Because, as always, what the gun-grabbers are doing has nothing to do with safety, and everything to do with conditioning the public into accepting citizen disarmament as a solution to violence. Of course it’s about control. [More]With a new edict that will do nothing to make Californians safer, the Opposite Day “progressive” governor evidently believes the famous motto should be “Tread on Me.”
Thursday, December 31, 2015
California Gun Seizure Edict a Naked Power Grab that Ignores True Danger
Addressing the REAL Problem
Rana Elmir, deputy director of the ACLU of Michigan and a Muslim herself refuses to condemn Islamic extremism solely on the basis that she’s Muslim. [More]Besides, she says, there are much bigger problems.
People like me, I guess.
I wonder what the Islamic State would do to her if they saw her going about uncovered like that...
He Certainly Picked the Right Town for It
He was allegedly going to use a machete on diners at a local restaurant [More]Good plan if what you want to guarantee is success, as the average New Yorker supports his own disarmament.
And Muslim Machete Man here is the crazy one...? Especially after being duly impressed by the publicized way this low-hanging fruit was picked, they'll resume their cud-chewing under the illusion that they're safe...
[Via Keith B]
New Year’s Gun Rights Resolutions Require Willingness and Commitment
Expecting something to happen doesn’t do any good without resolve to do something about it. Here are a few additional resolutions for your consideration. [More]The gun-grabbers are resolved to continue attacking the right to keep and bear arms in the coming year. How are you resolved to stop them?
A White-People Problem
The LA Times' Black Twitter Correspondent accuses non-blacks of having a race problem. [More]
Nothin' Opposite Day "progressive" about that ... is there?
Thanks Dexter. I'll take that under advisement, and give it all the serious consideration someone who presents himself the way you do deserves.
Nothin' Opposite Day "progressive" about that ... is there?
Thanks Dexter. I'll take that under advisement, and give it all the serious consideration someone who presents himself the way you do deserves.
If I Knew You Were Coming I'd Have Baked a Cake
Oregon family pays $136,927 fine for not baking gay marriage cake [More]So what's the reason the Cleveland cabbies haven't been sued again...?
I'd think the fact that this only happens against Christians could be used as evidence of real discrimination.
We're the Only Ones Raging Enough
Off-duty special agent points gun at a man during road rage incident in Virginia Beach ... Both men involved were allowed to leave the scene ... Neither driver wanted to pursue prosecution at this time ... The Virginia Beach Police Department and Homeland Security wouldn’t identify [the special agent]. [More]Now let's take the exact same scenario, except this time, it's the "civilian" who pulls the gun.
Anyone...? Bueller...?
[Via Mack H]
A Minor Omission
Witnesses told investigators the boy was playing with a handgun, which he had inherited from a family member, when he accidentally shot himself in the head. [More]Apparently, in California, minors can just "inherit" and carry handguns.
Y'know, we really do need more laws controlling you and me to keep tragedies like this from happening.
Why Do You Need a Gun?
“Self defense,” Locke wrote in his Two Treatises of Government, “is a part of the law of nature” and in consequence cannot be “denied the community, even against the king himself.” In Locke’s view, this principle could be applied both on an individual level — against, say, intruders and other attackers — and on a collective level, against governments that turn tyrannical. [More]Too bad he's not alive today. CIGV could call him an "insurrectionist," Prozis could call him an "ammosexual," and The New York Daily News could label him "Jihadi John."
[Via Michael G]
Gentlemen, You Can't Fight in Here. This is the War Room.
Opposite Day "progressives" hold an "anti-violence rally." Hilarity ensues. [More]
You know, of course, if you didn't enjoy "white privilege" this never would have happened. You hater.
If only they would disarm you and me.
You know, of course, if you didn't enjoy "white privilege" this never would have happened. You hater.
If only they would disarm you and me.
We're the Only Ones Saturnalian Enough
Soldiers and police in Brussels held an orgy while their colleagues hunted for terror suspects, according to reports. [More]And as for the people paying for the party...
No Line in the Send
“This year, Republicans could well end up with a presidential nominee who is even less conservative than Romney. If these ideological purists again sit on the sideline and let leftists decide the presidency, they will be the ones who should be held to account. These survey findings show that this time the presidential election is serious – and for conservatives, the time of letting the perfect be the enemy of the good is long past,” he said. [More]Have a heaping helping of sellout stew!
If Mr. Rubio and Mr. Bush aren't worried about that "pathway to citizenship," why should you be?
The Graduate
New Year’s Surprise: Obama Regulation To Give Work-Permits To Foreign College-Graduates [More]
Meanwhile, that "Posterity" the Preamble supposedly "secure[s] the Blessings of Liberty" for, seem preoccupied with safe spaces, authentic cultural food and ending the Second Amendment, instead of outrage against their deceivers -- and a class action lawsuit against the government and everyone who encouraged their debt while supporting establishment policies, and who knew or should have known what this would do to their chances for gainful employment opportunities.
Ah well, every dependent class has its exploitable political uses, especially the ones refusing to see they've been conned, but desperate to blame someone for their lot in life.
Wednesday, December 30, 2015
Strong Evidence
Strong said officials don’t know a motive, but added there’s no evidence that it was a hate crime. [More]"Honey, can you hold up this mirror?" Special Agent Nicole asked. "I need to free up both hands so I can find my own rear end."
If Only They Would Disarm You and Me!
Before slaying of pastor’s pregnant wife, alleged gunman went on ‘unprecedented’ 8-day crime spree [More]I wonder how much tax plunder has been squandered over the years to feed this abomination.
[Via Florida Guy]
Museum Pieces
"It wasn't about making us more or less safe, it's about the law." [More]It's a start, but still has a ways to evolve before either Constitutional or natural law are recognized.
Speaking of primitives, Opposite Day "progressive" Moms Against Clubs are consumed by savage rage for those they smear as "knuckle-draggers."
[Via cydl]
Happy Flying!
Until recently, the FAA told potential recruits the CTI program was a preferred method to become an air traffic controller. But in 2013 the FAA abruptly changed its hiring practices in an attempt to become more racially diverse. [More]Brought to you by the same people who subject baggage-handling green-carders to the same "standards" as agricultural workers!
After "rigorous security screenings," of course.
See, I knew there was a reason they've resorted to profiling -- for our own "good."
This brief instructional video explains:
Maybe if some online "conservative" group charges us to send fax blasts to Democrat reps we can get this fixed!
[Via Florida Guy]
"Stop the Threat": New Season
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An active shooter engages a group of friends walking down the street. The shooter, unstable and fumbling, makes the split second decision to fire on the crowd. A bystander takes control of the situation and goes into action. [More]
Spiritual Wickedness in High Places
Trinity Wall Street, who has been locked in an on-going dispute as a minor shareholder with retail giant Wal-Mart over their gun sales, submitted a proposal last week to allow a vote of Cabela’s shareholders to adopt a policy barring the sale of firearms and magazines capable of discharging more than eight rounds without reloading. [More]More subversion from the same "church" that backed the king during the American Revolution and also gave aid and comfort to the Occupy Wall Street commies...
It Has Come to This
We have nearly died of the disease of too much compromise. [More]This brilliant piece truly resonates with me.
It merits being shared far and wide.
[Via Michael G]
Full of Sound and Fury, Signifying Nothing
Sen. Rand Paul is pushing for a vote to restrict President Obama's ability to enact new gun control regulations. [More]They're referring to this.
Let's see, "0" co-sponsors, 12% chance of making it out of committee, 3% chance of being enacted...
Tell us that idiot's tale again, Rancid Prepuce -- where do I send my donation to the Republicans for their Second Amendment leadership..?
Tuesday, December 29, 2015
Armed American Radio
I'll be joining Mark Walters this afternoon at 4 Eastern to talk about the significant RKBA stories of 2015.
Find a station or listen live.
Ravenous Bugblatter Beasts of Traal Demand Action
Moms Demand Claims Victory Because Grocery Store Only Allows Hidden Handguns [More]So if they can't see them they're not there or something...?
The Guide calls the bugblatter the stupidest creature in the entire universe - so profoundly unintelligent that, if you can't see it, it assumes it can't see you.[Via Neil W]
Appearances are Deceiving
At least four of the victims appear to have been shot by police... [More]"Appear"?
You mean we still don't know -- after ATF promised to fast track the ballistics tests and Grassley's staffers promised to get back to me on that?
The Sucker Watchlist
[Click to enlarge]
Everybody realizes donations won't go into a special RKBA fund, but will instead be used to advance party interests, which include keeping entrenched wormtongues and betrayers safe from upstart Constitutionalists...?
Helping deserving individual candidates is the only way to go.
Well, that certainly narrows the field...
We're the Only Ones CAIRing Enough
Nezar Hamze is a leader in the Hamas-related Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). He is also a Deputy Sheriff in the Broward Sheriff’s Office (BSO), in Broward County, Florida. This background has given him the opportunity to exploit his position in law enforcement to assist his Islamist friends in their desire for weapons training. This month, he did so at a Tampa Bay, Florida mosque that partners with designated terrorist organizations. [More]And why not? After all, we know who the real terrorists are.
[Via Florida Guy]
Making a List and Checking it Twice
A federal class-action lawsuit filed this week accuses the Justice Department of treating “every potential gun owner like a terrorist” by requiring the cross-checking of names of firearm purchasers with those on secret watch lists. [More]And we all know who they consider the terrorists to be...
[Via William T]
There's Never a Mütter Demanding Aktion Around when You Really Need One
Witnesses told police that the men threatened the truck with an antitank rocket launcher as well as automatic rifles and even shot at the car's bonnet... [More]Sounds like they could use some... oh, wait...
Invasion of the Body Snatchers
"Presumed consent" for "harvesting" organs...? [More]
Isn't that what the Islamic State does?
[Via Michael G]
Isn't that what the Islamic State does?
[Via Michael G]
Monday, December 28, 2015
These Are the Good Old Days
It's always darkest before:
A. the dawn.
B. the end. [More]
Good piece.
Plus, now I know to check out Bosch. That and buy some Cheerios.
A. the dawn.
B. the end. [More]
Good piece.
Plus, now I know to check out Bosch. That and buy some Cheerios.
Gutting Gary
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Who cares if he's mediocre, as long as he's anti-gun? |
But imagine if there regularly were shootings in previously “safe” white areas. [More]So what kind of racist "magic" would be needed to make that happen?
I sometimes think you need to be an utter moron to achieve success in academia-- at least in anything that's not hard science or math.
No wonder the hive insects are diddling themselves over this.
‘Operation Big Sky’ Protecting Miners Makes Paper’s Top Stories for 2015
In the case of the White Hope Mine, the ‘technicality” appears to be Komec is accused of missing a filing deadline—even though required paperwork was notarized and filed on time. The Post Office didn’t postmark it until the next day, and for that, the full force and unlimited resources of the feds are being brought down on men who put years of their lives into working a claim that was now being “officially” stolen. [More]Another prime example of how Opposite Day "progressives" want us to believe "secure the Blessings of Liberty" is supposed to work...
Subversive New ‘Assault Weapon’ Ban More for Show than Effect
The primary “author” of this latest bit of subversion is Rhode Island Red David Cicilline. It’s no surprise that he’s a career politician, or that he’s long partnered with Michael Bloomberg. What also doesn’t come as any great shock is that his old man was a mouthpiece for the mob and his “prohibited person” brother was convicted in a sting that included charges of lying to federal authorities and setting up a drug deal. [More]Bring it, you mob money-raised punk.
We're the Only Ones Quick on the Draw Enough
A Des Moines police officer accidentally fired his gun inside an office at the Des Moines International Airport while he was practicing his "quick draw." [More]If that can happen to a highly trained professional, doesn't it just make sense to disarm you and me?
Thank goodness "discipline is always a possibility"!
I guess the possibility of prosecution only applies to us untrustworthy types.
[Via Harvey]
San Bernardino Blowout Prices!
Alert WW reader Doug Menely spotted the ad in his home edition of the newspaper. [More]Oh my God, how dare any insensitive retailer let customers know about its products!!!
Can you imagine being Doug Menely?
Or feigning shock -- shock -- that any newspaper would accept firearms advertising?
[Via Michael G]
We're the Only Ones All Relative Enough
Metro Police officer mistakes relative for intruder, shoots and injures her [More]I can't tell you how many times I've done that. Thank goodness no charges are expected to be filed!
[Via Kevin Starrett]
That'll Be the Day
“I have a budget amendment that I’m looking at to take away his executive protection unit. If he’s so afraid of guns, then I’m not going to surround him with armed state policemen.” [More]I'd love to see it, but it's not gonna happen, meaning this is basically political pandering, instead of doing something meaningful.
Karma's a Beyotch
Black Lives Matter Thug Who Tweeted “Kill Whites” Shot Dead At Northlake Mall [More]Gosh. What a loss to humanity.
[Via Florida Guy]
Sure are a lot of white people in those photos... [More]
It's almost like they're exploiting useful idiots...
Two pictures that stood out: Sheep allowing their bags to be searched and the guy with the blond beard who looks like he's taking a dump in his pants.
Still, it wasn't entirely a white post-Christmas: others report up to two kiloteens...
I'm still trying to grok how retailers are responsible for police shootings. Guess I'm just not "progressive" enough...
It's almost like they're exploiting useful idiots...
Two pictures that stood out: Sheep allowing their bags to be searched and the guy with the blond beard who looks like he's taking a dump in his pants.
Still, it wasn't entirely a white post-Christmas: others report up to two kiloteens...
I'm still trying to grok how retailers are responsible for police shootings. Guess I'm just not "progressive" enough...
No One's Talking About Taking Away Your Guns
This'll go nowhere -- for now -- but it is useful seeing more end game confirmation from these traitors.
We're the Only Ones Laundering Enough
“They were just laundering money for the sake of laundering money.” [More]I wouldn't be so sure about that, and that nobody was cleaning up...
[Via William T]
A Bible-Fearing Person
"You can fight by everyone throwing a Bible at them," Schweit said, "and I mean that in a very respectful way because I am a Bible-fearing person." [More]You mean "assault Bibles" with no legitimate Lording purpose? I can't exactly say I'd want one of those thrown at my face either, but becoming a bibliophobe over the prospect seems a bit extreme, especially for the one with the gun. Curious, that Katherine Schweit, chief of the active-shooter section in the FBI's Office of Partner Engagement, doesn't recommend the HRT deploy and engage with tactical manuals.
That's because she's basically a career bureaucrat with a journalism and a law degree, meaning she's a shill who's paid to mouth the party line. And working for the government, she doesn't need to worry about malpractice lawsuits for incompetent advice.
If there's one positive takeaway, it's the understanding that lots of physical objects can be used as weapons if you're of that mindset. But that's no reason to limit yourself to inferior ones that happen to be lying around.
House Rules
The lawyers argued that simple notification to Lembo that he could face an eviction if he did not follow house rules was insufficient to trigger the protection under the Second Amendment, the paper reported. [More]From the same type of people who wouldn't dream of infringing on other issues of personal choice.
Boy, they drive that "home rule" thing down to the fine print, don't they? The object, of course, is just "rule."
"Our Fellow Christians"
Michelle and I are also ever-mindful that many of our fellow Christians... [More]Obama is proclaiming he and Michelle are Christians. Are they, or is that just exploiting the faith of believers for political gain?
Obama has claimed his relationship with Jesus Christ is personal, and that he accepts him as his lord and savior.
If someone goes out of his way to tell you he is a Christian, the following "Yes" or "No" question does not seem out of line:
Is belief in Jesus Christ as your lord and savior necessary for salvation?
The same question should be asked of Hillary.
But it won't be, at least by anyone with reach -- certainly not by anyone in the media or, significantly, by any GOP candidate.
This isn't an attempt on my part to evangelize, nor to explore Barry's Muslim connections. It's just an observation that if the answer to that question is "No," they're lying.
Friday, December 25, 2015
Merry Christmas
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The rest of my home office, doing double duty for Christmas.. |
My Christmas wish for you is that you have as much love in your life as I have been fortunate to find in mine. It surely beats all the riches in the world.
Merry Christmas.
Now: What in the world are you doing here?
It's Christmas. And if you don't celebrate it, indulge those of us who do.
Go be with the ones you love. If there is no one you love, go fix that. Go do something loving for someone.
Thursday, December 24, 2015
VA AG Reneging on Concealed Carry Reciprocity Highlights Evil of ‘Permitted’ Rights
But there’s the rub, because as it’s being treated – and as gun owners have allowed, bearing arms is viewed by government as a privilege. So ambitious poltroons who only stab us in the back part of the time are given “A” grades and passed off as “staunch supporters of the Second Amendment” (and look at how that phrase is overused to include just about everyone up to and including John Kerry). And gun owners consider it a great victory to pay for a registration license, to volunteer for a background check, to make sure they don’t bring their property with them where master says they may not (places predators consider their preferred hunting grounds). [More]So Terry McAwful and Mark Herring have the authority to tell you and me where and when we can exercise RKBA? And we're going to obey them?
Wednesday, December 23, 2015
The Ghost of Christmas Past
RPD chief considers bringing 'Project Exile' back to combat gun violence [More]
Here's why, for all you "Enforce Existing Intolerable Acts" types...
[Via Mack H]
On the First Day of Christmas, My True Love Gave to Me
Some cartridges and an M3.
I wish.
Ah well, there will be lots of other nice presents for all the good boys and girls. And the grinches are furious.
[Via Florida Guy]
I wish.
Ah well, there will be lots of other nice presents for all the good boys and girls. And the grinches are furious.
[Via Florida Guy]
A Practical Guide to Misogyny
Brought to you by Opposite Day "progressives," naturally. [More]
The same creatures who demand women be disarmed, and who have conned the stupid ones into thinking it's for their own good.
[Via Jeet]
The same creatures who demand women be disarmed, and who have conned the stupid ones into thinking it's for their own good.
[Via Jeet]
Executive Ordure
What You Need to Know About Obama’s Plan to Bypass Congress on Guns [More]I prefer what the totalitarian lobby needs to know about our plan to bypass Obama on guns.
[Via Neil W]
Terror Watchlist Increases Odds of 'Gun Violence'
But moments later Santelli said the situation became tense when police thought his name was on the national terror watch list. “He pulled out his weapon immediately and I was immediately staring down the barrel of a 45-caliber weapon," Santilli recalled. "He was very, very concerned. He was visibly concerned as well. He said hands up. I was extremely compliant.” [More]In other words, he could have been killed over a false positive due to a misread name, kind of like those wrong house raids, and every bit as up close and personal...
You guys still interested in "compromise"...?
Forget It Jake, It's Chi-Town
Nearly 3,000 shooting victims in a city with an “assault weapons” ban, a “violence tax” on every gun and bullet sold, strict limitations on the number of gun store and on the locations of said stores. and numerous other gun controls ubiquitously instituted to keep law-abiding citizens safer, but which actually make it far more difficult for law-abiding citizens to acquire the guns they need for self-defense. [More][Sigh] If only they would disarm you and me.
[Via William T]
A New Slant on Things
The court ruled that their name — The Slants — is private speech and therefore protected by the First Amendment. The government, the court writes, has no business trying to regulate it by denying the band a trademark. [More]So, how about those Redskins...?
[Via Mack H]
So Much for Proportionality, So Much for Justice
Here, however, for a handful of cheap rifle parts that may or may not have required a license, the prosecutors want to send Platt to jail for 60 years and, in the now inevitable forfeiture allegations, take away his house too. [More]So much for the punishment fitting the "crime." And so much for cruel and unusual punishment.
The creepy oath-breaking persecutor playing the role of Javert in this reimagining of Les Miserables is both a Bush and an Obama appointee.
So much for ... well, here, Prof. Quigley says it better than I can.
[Via Michael R]
A Journey of a Thousand Miles ...
... begins with a single step. [More]
Considering some of his preconceptions, I'm not sure this guy has what it takes to complete the trip. Hopefully, he's capable of growth, and isn't just doing this to "confirm" what he fears.
[Via bondmen]
Considering some of his preconceptions, I'm not sure this guy has what it takes to complete the trip. Hopefully, he's capable of growth, and isn't just doing this to "confirm" what he fears.
[Via bondmen]
Game of Thrones
In July 2013, the Joint Chiefs found a more direct way of demonstrating to Assad how serious they were about helping him. By then the CIA-sponsored secret flow of arms from Libya to the Syrian opposition, via Turkey, had been underway for more than a year (it started sometime after Gaddafi’s death on 20 October 2011).* The operation was largely run out of a covert CIA annex in Benghazi, with State Department acquiescence. On 11 September 2012 the US ambassador to Libya, Christopher Stevens, was killed during an anti-American demonstration that led to the burning down of the US consulate in Benghazi; reporters for the Washington Post found copies of the ambassador’s schedule in the building’s ruins. It showed that on 10 September Stevens had met with the chief of the CIA’s annex operation. The next day, shortly before he died, he met a representative from Al-Marfa Shipping and Maritime Services, a Tripoli-based company which, the JCS adviser said, was known by the Joint Staff to be handling the weapons shipments. [More]Is it just me, or does anyone else get a sense of war within our own top levels of government?
GOP Presidential Candidates’ ‘Terror Watchlist’ Positions Important to Gun Owners
We know who citizen disarmament is intended for by those intent on a totalitarian monopoly of violence, and any “compromise,” even if well-intended, will be another major step down the road to the end game goal to eliminate the Second Amendment. With that in mind, what the Republican candidates have publicly stated bears examination by politically-engaged gun owners looking to the GOP for a leader who will defend and advance RKBA. [More]So naturally, ever eager to make politically-motivated concessions, the Republicans have offered a "compromise"!
So Turnabout's Fair Play?
Imagine all the fallout had this been a depiction of Obama with his daughters. [More]
Totalitarians for Common Sense Regime Safety Laws
North Korea’s Kim Jong Un Slams America’s 2nd Amendment in New Video [More]Uncanny, how much their rhetoric sounds like CSGV's.
Going Postal
The Postal Workers Union Just Endorsed Bernie Sanders — and It's a Big Deal [More]Yep, but it's just not a big surprise.
A Wretched Hive of Scum and Villainy
Hooray for Hollywood! [More]
It's always been a hotbed of narcissists, psychopaths and perverts.
I would not be surprised if it were revealed that A-listers took part in secret Satanic rituals. Just the opposite, actually.
It's always been a hotbed of narcissists, psychopaths and perverts.
I would not be surprised if it were revealed that A-listers took part in secret Satanic rituals. Just the opposite, actually.
Sheeples in Seattle
Judge upholds Seattle 'gun violence tax' [More]Of course, the true "commonsense" goal is to drive legitimate firearms businesses out of their jurisdiction -- and then go after those by libeling them as "bad apple dealers" and creating scare terms like "iron pipeline."
Tuesday, December 22, 2015
We're the Only Ones Illuminated Enough
A Secret Service agent's gun, badge, radio, handcuffs and flash drive were stolen in broad daylight Monday near the agency's headquarters in Washington... [More]Nothing but the brightest for our Presidential Protection Detail...
North to Alaska
Promotion open to all U.S. citizens, or lawful permanent U.S. residents who are legal residents of the 50 United States and District of Columbia... [More]Dang, I was going to enter until I saw the contest was being run by ray-cysts.
Palm Pistol Update
We are waiting for receipt of the last few parts needed to start production ... Our insurance is in effect and ITRAR registration has been submitted. [More]We've talked about this before, for years. Look at everything a developer must go through in striving to comply. And if they miss something, the knives come out, the economic Waco begins, and the media does its utmost to smear them as irresponsible, greedy merchants of death.
Mika to Santorum: Forget Muslims
What About 'White Men With Guns?' [More]What about 'em, Mika?
And what is it you'd really like to demand?
[Via Mack H]
Throwing in the Towel
Stag Arms expected to plead guilty to federal firearms violations [More]It sounds like continuing to resist Leviathan will just be suicidal, so giving up and taking their lumps is the option of least destruction.
I stopped following the case back when the government filed for asset forfeiture, and the company clammed up out of legal self-protection.
[Via Doug Rink]
UPDATE: That's gotta hurt. They must have really had this poor guy facing certain destruction.
So a felony conviction means Malkowski is now a prohibited person. Tell me how that makes the public any safer. [UPDATE: That may not be the case. See "John Dough" comment.]
The ambitious Deirdre M. Daly really sounds like she feeds by biting off heads. Recall the DOJ's role in Fast and Furious and how no one faced so much as a minor misdemeanor charge after all those deaths, any then look at the crap she spews about not tolerating "sloppiness."
Put Another Way
Put another way, the white legislators do not care that black men in Kansas City and St. Louis (more than 180 homicides this year) can kill easier because of the laws passed in Jefferson City. [More]Put another way, does it look like the problem is really about guns to you?
[Via 00]
We're the Only Ones Unprofessional Enough
Arrest video depicts unprofessional tactics, language by KC police officers [More]Oh, I dunno.
They were being paid.
[Via bondmen]
You Wouldn't Say 'Enforce Existing Intolerable Acts'
ATF Lets Straw-Purchasing Violent Criminal Walk In WV [More]Sorry, but "Enforce existing gun laws" can be used against every "I will not comply" civil disobedience activist out there. Cheering this on is part of the problem, and it will come back to bite you.
That's why, years ago, some of us signed on to the Project Exile Condemnation Coalition.
Anyone who can't be trusted with a gun can't be trusted without a custodian. That's true and there's no getting around it. Everything else is self-defeating.
[Via Florida Guy]
Free Disguised Ads Here!
What Every Gun Owner Should Do Before Hosting Family for the Holidays ... Copyright 2015 Nexstar Broadcasting, Inc. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. [More]Now check out this PR email sent to media:
[Click to enlarge]
Now there's journalism we can trust! I'm so in awe of their professional standards, I've thought up a marketing slogan they can use, free of charge:
[Via AmmoLand]
UPDATE: They also practice censorship.
At Some Point, Just Give Up
Steve Harvey can't read a cue card. Humiliation ensues. [More]
And then he proves he can't spell, either:
But wait, as late TV pitchman Billy Mays used to say, there's more!
The Faux News chatting heads pointed out he'd spelled the names of both countries wrong, which makes this all the more glaring:
And yes, of course we all make mistakes. But sometimes, the succession of them is funny, that's all.
And then he proves he can't spell, either:
But wait, as late TV pitchman Billy Mays used to say, there's more!
The Faux News chatting heads pointed out he'd spelled the names of both countries wrong, which makes this all the more glaring:
And yes, of course we all make mistakes. But sometimes, the succession of them is funny, that's all.
Meanwhile, Over at the 'Rigorous Security Screening' Center
The traitors WANT more people killed by terrorists so they can use that as the excuse for tightening their grip. [More]
"Progressives," you know, the people who have vulgarized the culture, the language, entertainment and the arts, are shocked, SHOCKED that Donald Trump said "schlonged," and are feigning indignation all over the place. [More]
ABC News wouldn't even repeat the word. So you decide if it's because he called them out for being in the tank for Hillary, or if it's due to "ABC Family Values."
While collectivist opportunists are exploiting this, as if they have actually have traditional morals to be outraged over, a bit of perspective is in order. Per the Urban Dictionary, in the very first entry for "schlonged," and very plausibly the meaning Trump intended, includes getting hit, as in "I schlonged that ball a mile."
True, there is a much more vulgar interpretation concerning what someone gets hit with, but in Hillary's case, the only way that could happen is if Huma was wearing a strap-on.
ABC News wouldn't even repeat the word. So you decide if it's because he called them out for being in the tank for Hillary, or if it's due to "ABC Family Values."
While collectivist opportunists are exploiting this, as if they have actually have traditional morals to be outraged over, a bit of perspective is in order. Per the Urban Dictionary, in the very first entry for "schlonged," and very plausibly the meaning Trump intended, includes getting hit, as in "I schlonged that ball a mile."
True, there is a much more vulgar interpretation concerning what someone gets hit with, but in Hillary's case, the only way that could happen is if Huma was wearing a strap-on.
A Different Strain
Five ill people were identified in Kansas, North Dakota and Oklahoma as part of the new investigation, on dates ranging from Nov.18 to Nov. 26, 2015. The new Illnesses are not included in the current case count, which is now at 53, the CDC report said. [More]Considering the millions upon millions of customers served, that's statistically pretty insignificant. Plus nobody has died.
But the response is appropriately one of concern, to identify the scope and nature of the threat, to keep it from spreading, and to eliminate it.
Compare that to another public health issue, a much more statistically significant and grave one that has actually killed lots of people, threatens to kill untold numbers more, and would kill or mutate all if left unchecked. But in this case, the government is introducing it and facilitating its spread, and if any dare suggest it be responded to with the non-negotiable goal of protecting the well-being of Americans, well, according to Opposite Day "progressives," you're just an Islamophobe and a hater.
Put another way, would you accept the same level of "rigorous screening" put into guessing if new arrivals are safe for your food, your water, your medicines...?
Put yet another way, look at the precautions Japan took -- and is still taking -- on beef imports when ONE COW with bovine spongiform encephalopathy was detected in a U.S. herd.
"Progressive" Isolationism
Virginia to end concealed carry reciprocity with other states [More]They're determined to rub gun owner faces in executive ordure every which way they think they can get away with it.
Frankly, I'm surprised the AG has statutory authority to make this call. What I'm not surprised about is WaPo putting out such a one-sided, restriction-justifying editorial masked as "news."
For those interested in understanding the life-endangering problems this will cause, as well as what they plan to do about it, VCDL has responded on Facebook.
[Via Pat H]
Monday, December 21, 2015
Don’t Expect Media Apology after Attempt to Blame Importer for ‘Paris Terror Gun’ Fails
“In fact, the gun in question was not involved in the attacks and has been in Mexican government custody since March of this year, according to U.S. authorities,” AP now admits. “[T]he gun was received by Century and eventually sent to a federal firearms licensee in the United States and purchased by an individual in February 2014. [More]The antis are like a bloodthirsty lynch mob that -- when it finds out it almost hanged the wrong guy -- doesn't care and is clamoring to do it again.
Riding Out Alone
Sen. Rand Paul is pushing for a vote to restrict President Obama's ability to enact new gun control regulations. [More]Yeah, well here's the thing:
Cosponsors none......Prognosis 12% chance of getting past committee. 3% chance of being enacted.Every single politician who enjoys an "A" rating ought to be up their leading on this, and demanding the Republicans act like they were given majorities for a reason.
THOMAS hasn't posted the text yet. If anyone can find a copy, please share it with the rest of us.
Perfectly In Character
Anti-Gun Publicist Closes Shop to Fight Sexual Assault Rap [More]It fits with the sick "progressive" obsession to control others and force them to bend to their will.
[Via Neil W]
Falwell said he respects views that gun-free school zones are safer. [More]Why?
As for the threatened boycott, he's going to have to decide what's more important to him. It would be an easy call for me, since I fear that when I die and go to hell, they're going to make me watch sports.
[Via Mack H]
This Week on 'Stop the Threat'
It's late and you're tired and you are driving home alone. You notice someone may be following you...or are they? You pull over, leave your vehicle and confront them. Right or wrong? TONIGHT! Monday Night on THE SPORTSMAN CHANNEL: "Facing the Tail"Also, coming up at SHOT:-----A Craigslist ad offers an expensive cell phone at a reduced price. Deciding to make the deal, the potential buyer finds himself in a dangerous situation. Friday Night on THE PURSUIT CHANNEL: "Bad Deal"-----
The Very Model of a Modern Major General.
Eight Afghan Air Force pilots graduated Friday morning from a program hosted by the 81st Fighter Squadron. [More]Here's what caught my attention more than anything:
Maj. Gen. James Hecker, who presented the Afghan graduates with a plaque and certificate Friday, said there are no new updates on the missing men and Homeland Security is leading the investigation.What more indications does he need? And since he evidently doesn't have a clue as to where the runaways are, why they ran, who they're with and what they're doing, his assurances aren't exactly consoling. Matter of fact, Fletcher would like a word with him.
“There is no indications that the missing trainees will do any harm,” said Hecker. “It took 18 months just to get them clearance to come in.”
[Via Florida Guy]
Risk Factor-Based 'Rights'
"College students are already known to disproportionately engage in high[-]risk behaviors such as binge drinking and to struggle with mental health issues including thoughts of suicide,” the representatives write. “Increasing students’ access to guns only increases the likelihood that volatile situations on campus will end in tragedy.” [More]So if the criteria for denying RKBA is disproportionate high risk behavior. alcohol abuse, mental health issues and suicide, guess which major "progressive" constituency cannot be trusted with guns.
Go on, guess.
And do I then dare point out this and this and this and this?
No, I didn't think so.
God forbid we should have equal treatment under the law in this country.
God forbid we should treat human rights as belonging to individuals, as opposed to privileges to be dispensed or withheld based on where those individuals fall within the collective.
Unless, I suppose, you happen to be in the right group.
[Via Michael G]
If You're Mangled and You Know It Clap Your Stumps
There is no safety issue because bears are afraid of humans. All you have to do is clap your hands or make some noise and the bear will run away. [More]Doreen here sounds like she wants to join Leo for a threesome.
[Via Florida Guy]
With Friends Like These
How A Proud Gun Owner Running For Congress Became The ‘Enemy Number 1’ Of The NRA [More]By being a gunkapo?
And Enemy Number 1? Hey guy, the line wraps around the block. Get in the back of it and wait your turn.
One of the lying tactics fascists at sites like Opposite Day Think Progress pull is recounting the guy's "pro-gun" achievements. like they approve of them. So they show the guy being a hunter, just to con the Fudds.
Separating makes targets easier to pick off.
We're the Only Ones Resigned Enough
The police officer whose fatal shooting of VonDerrit Myers Jr. triggered protests last fall resigned from the force on Saturday after police opened a drunk-driving investigation into an early morning crash involving his department-issued vehicle ... When police responded to the accident, a witness said a police car had caused the damage and fled. Officers found the car at Flanery’s house nearby. [More]In other words, he wanted to make it home at the end of his shift...?
[Via bondmen]
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