rather the woman manager had been stabbed to death than have armed customers in the store. [More]
Really. They truly would.
[Via Stephen S]
Really. They truly would.
[Via Stephen S]
Tough on Tyrants, Soft on Your Hands
Are you seriously proposing to have your own skulls turned into soap dishes? [More]Mike introduces some Prozi party officials to the finer points of cleaning up.
Issa subpoenas ‘storefront sting’ documents, questions Jones’ leadership of ATF
“It is surprising that failures such as Operation Fearless in Milwaukee occurred despite this enhance oversight from ATF leadership, and these operations call into question your leadership at ATF,” Issa wrote. [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes so much for the complaint the antis used before Jones was confirmed that ATF failures were due to lack of permanent leadership.
Tread Lightly
A bumper sticker contest? Cool!Except this one seems better suited to Prozis than their "Opposite Day" hijacking of a patriotic symbol of resistance to tyranny:
[Via Michael G]
An Interesting Conjecture
My belief - and it's just a belief - that what is going to go down is this:It's not like that doesn't fit an established M.O.
Completed, now former 80% AR-15, AR-10 and/or 1911 lowers, are going to somehow "mysteriously" make it across the border to Mexico. People who have been buying these lowers will be connected, through paperwork, to these illicit, 'international arm sales' that suddenly show up in some 'Mexican massacre'. The president of Mexico will make a big international stink over it and 'force' the US to 'act'. "These are your guns ..." they'll say, "they come from your loose gun laws and sold to us by your citizens - you must act!" [More]
We're the Only Ones Terrorizing Enough
A resident in a neighboring building told us that he and his partner "were utterly confused and frankly terrorized...I literally had a flashlight-gun pointed at me from a sniper on top of the black armored truck the first time I opened our window to see what was going on." [More]And remember, they hate us 'cause we're free!
This Day in History: March 20
British Prime Minister, Lord North, resigns, succeeded two days later by Lord Rockingham who seeks immediate negotiations with the American peace commissioners. [More]
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
Ares Armor and ATF hearing taken off calendar as more questions emerge
At this point it is unknown if FTB will reconsider based on the clarified manufacturing process, or whether FTB might consider the precursor receiver a “firearm” regardless based on the effort and sophistication necessary to complete the receiver and make it functional. Also at issue is whether ATF agents relied on the FTB assessment or had subsequent information leading them to question it, which could have implications on sworn “probable cause” statements they submitted to the court in order to obtain warrants for seizures from Ares, EP Armory, and other suppliers. [More]This evening’s Gun Rights Examiner exclusive report notes by all rights this should not even be an issue, but nonetheless, those who may be caught up in it should heed some warnings.
We're the Only Ones All in the Family Enough
I came across this site while looking for something else. [More]
I wonder why there isn't a similar page for NRA members, especially since we outnumber them by something like 42 to 1...
I wonder why there isn't a similar page for NRA members, especially since we outnumber them by something like 42 to 1...
Backstreet Boy
Peter Matsko...
All kinds of things you can find out once you have a name--for instance, he appears to be a New Jersey transplant. Plus plenty more, for those inclined to find it...
All kinds of things you can find out once you have a name--for instance, he appears to be a New Jersey transplant. Plus plenty more, for those inclined to find it...
Let's Melt those Polar Ice Caps
The rainforest and old growth redwoods are in dire need of carbon dioxide for their very survival, so some New York gun owners decide to help out. [More]
Naturally, "progressives" are against it.
Naturally, "progressives" are against it.
We're the Only Ones Going to the Dogs Enough
I wish I could say "Unbelievable" instead of "Again?" [More]
Perhaps most disturbing about this are the comments by "Mobile Marine." He leaves little doubt that he'd follow orders. Any orders.
[Via HICarry]
Perhaps most disturbing about this are the comments by "Mobile Marine." He leaves little doubt that he'd follow orders. Any orders.
[Via HICarry]
Gun Facts 2014 Fundraiser
If you don't use this site as a resource, you're not properly equipping yourself. [More]
If you're not even aware of this site, you need to be.
If you do use this site, how about returning value for value received?
Or do you think there's just too much correct information out there to counter all the lies?
If you're not even aware of this site, you need to be.
If you do use this site, how about returning value for value received?
Or do you think there's just too much correct information out there to counter all the lies?
Georgia on My Mind
A sweeping gun bill passed the Georgia Senate late Tuesday, but it’s not the one the House wanted. [More]Say, if you're from Georgia, you're a member of this group, right?
Because if enough gun owners manned up to shouldering a share of the load, this stuff wouldn't even be an issue.
When Seconds Count...
...the "Only Ones" are nowhere to be found. [Watch]
Point of order: There are plenty of peaceable people who consider themselves "anarchists." As with "liberal," the term has been co-opted. I'd classify this mob more as "Bolsheviks." And "@$$h0!e$."
Interesting, ordering a citizen to stop video recording. So much for being anti-authority. But then again, what is it we've learned about "progressives"?
Now imagine if the community they're vandalizing their way through were faced with a serious threat, instead of these laughable morons.
Keep believing and electing anti-gunners, Portland! The way I figure it, the more conveniently available cannibal food there is, the less incentive there'll be to go after us harder targets. Funny, the way Nature has arranged the predator/prey equation, and the penalties it imposes on the oblivious and the weak.
Point of order: There are plenty of peaceable people who consider themselves "anarchists." As with "liberal," the term has been co-opted. I'd classify this mob more as "Bolsheviks." And "@$$h0!e$."
Interesting, ordering a citizen to stop video recording. So much for being anti-authority. But then again, what is it we've learned about "progressives"?
Now imagine if the community they're vandalizing their way through were faced with a serious threat, instead of these laughable morons.
Keep believing and electing anti-gunners, Portland! The way I figure it, the more conveniently available cannibal food there is, the less incentive there'll be to go after us harder targets. Funny, the way Nature has arranged the predator/prey equation, and the penalties it imposes on the oblivious and the weak.
10 Things Catey Hill Won't Tell You
1. She and her MSNBC masters would rather see you dead than armed. [More]
Do we really need to know the other nine?
[Via cydl]
Do we really need to know the other nine?
[Via cydl]
Branching Off into Hoplophobia?
Bear thinks charges should be filed against the people who made the police report. [More]
I typically apply the "me" test. What's not clear is how far away the guy with the stupid tat who elected to make sure it was seen was from the workers, how long they saw him, and how much he was moving.
Having been stumped before watching "Brain Games," I have to wonder what my reaction would have been, and what the typical reaction would be, just based on the way we're wired.
I typically apply the "me" test. What's not clear is how far away the guy with the stupid tat who elected to make sure it was seen was from the workers, how long they saw him, and how much he was moving.
Having been stumped before watching "Brain Games," I have to wonder what my reaction would have been, and what the typical reaction would be, just based on the way we're wired.
It's a Wonder
I can't help but wonder how many of the beneficiaries of this ruling will appreciate it, as opposed to... [More]
I wonder how many realize those who opposed this, the ones who posture like they care about the "less fortunate" (itself a collectivist reframing of terms designed to excuse poor choices and gin up resentment of individual achievement) would rather see them dead than armed.
I wonder how many would still agree with Jason Whitlock.
With "progressives," every day is Opposite Day.
I wonder how many realize those who opposed this, the ones who posture like they care about the "less fortunate" (itself a collectivist reframing of terms designed to excuse poor choices and gin up resentment of individual achievement) would rather see them dead than armed.
I wonder how many would still agree with Jason Whitlock.
With "progressives," every day is Opposite Day.
Sic Itur ad Inferni Novissima
This is why we're not on Mars, and why we don't have thriving moon bases and Kubrick's revolving wheel space station... [More]
At least they have funding for celebrity-led sexual diversity training.
Progress, "progressive"-style. Remember, for them, every day is Opposite Day.
Ain't that right, American hero Mark Kelly?
At least they have funding for celebrity-led sexual diversity training.
Progress, "progressive"-style. Remember, for them, every day is Opposite Day.
Ain't that right, American hero Mark Kelly?
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Nugent AR-15 giveaway neglects Tancredo’s anti-gun past
“Sometimes, I stop and think, ‘Boy, have I changed since Columbine,’” The Times report quoted Tancredo. "Guns are an issue. They did take children's lives.'' [More]This afternoon’s Gun Rights Examiner report asks would you rather win a rifle or secure the right to own one?
Securing the Blessings of Liberty
Here's another video documenting the Ares Armor raid
Hey, they're just following orders... it's not like there are any explicit "shall not be infringed" requirements these guys swore an oath to follow...
[Via Andrea Shea King]
UPDATE: Here's another essential video:
[Via everrest]
[Via Andrea Shea King]
UPDATE: Here's another essential video:
[Via everrest]
It's Not Just About the Second Amendment
But some seem bent on making that the deciding factor. [More]
Democrat AG plays race card to halt bribery probe on ‘mental’ anti-gun rep
That “the lead agent on the ... case is African American,” as is Philadelphia District Attorney Seth Williams, who denounced Kane’s reasons as “ridiculous,” and that the lobbyist “approached a wide range of officials, from both parties, black and white,” have been ignored in what is clearly a political decision subverting accountability to the public and the law on the part of AG Kane, ostensibly the highest law enforcement official in the state. Using her "rationale," no investigations or prosecutions may be conducted if it turns out the only ones engaging in incriminating behavior turn out to be black. [More]Today’s Gun Rights Examiner report notes not only are the inmates running the asylum, the criminals are demonstrably running the government. No wonder they desperately want to render us defenseless.
I HOPE I Played a Role
Kurt talks Murthy. [More]
Mike has the inside skinny from someone in the know in re "ankle-biters."
It's not the first time those posturing as our leaders have had to be dragged kicking and screaming by insistent little yappers.
And it won't be the last.
UPDATE: Not everyone agrees.
Mike has the inside skinny from someone in the know in re "ankle-biters."
It's not the first time those posturing as our leaders have had to be dragged kicking and screaming by insistent little yappers.
And it won't be the last.
UPDATE: Not everyone agrees.
Who Says Schools Don't Provide a Good Education These Days?
Still wanna be a cop, kid, and do this to other people? [More]
Can you imagine being Jerome Brockway?
[Via Maureen]
Can you imagine being Jerome Brockway?
[Via Maureen]
How Very Telling
Malloy wants you to do felony time for possessing property he doesn't want to allow you to have, while his son, the armed robber/prohibited person, does no time. [More]
We're the Only Ones Unquestioned Enough
Recognize the difference, let the professionals do their jobs, and keep your second guessing to yourselves. [More]Wow, what a jackbooted oinker. No wonder The "Authorized Journalists"withheld his name, which I note they don't do with mere mundanes who write letters (and doesn't that just show whose side they're on?).
If you think about it, that's a good thing -- as good as "Lefty" going into hiding.
This Day in History: March 18
All our Trouble and anxiety abt the Bills payable here this Month has been in vain they are protested.[More]
Monday, March 17, 2014
ATF files opposition motion to TRO in Ares Armor case
Much of the government’s protestations read more like hurt feelings, accusing Ares of “lulling“ them with pledges of cooperation while then having the nerve to seek counsel to protect company and customer interests. The people doing the raid, seizing property and data, and smashing things with sledgehammers are portraying themselves as victims here. [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes if some people can't get sympathy, they'll settle for complete surrender, coerced obedience and utter destruction.
Sweet Land of Liberty
Because deploying occupying federal forces to infringe on the right of the people to keep and bear arms is obviously what the Founders had in mind... [More]
Hit it, Lee...
Hit it, Lee...
Armed American Radio Redux
GREAT Lineup! Georgia Carry’s Exec. Dir. Jerry Henry in studio, NRA national spokesperson Catherine Mortensen, Student of the Gun TV Host, Paul Markel, trainer Rob Pincus, regular contributors David Codrea and George Hill, Seanto, emails and more!
The MILM*-English Dictionary
bul·ly verb \ˈbu̇-lē, ˈbə-\: To refute a Prozi with facts. [More]
And remember, with "progressives," every day is Opposite Day.
[Via Neil W]
And remember, with "progressives," every day is Opposite Day.
[Via Neil W]
Why Not Just Give 'em What They Want?
The idiot "Faith Leaders" would rather this preacher's son had been zip tied and slaughtered than armed. [More]
Let's see... "progressives" ... Opposite Day... say, just who (or what) are these high priests worshiping, anyway...?
[Via Florida Guy]
Let's see... "progressives" ... Opposite Day... say, just who (or what) are these high priests worshiping, anyway...?
[Via Florida Guy]
We're the Only Ones Disarmed Enough
So you're NOT the Only Ones...? [More]
Welcome to the party, pals. How's it feel now that it's your turn in the barrel?
[Via Rob M]
Rob also has a new column up.
Welcome to the party, pals. How's it feel now that it's your turn in the barrel?
[Via Rob M]
Rob also has a new column up.
“I’m not sure how long I could do the battle of the guns,” Sweaney said. [More]Sure looks like Burlington Prozis are doing their best to find out...
Interview with Ares Armor CEO
nutnfancy shares his thoughts in this video that includes an interview with Ares Armor CEO Dimitrios Karras. [Watch]
It authorizes Treasury Secretary Jack Lew to work with Secretary of State John Kerry to impose sanctions on “any individual or entity that operates in the Russian arms industry, and any designated individual or entity that acts on behalf of, or that provides material or other support to, any senior Russian government official,” the White House said in a statement. [More]From The White House:
Accordingly, I hereby order:So does this mean we can expect to hear more about Mike's prediction?
Section 1. (a) All property and interests in property that are in the United States, that hereafter come within the United States, or that are or hereafter come within the possession or control of any United States person (including any foreign branch) of the following persons are blocked and may not be transferred, paid, exported, withdrawn, or otherwise dealt in:
(i) the persons listed in the Annex to this order; and
(ii) persons determined by the Secretary of the Treasury, in consultation with the Secretary of State:
(A) to be an official of the Government of the Russian Federation;
(B) to operate in the arms or related materiel sector in the Russian Federation;
[Via Doug Rink]
The Carroll County Board of Commissioners has voted 4 – 0 declaring Carroll County a Second Amendment Sanctuary County. [Watch]Here's the resolution.
Point of order in re framing terms: Nullification is what tyrants do to freedom. Consider this reclamation, but only to a point. I still see all kinds of infringements they will accept.
[Via James Simpson]
Suppressor Bill Update
From Iowa Firearms Coalition:
Just a quick update on HF 2381, as of Friday the bill failed to be brought out of sub-committee and to the Senate Judiciary committee for a vote. This lack of action has killed the bill and it will not be brought up on the Senate floor for a vote as we had hoped.
Further Betrayals Underway in Colorado
Received via email:
If you're from Colorado, or know someone who is, you have some actions to take.
[Via cydl]
If you're from Colorado, or know someone who is, you have some actions to take.
[Via cydl]
Vanderboegh in for Scheduled Surgery
Hold off on comments and emails until further notice. [More]
Seriously -- most have no idea how much extra effort it takes to deal with those, and that's the one thing Mike doesn't need right now.
You know what he does need, aside from prayers.
You know you know.
UPDATE: Mike called. He's out of surgery, will be discharged soon, and expects to post something later today.
Seriously -- most have no idea how much extra effort it takes to deal with those, and that's the one thing Mike doesn't need right now.
You know what he does need, aside from prayers.
You know you know.
UPDATE: Mike called. He's out of surgery, will be discharged soon, and expects to post something later today.
Securing the Blessings of Liberty
There has to be an identifiable person who is responsible for this decision. [More]
So name him or her. Forget "EPA" and "they." We need to know precisely "who." And "where."
It's past time for personal accountability for petty acts of bureaucratic tyranny.
After all, they're the ones who make it personal. They're the ones callously destroying lives with impunity.
So name him or her. Forget "EPA" and "they." We need to know precisely "who." And "where."
It's past time for personal accountability for petty acts of bureaucratic tyranny.
After all, they're the ones who make it personal. They're the ones callously destroying lives with impunity.
Dora the Explorer
Commissioner Dora Schriro denied rumors DESPP is confiscating weapons. [More]Why not, Dora? Isn't it "the law"? And hasn't your boss Malloy declared victory?
So what's stopping you?
Why not drag Joe Peterson out of hiding and let him start kicking in doors?
Still, Dora, the thought strikes: Why should we believe you, when no less than a federal judge is on record saying you can't even be trusted under oath?
The "quality" of people who say WE can't be trusted with guns tells me all I need to know.
UPDATE: Anthony Martin takes on Dora.
The Quake Czar
How come they never call them "führers"? [More]
So, Lucy: Do your best laid plans include people defending themselves and their neighborhoods from roving hordes while "civil authority" is either AWOL or triaged?
So, Lucy: Do your best laid plans include people defending themselves and their neighborhoods from roving hordes while "civil authority" is either AWOL or triaged?
Maybe the Problem is Just Multiple Personalities
So does this mean she's disqualified from owning a gun? [More]
This Day in History: March 17
From present appearances, I do not expect that the number will exceed 800 by the 10th of April, including Cavalry, Artillery & Infantry, after which time, I am of opinion few will be obtained by the ordinary mode of Recruiting... [More]
Sunday, March 16, 2014
Tonight on Armed American Radio
Host Mark Walters welcomes:
The program broadcasts from 8 to 11 p.m. Eastern. Click here to find a station near you or to listen via live streaming. You can also listen via TalkStreamLive courtesy of The Chairman of the Board Operators, Sean "Seanto" Young.
- Georgia Carry President Jerry Henry in studio
- National Rifle Association spokesperson Catherine Mortensen who will discuss current 2A affairs across the nation
- Student of the Gun's Paul Markel
- Combat Focus Shooting's Rob Pincus
- George "Mad Ogre"Hill
- Yours truly. And yeah, you know I'll be talking this.
The program broadcasts from 8 to 11 p.m. Eastern. Click here to find a station near you or to listen via live streaming. You can also listen via TalkStreamLive courtesy of The Chairman of the Board Operators, Sean "Seanto" Young.
Warrant application shows Ares Armor referenced in wider investigation
The answer to that turns out to be affirmative, but tangentially, with no implications of criminal activity by Ares, and rather providing documentation that they were seeking to ensure their operations remained lawful. [More]Today’s Gun Rights Examiner report notes if something looks like a scapegoat and walks like a scapegoat...
Gun Talk Radio
I'll be joining Tom Gresham briefly today at 3:30 p.m. Eastern to talk about Ares Armor developments.
His other guests include trainers Tiger McKee and Massad Ayoob, and Keith Morgan, president of the West Virginia Citizen's Defense League.
The show airs from 2 to 5 Eastern. Click here to find a station near you, or here to listen via live streaming.
3:42 P.m. Eastern UPDATE: Gene Hoffman of CalGuns will be on in the next hour to tell listeners who have purchased the EP Armory receivers from Ares what NOT to do if the feds come knocking.
His other guests include trainers Tiger McKee and Massad Ayoob, and Keith Morgan, president of the West Virginia Citizen's Defense League.
The show airs from 2 to 5 Eastern. Click here to find a station near you, or here to listen via live streaming.
3:42 P.m. Eastern UPDATE: Gene Hoffman of CalGuns will be on in the next hour to tell listeners who have purchased the EP Armory receivers from Ares what NOT to do if the feds come knocking.
Saturday, March 15, 2014
ATF accuses Ares Armor of illegal gun sales in response to restraining order
District Judge Janis L. Sammartino of the United States District Court, Southern District of California issued an order Friday to prevent Oceanside's gun parts supplier Ares Armor from divesting itself of inventory and records subject to a temporary restraining order the court issued Tuesday. Also included in the order was notice that the TRO did “not restrain lawful criminal proceedings,” as well as a modification of the briefing schedule ordering “the parties [to] fully address all of the facts and circumstances as alleged by one another." [More]Today’s Gun Rights Examiner report notes an administration presumption that they have authority to forbid supposedly free citizens from possessing a piece of plastic they don’t want to allow us to have. That’s the ridiculous and inevitable result of accepting any exceptions to “shall not be infringed.”
Friday, March 14, 2014
Late Start, Continued Recovery, and Still an Abbreviated Blog
I did manage to get about six hours sleep last night, albeit with a two-hour intermission--the medicines are really kicking around my sleep patterns.
Anyway, between that and some personal stuff I need to attend to, I will again today present this site as an abbreviated blog post containing multiple links -- assuming I have time to get to them. Again, please excuse no credit tips and email replies for the time being -- any limited time I have must be focused. Matter of fact, if you would still hold on the tips and the comments, that would be helpful.
I don't know if I will have time for a GRE column today or not. In the mean time, Workman and Hofmann have each weighed in on the Ares Armor vs. ATF story. We may see more developments on that today.
Here's what I have time to link you to at the moment. If I can get back to things, the list will probably grow:
Three Links from Herschel:
Just why the hell is it in anybody's vested interest to sustain evil animals who do heinous things to helpless people?
If he didn't threaten or endanger, what's the problem? Or as the saying describing Prozi philosophy for eviscerating liberty in favor of their emotions: "Your rights end where my feelings begin."
And if he did threaten or endanger, make him regret it. I can't imagine circumstances where I would tell a stranger I was carrying a gun. If his behavior truly merited his knowing, he'd find out soon enough.
And as for "Only Ones" being shocked, shocked that he "had his firearm 'cocked and loaded,'” a hearty What about it? seems in order.
A Curious "Honor"
So do I (buy guns, that is). So why should this collaboration inspire me to buy them from you?
Placeholder in case more entries are added: 12:30 p.m.
Anyway, between that and some personal stuff I need to attend to, I will again today present this site as an abbreviated blog post containing multiple links -- assuming I have time to get to them. Again, please excuse no credit tips and email replies for the time being -- any limited time I have must be focused. Matter of fact, if you would still hold on the tips and the comments, that would be helpful.
I don't know if I will have time for a GRE column today or not. In the mean time, Workman and Hofmann have each weighed in on the Ares Armor vs. ATF story. We may see more developments on that today.
Here's what I have time to link you to at the moment. If I can get back to things, the list will probably grow:
Three Links from Herschel:
- http://www.captainsjournal.com/2014/03/13/york-county-cop-shoots-seventy-year-old-man-for-picking-up-walking-stick/
- http://www.captainsjournal.com/2014/03/13/supreme-court-wont-block-ban-on-high-capacity-magazines/
- http://www.captainsjournal.com/2014/03/13/notes-from-hps-32/
Question of the DayJust why the hell is it in anybody's vested interest to sustain evil animals who do heinous things to helpless people?
Freedom of Speech?If he didn't threaten or endanger, what's the problem? Or as the saying describing Prozi philosophy for eviscerating liberty in favor of their emotions: "Your rights end where my feelings begin."
And if he did threaten or endanger, make him regret it. I can't imagine circumstances where I would tell a stranger I was carrying a gun. If his behavior truly merited his knowing, he'd find out soon enough.
And as for "Only Ones" being shocked, shocked that he "had his firearm 'cocked and loaded,'” a hearty What about it? seems in order.
A Curious "Honor"
So do I (buy guns, that is). So why should this collaboration inspire me to buy them from you?
Placeholder in case more entries are added: 12:30 p.m.
had his firearm “cocked and loaded.”
Thursday, March 13, 2014
Court restrains ATF from seizing Ares Armor inventory and customer records
The order is the result of a motion filed Tuesday by Ares Armor for a temporary injunction, directly naming ATF Director B. Todd Jones as a defendant “in his Official Capacity as Head of The San Diego ATF Field Office,” citing that “Ares Armor is likely to succeed on the merits ... The ATF’s planned seizure violates the Fourth Amendment [and] The ATF mischaracterizes ‘EP 80 percent lower receivers’ as firearms as a pretense to seize customer information,” among the reasons. [More]Today’s Gun Rights Examiner report notes ATF still reversing its own precedents, making things up to suit administration purposes, and our right to property and privacy be damned.
Still Recovering--Abbreviated Blog
The blog is going to take an abbreviated format today as I continue recovering from what turned out to be pneumonia, and which put me in the ER a couple nights ago after I came to on the floor following the mother of all 3 a.m. coughing fits. I'm doing much better, and humble thanks to those of you who sent prayers and well-wishes my way.
I am going to try to do another GRE today, but in order to get that done, I need to minimize things here. It's already after noon and I am just getting started due to an interrupted sleep schedule and the need to fight my natural inclination to gut things through. As such, instead of multiple blog posts, I'm just going to add links and commentary to this post as I go through the day--so expect this post to grow as I add more items. And my apologies, but I'm going to need to forgo credits and reply emails today.
Again, please hold off on emails and comments until I signal things are back to normal. Here's the list I'll be adding to:
We're the Only Ones Apologetic Enough
Bossy the Cow
Indoctrinating the Inmates
...explains the difference between Moms I'd Like to Honor and the stupid MILMs.
Can you imagine how useless this p***y would be if his family were ever faced with a real threat? This is the type that needs to disarm you and me, for obvious reasons.
You Tube music video from Russell Jinkens and the Sinners...
I just received this email from WarOnGuns Correspondent JM:
I await it, too.
If anybody knows this creep, tell him there is no excuse for this and shun him. Tell the folks here, too.
From the GREs:
Just fyi, I am not endorsing this effort--I tried to do a straight reporting job on this to allow people to learn more and to assess the pros and cons for themselves--I believe their hearts are in the right place and don't want to discourage grassroots activism, but I also tried to steer folks to understand some of my concerns and some of the flaws.
That said, commentator russn8r expertly defines those flaws.
Capital Research visits a wretched hive of scum and villainy -- no, not Mos Eisley.
I am going to try to do another GRE today, but in order to get that done, I need to minimize things here. It's already after noon and I am just getting started due to an interrupted sleep schedule and the need to fight my natural inclination to gut things through. As such, instead of multiple blog posts, I'm just going to add links and commentary to this post as I go through the day--so expect this post to grow as I add more items. And my apologies, but I'm going to need to forgo credits and reply emails today.
Again, please hold off on emails and comments until I signal things are back to normal. Here's the list I'll be adding to:
We're the Only Ones Apologetic Enough
"The cops are having the threats…. they are scared," he told us.Then the Second Amendment does work as a deterrent against jackbooted police state tyranny?
Bossy the Cow
![]() |
Sesame Street is in trouble now. |
“I think the word ‘bossy’ is just a squasher,” “Glee” star Jane Lynch says in a campaign PSA, while Beyonce states: “I’m not bossy… I’m the boss.” Actress Jennifer Garner asserts that “being labeled something matters,” and famed fashion designer Diane von Furstenberg adds the kicker that we “should just ban the word 'bossy'.”I guess it doesn't strike these privileged cows as ironic that they're being ... uh... bossy about this? Leave it to the Prozis to not be satisfied burning books -- in their insatiable quest to control everything, including and especially the language and the framing of terms -- they demand to ban words.
With Malice AforethoughtHow the NSA Plans to Infect ‘Millions’ of Computers with MalwareTalk about chilling the First Amendment. How is this not an act of war, justifying a physical retaliation against their facilities if no peaceable means of redress are available?
Indoctrinating the Inmates
Grand Island Student Refuses to Change NRA T-ShirtGood for the kid. He's certainly a better man than the "adults" running the school. I know a recurring comment on stories like these is to take your kid out of public school. For some families, overburdened by taxes where they are paying for public schools anyway, and a manipulated economy, that could mean the difference between getting by or living in poverty. Massive and deep changes must be made to "the system" itself before it's realistic or fair to expect that of them, which is why being an involved parent leading by example and taking responsibility for instilling and guiding values is still the first and best defense in preparing children to deal with the outside world and the insanity it often tries to impose.
The Difference Between Demanding and Doing......explains the difference between Moms I'd Like to Honor and the stupid MILMs.
A "Progressive" Oregonian DilemmaCan you imagine how useless this p***y would be if his family were ever faced with a real threat? This is the type that needs to disarm you and me, for obvious reasons.
Ain't Gonna Take My GunYou Tube music video from Russell Jinkens and the Sinners...
NRA to Score MurthyI just received this email from WarOnGuns Correspondent JM:
I just watched Chris Cox on The Kelly File flatly state that they would be scoring the Surgeon General vote in the Senate. Mr Codrea, I want to thank you for being a decisive factor in this. Without the pressure and public shaming of the NRA, they certainly would have weaseled their way out of scoring this vote as they were clearly attempting to do. Thank you! I apologize if this is bothering you because you have been sick, but I think you deserve credit for causing the NRA to do what it's membership wants for once!I hope I played a small role in making that happen. Mike Vanderboegh told me "I await the NRA official announcement but the trend is good."
I await it, too.
"Jim Vernon," LiarIf anybody knows this creep, tell him there is no excuse for this and shun him. Tell the folks here, too.
From the GREs:
- Workman: Idaho governor signs guns-on-campus bill, cites 'sworn responsibility'
- Hofmann: Worst of CT cop's 'bang your door in and come for your gun' rant underreported
About Yesterday's GRE:Just fyi, I am not endorsing this effort--I tried to do a straight reporting job on this to allow people to learn more and to assess the pros and cons for themselves--I believe their hearts are in the right place and don't want to discourage grassroots activism, but I also tried to steer folks to understand some of my concerns and some of the flaws.
That said, commentator russn8r expertly defines those flaws.
Dubious Mayors Against Legal GunsCapital Research visits a wretched hive of scum and villainy -- no, not Mos Eisley.
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