Wednesday, November 05, 2014

Be Careful Who Your Friends Are

I got a Facebook "friend" request from some woman I'd never heard of.  I get those from time to time, often scammers, some suggesting a virtual "relationship," but this one only had a photo of the person in question, with no other information. Before confirming the request, I noticed she had one friend, and when I clicked to go see his page, his top post bragged about impregnating our wives and mothers to create more anchor babies.

The moral of this story is, don't just trust that a friend request means the person actually wants to be your friend. I know for most this will sound kind of "No, Duh!" basic, but you might be surprised how many well-meaning people end up with regrets for not doing even a basic check.

We have plenty of enemies out there, who want to disrupt things just because of what we believe in. There's a myth that a vampire cannot cross your threshold unless you invite him in.  Make sure anyone you do is not bothered by symbols of virtue.

Which reminds me...

1 comment:

Mike H said...

In re walking by night: