What’s new is that more fed-up gun owners are forming the resolve to defy disarmament edicts and to refuse to comply when “progressive” majorities have barred doors for legislative and judicial redress. That's because unalienable individual rights aren't subject to manipulated mob whims. While more traditional organizations have not known what to make of situations when their lobbying strategies have failed and gun owners have taken the demand for freedom into their own hands, perhaps some are learning that dismissing “I will not comply” activists as “extremists” is playing into the hands of people who level that charge against everyone they wish to smear, with a special viciousness for the more "moderate" who try to play nice. [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes ultimately, it boils down to those who want to disarm their fellow citizens asking themselves one question: "Do I feel lucky?" Plus this seemed as good a time as any to resurrect "The Hickenlooper Blues."
Tuesday, March 31, 2015
Colorado enforcement dilemma shows exploitable weakness of anti-gun laws
We're the Only Ones Deflated Enough
A 6-year veteran of the Philadelphia police department is facing DUI charges after he was caught driving in a marked police cruiser with flat tires. [More]Hey, don't judge until you've driven a mile in his condition.
[Via Harvey]
Controlled Opposition
One group has billboards supporting gun edicts that infringe on RKBA, and the other group has billboards ... uh ... supporting gun edicts that infringe on RKBA. [More]
Beautiful DREAMer, Wake Unto Me...
The government’s negligence—allowing these illegal immigrant criminals in the country to begin with—has allowed the problem to spread like wildfire. [More]I hate to break it to you guys at Judicial Watch, but if you think that's due to "negligence," you haven't been paying attention.
[Via @pamnsc]
We're the Only Ones Thieving Enough
So what is the damned thief's name? [More]
And why does the head thief keep getting reelected?
And doesn't this just tell us ever so much?
[Via Florida Guy]
And why does the head thief keep getting reelected?
And doesn't this just tell us ever so much?
[Via Florida Guy]
A Shotgun by Any Other Name
Under current ATF rulings, its possible to create a non-NFA firearm that uses shotgun rounds (note, I did not say “shotgun” which refers to a specific legal definition). By never mounting a stock to a receiver and keeping the over-all length over 26″, Shockwave technologies Raptor grips keep a scattergun legal to own. Users who purchase these must keep the grips on, otherwise they become an AOW requiring registration. [More]Just think, there are people who would gladly employ the full contiuum of force up to lethal over this.
"The Description of the Attackers is Very Vague"
It's just three or four men between the ages of 17 and 23... [More]I'll say it's vague. At least any description politically-motivated "Only Ones" and our hero crusading journalists are willing to share with the public...
I love the fact that this has been taking place two blocks from one of Thug McCarthy's lairs.
[Via Sweet Baboo]
This Day in History: March 31
I think the Peace upon the whole a very liberal one; and therefore most likely to be durable—never was so Important a Revolution as Ours, so cheaply, and in so short a time purchased; the value of which, I hope we shall not estimate by the price, but by its Intrinsic worth. The Payment of British debts does not set well on the stomachs of people in general here; you know my sentiments always were that a National War, tho’ it might suspend, ought not to destroy the Contracts or engagements of Individuals. The restitution of confiscated property, is touched so gently, as to produce no effect I imagine, tho’ for myself I declare, that in this state, I believe it would produce in general, good rather than evil, the lands being in the hands of worse Citizens than they were taken from: [More]
Monday, March 30, 2015
White House ‘home rule’ stance only applies to restrictions and controls
When he says he wants to ban “assault weapons,” do you ever see him acknowledge that some places be left unmolested? How about “gun free zones” or “universal background checks” or...? [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes a persistent bit of hypocrisy used to mask the reality that totalitarians mean to rule your home and everyone in it.
Brady Legal Acumen
It's funny. Just this morning we saw the Bradys claiming victory on a case they ended up losing.
Now, while doing research for today's GRE, I found a pre-McDonald article:
Now, while doing research for today's GRE, I found a pre-McDonald article:
Although the Brady Campaign expects the Chicago ordinance to be challenged, it thinks it may survive because Chicago does not have the restrictions on long guns like the ones found in Washington, D.C. The Chicago law may also survive in the view of the Brady Campaign because the decision in the D.C. case will likely not resolve the issue of whether the Second Amendment applies to the states and other cities that are not federal enclaves.These people and their lawyers continually suck, which is fine by me.
Perks of the Job
Iowa lawyer pays employees bonus to carry a gun [More]Ha. Challenge companies headed by antis to pay their people $50/mo. not to carry, and press them to require it of their vendors...
[Via Skip]
Last Night on Armed American Radio
AAR studios, outside and under the palms. Guest include The Arms Room's Mike Piwaworski, self-defense attorney Kevin Maxwell, famed economist, Dr. John Lott, commentary from David Codrea, Contributor Amber Kunau. [Listen]I was on in the second half of Hour Two.
Jerry Henry of Georgia Carry and Sean Caranna of Florida Carry were supposed to be on in Hour One, but the phone system wasn't working. I was afraid it would carry over, as I tried calling in to test the lines and got an automated message that the call could not be completed, but it suddenly came on right at the top of the hour.
Live radio. It certainly tests improvisational skills at times.
No Need to Thank Me
I responded already.
I even told you guys about it.
Jeez, for community organizers, you're not very organized.
I even told you guys about it.
Jeez, for community organizers, you're not very organized.
Choke Point Continues
At first I thought this must be a reposting of an old article, because we've been talking about Operation Choke Point for some time, we've known about Sun Trust's discrimination against gun sellers since last year, and DOJ has promised everyone they're not doing anything untoward, but merely protecting us against fraud.
Heck, even the head of FDIC said it was all a misunderstanding on their part...
But this one is new.
Gosh, if I didn't know better, I'd think the administration doesn't respect a tough-talking Congress...
[Via Matthew B]
Heck, even the head of FDIC said it was all a misunderstanding on their part...
But this one is new.
Gosh, if I didn't know better, I'd think the administration doesn't respect a tough-talking Congress...
[Via Matthew B]
Wacky Races
Funny, how I can live near Akron and have pretty much paid no mind to the Soap Box Derby for years. [More]
That Waynermobile looks pretty slick. Glad to see the crackup didn't total it. And it's nice to see an eye toward better economy.
That Waynermobile looks pretty slick. Glad to see the crackup didn't total it. And it's nice to see an eye toward better economy.
A Full Confession
'Hillary Clinton Has Admitted to Obstruction of Justice' [More]So?
With gutless, compromised/blackmailed Republicans doing the impotent whining, and no criminal charges, what difference does it make?
Kill the Kulaks
The irony here is that men like Teddy Roosevelt, the founder of the Progressive party, were imperialistic white supremacists. [More]It's only ironic if you don't factor in the inescapable Opposite Day truism.
[Via Jeet]
A Good First Step
A good second one would be to slap a hefty fine on them for filing a frivolous lawsuit. [More]
Say, that's some "victory"! (see #5) That's really something, when even Holder's DOJ tells you you're full of sh!+.
I hope Lucky Gunner can sue.
Say, that's some "victory"! (see #5) That's really something, when even Holder's DOJ tells you you're full of sh!+.
We're the Only Ones Feeling Your Pain Enough
Illinois State Police and the St. Clair County Sheriff’s Office seized a cache of weapons, computers and documents from the Brooklyn Police Department last Wednesday. [More]When "Only Ones" collide...
[Via bondmen]
Takes One to Know One
Top Obama Economist Calls Republicans ‘Nazis’ Over Religious Freedom Law [More]Funny thing about National Socialists...
[Via bondmen]
Maybe They Were Just Looking for a Place to Buy a Wedding Cake
U.S. law enforcement officials also tell CBS News that cocaine and a weapon were found in or near the vehicle, and that investigators believe the people in the car were men dressed as women. [More]Definitely sound like knuckle-dragging conservative gun nuts to me...
There's Bad Discrimination...
And then there's "progressive" discrimination... [More]
Funny. I was just talking about this very subject with Mack H, not an hour ago...
Funny. I was just talking about this very subject with Mack H, not an hour ago...
What if You Passed a Law and Nobody Obeyed It?
And what if you were afraid to enforce it? [More]
New paradigm, people...
And the "mainstream" gun groups would do well to figure out how to be supportive instead of running to the Prozi press with smears like "extremist," which they and the gungrab groups will be more than happy to exploit.
[Via cydl]
New paradigm, people...
And the "mainstream" gun groups would do well to figure out how to be supportive instead of running to the Prozi press with smears like "extremist," which they and the gungrab groups will be more than happy to exploit.
[Via cydl]
The Sipsey Street Slacktivist
I have been getting some inquiries (some in the form of criticism for slacking) about why I haven't been doing more original work lately. [More]When you cast pearls, Mike, some invariably roll before swine.
"NRA Madness"
Because if we can't trust adults with guns on campuses, we can't trust adults with guns anywhere! [More]
But no one wants to take your guns.
Gosh, this is a shame, isn't it? I mean, who doesn't find indignant Prozis the most interesting people in the world?
But no one wants to take your guns.
Gosh, this is a shame, isn't it? I mean, who doesn't find indignant Prozis the most interesting people in the world?
They Just Can't Leave It Alone
I guess "compulsive scab-picker" is as good a description of your doctrinaire anti as any... [More]
[Via Jess]
[Via Jess]
How dare businesses be allowed to do this! [More]
Are there no George Takei fans who could use a job?
[Via Florida Guy]
Are there no George Takei fans who could use a job?
[Via Florida Guy]
A Sham or a Signal?
Considering his support for "don't call it amnesty" which will take it and everything else away and leave us with no recourse but to surrender or resist, I'd say it's a sham. [More]
And to all those who try to gloss the danger over by saying what we need are "outreach programs," first of all, where the hell are they, and secondly, guess what the Prozis ushering them in have been doing all along ... with your money...
And to all those who try to gloss the danger over by saying what we need are "outreach programs," first of all, where the hell are they, and secondly, guess what the Prozis ushering them in have been doing all along ... with your money...
Think of It as a Hard Drive of Sorts for the Brain
This can be a wonderful blessing, nothing short of a miraculous life-changer for some. [More]
Now watch the "progressives" work out a way to require it in everyone. You don't have anything to hide, do you?
[Via Florida Guy]
Now watch the "progressives" work out a way to require it in everyone. You don't have anything to hide, do you?
[Via Florida Guy]
A "Progressive" Paradox
If someone wanted to hire George Takei in his capacity as a professional actor to film a PSA disapproving homosexuality, and he refused to provide his services based on his principles and beliefs, how would that be any different from a Christian baker declining to decorate a two-groom cake? [More]
For that matter, why should any actor be free to decline roles requiring gay romantic contact based on a personal aversion?
And why are all those who are ... uh ... butthurt over this so silent when the Muslims do it? Anybody see any lawsuits over that one?
Challenge for all the "crusaders": place gay wedding cake orders at Islamic bakeries to find out how many are receptive. If any decline, sue them.
I dare you.
For that matter, why should any actor be free to decline roles requiring gay romantic contact based on a personal aversion?
And why are all those who are ... uh ... butthurt over this so silent when the Muslims do it? Anybody see any lawsuits over that one?
Challenge for all the "crusaders": place gay wedding cake orders at Islamic bakeries to find out how many are receptive. If any decline, sue them.
I dare you.
A USDA Official
A USDA official contacted them shortly after the Feb. 26 incident, saying they needed a license to showcase their llamas or even allow people to snap photos of them, the couple said. [More]Did this "USDA official" have a name? And what exactly did he say? Got anything in writing?
It Depends on What the Meaning of the Term "Natural Born" Is
We don’t go around defining “pizza,” because every American over the age of four knows what a pizza is. [More]Not that I want to spoil anyone's hopes, but it really is ( and has been) in all of our interests to get a correct understanding of original intent.
If you have an opinion, please cite sources.
Beach Blanket Bingo!
It's fun in the sun as wild kids descend on Panama City for love, adventure and just plain kooky craziness! [More]
If only the government would disarm you and me!
If only the government would disarm you and me!
Welcome to Fish in a Barrel. How Many in Your Party?
![]() |
Sounds like a good name for a restaurant... |
John Lott's Crime Prevention Research Center has done advance scouting.
Why any gun owner would give aid and comfort to the enemy instead of to friends is beyond me. That said, there will no doubt be some oblivious but opinionated "Jack and Connie Plan"* attendees who haven't heard a word about this. Do what you can to pass the word along.
* That Consumer Cellular commercial with the retirees boasting of their deliberate bloviating ignorance ("Well we talk a lot, but we don't go on the web that much") somehow seems a perfect metaphor...
This Day in History: March 30
Resolved That such officers as are now in service and shall continue therein to the end of the war, shall be entitled to receive the amount of five years full pay in money or securities on interest, at six per cent per Annum, as Congress shall find most convenient, instead of the half pay promised for Life... [More]
Sunday, March 29, 2015
Tonight on Armed American Radio
From host Mark Walters:
Jerry Henry of Goergia Carry addresses Everytown for Gun Safety lies, John Lott talks FBI study and NRA fundraiser event for www.crimeresearch.org, David Codrea, firearm manufacturer Mike Piwaworski, self-defense attorney Kevin Maxwell, Amber Kunau.The program broadcasts from 8 to 11 p.m. Eastern (adjust for your locale). Click here to find a list of stations nationwide, or here to listen via live streaming.
Government supports dismissal of Ares Armor case against ATF
The government disputes that its “classification of the EP80 as a firearm was arbitrary,” and claims its actions are consistent with prior decisions. It further contends plaintiff claims should be dismissed because that classification is “within [ATF’s] constitutional and statutory authority... [More]This afternoon's Gun Rights Examiner report notes ATF asserting "constitutional authority" is more than a bit like molesters claiming consent.
Michael Dukes Show
Last week's "Firearms Friday" program is now online. The segment I was on starts around 31 minutes in. [Listen]
Obama contest discriminates against undocumented immigrants and minorities
If we are to believe Obama and his “progressive” organizer team – and why wouldn't we? – the less fortunate are still being discriminated against, this time by the very people they depend on for “social justice.” [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes what kind of priority it takes for "progressives" to demand proof of lawful residency and government ID.
You Never Know What May Come Back to Bite You
Any plans to warn card-holders that they'd better make sure all the entries are truthful, because giving false statements, representations or documents to law enforcement is treated as a pretty serious offense? Would anyone so caught up have cause to sue the people who encouraged him to use this without fair warning?
The Trouble with Harry
An "elastic exercise band." Yeah, that's the ticket! [More]
Interesting theory, considering the guy does have some known criminal associates.
Interesting theory, considering the guy does have some known criminal associates.
Why Worry About UN Troops on US Soil When We’re Already Giving Local Law Enforcement Over to Foreign Mercenaries?
Joe Miller's "Restoring Liberty" picked up on my GRE piece. [More]
IFC Alert
From Iowa Firearms Coalition, via email:
Please take two minutes and add your name to list of Iowans who are calling on the Iowa Senate to bring SF425 to a vote as is. We'll be delivering the petitions to the Iowa Senate leadership early next week. You cannot afford to wait, please sign now. Already signed it? GREAT! Now recruit your family and friends to sign it - strength in numbers! [More]If you're from Iowa or know someone who is, make this today's Five-Minute Activism project.
Saturday, March 28, 2015
Heller Foundation raising funds for machine gun lawsuit
“The Heller Foundation is pleased to announce that it has teamed with Jay Hollis and attorneys Stephen Stamboulieh and Alan Beck to fight the federal restrictions on machine gun ownership.” [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes this should take away any remaining doubts that this is a lawsuit worth supporting. Will you? Think of the potential ramifications and the significance of this particular ally jumping into the fray, and then please spread the news far and wide to help them do battle properly equipped.
Friday, March 27, 2015
'Gun control' politician compares cops to ISIS, says he’d shoot them first
Project Vote Smart shows Chambers voted against passage of concealed carry legislation. He inserted an amendment into one concealed carry bill requiring permittees to “carry concealed the maximum number of pistols for personal protection due to paranoia and stark terror.” Unsurprisingly, he “was rated 0% by National Rifle Association (Candidate Positions on Gun Rights).” And it’s not just that he supports so-called “gun-free zones," he actively works to expand them. [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes a lunatic who mistrusts cops so much he wants them to be the "only ones" with guns! With "progressives," every day is Opposite Day.
World's Greatest Female Leader
That would explain a lot. [More]
Including the appropriateness of actions associated with Taylor Swifting.
Including the appropriateness of actions associated with Taylor Swifting.
Loss of a True Champion
Let's hope the door he looks like he walked into hits him in the heinie on his way out. [More]
And naturally, being Wayne's "true champion of the Second Amendment," he named Schumer his heir apparent.
And naturally, being Wayne's "true champion of the Second Amendment," he named Schumer his heir apparent.
Unqualified for Higher Office
I gave up my campaign after the second totally irrelevant question. [More]
Welcome Aboard ISILwings Flight 9525?
Yeah, I've read the reports tracing back to one source, and it comports with my initial instincts and suspicions, and no, I don't expect the "authorities" are all that incentivized to be immediately forthright with their findings, but we also need to be on guard against disinformation, especially the kind that appeals to predispositions. Spreading what is as yet a rumor started for purposes unknown can only erode the credibility of the messengers if it turns out to be a setup to get some to take the bait and start screaming.
That doesn't mean efforts should not be made to guard against and expose any cover-ups.
That doesn't mean efforts should not be made to guard against and expose any cover-ups.
Invoking Markley's Law in 3...2...1...
At least five Americans accidentally shot off their penises since 2010 [More]Talk about being desperate to dig up something, anything. And talk about something bringing joy to "progressives," some so frenzied you can see their black doll's eyes rolling over to white, like the feeding-frenzied sharks Quint recalled in "Jaws."
It's Not What You Think! Honest!
Is "alarmist" anything like "extremist"? [More]
You don't think the people responsible not being able to "immediately verify the authenticity of the slideshow" because of firewalls doesn't add more questions about forthrightness? Nobody has a smart phone or a tablet with a mobile hotspot, or a laptop they can take to a place with free Wi-Fi, like Fort Bragg's Callahan Athletic Center?
So instead we get this "There, there, don't worry your pretty little heads about it" dismissal? And aside from the pesky "alarmists," the rest of the media is fine passing on the talking points?
Say, here's an idea that could get more specific answers as to the totality of the planned operations: I wonder if they've filed an environmental impact statement...
You don't think the people responsible not being able to "immediately verify the authenticity of the slideshow" because of firewalls doesn't add more questions about forthrightness? Nobody has a smart phone or a tablet with a mobile hotspot, or a laptop they can take to a place with free Wi-Fi, like Fort Bragg's Callahan Athletic Center?
So instead we get this "There, there, don't worry your pretty little heads about it" dismissal? And aside from the pesky "alarmists," the rest of the media is fine passing on the talking points?
Say, here's an idea that could get more specific answers as to the totality of the planned operations: I wonder if they've filed an environmental impact statement...
A Fudd By Any Other Name?
It seems my use of the term has been objected to over on Facebook. [More]
Fine. If you want to proudly call yourself a Fudd, that’s between you and you. That doesn’t mean you get to unilaterally redefine commonly-understood terms. No one here disparages those who are rights defenders first who also hunt or sport-shoot, because most of us would be disparaging ourselves. Come up with a term for “sportsmen” who throw rights under the bus and support gun-grabbers as long as their hobbies get preferential treatment, and then get widely-understood acceptance of your new term, and maybe people will start using it.
Meanwhile, Inigo would like a word with you.
[More, from the WOG Fudd Files]
Fine. If you want to proudly call yourself a Fudd, that’s between you and you. That doesn’t mean you get to unilaterally redefine commonly-understood terms. No one here disparages those who are rights defenders first who also hunt or sport-shoot, because most of us would be disparaging ourselves. Come up with a term for “sportsmen” who throw rights under the bus and support gun-grabbers as long as their hobbies get preferential treatment, and then get widely-understood acceptance of your new term, and maybe people will start using it.
Meanwhile, Inigo would like a word with you.
[More, from the WOG Fudd Files]
This Day in History: March 27
A motion was made by Mr. Bland 2ded. by Mr. Lee to go back to the first part of the report & instead of the words “levy” an impost of 5 PerCt. to substitute the word “collect” an impost &c. It was urged in favor of this motion that the first word imported a Legislative idea, & the latter an executive only, and consequently the latter might be less obnoxious to the States. [More]Who's levyin'? We're collectin'.
I hadn't realized Jojo Krako rejoinders were that old.
Mike reminds us of another date, and while not part of the original Revolutionary period this feature chronicles, it is nonetheless important to know about and then remember.
Thursday, March 26, 2015
Zimmerman statement coverage highlights media shallowness
The thing is, this was not Zimmerman’s first public statement. He appeared on the nationally-syndicated Armed American Radio program with host Mark Walters on December 14 of last year, in Hour Two of the program... [More]This evening's Gun Rights Examiner report notes what the media isn't telling you is sometimes intentional and sometimes just due to not knowing first thing about what they're trying to fake like they're authorities on. But they sure act like they know what the hell they're talking about, don't they?
Raging Debate
The ones exhibiting most of the rage are the ones who are frustrated because they want to control everyone and don't know how to handle those who say "No," except to demand the state employ a continuum of up-to-lethal force to bend the defiant to their will. Likewise, why would anyone debate a settled truth, that is, give equal time, acknowledgment and respect to those who are wrong and/or evil? [More]
Most don't quite know what to make of the new paradigm in gun rights advocacy, and that includes many ostensibly on "our side."
[Via cydl]
Most don't quite know what to make of the new paradigm in gun rights advocacy, and that includes many ostensibly on "our side."
[Via cydl]
And the Crowd Went Wild
Can there be a better advertisement for getting out of your car and into public transit? [Watch]
[Via Florida Guy]
[Via Florida Guy]
White Privilege on Parade
That is when the media and public officials gathered around Motley and congratulated him for his heroism. For saving the damsel in distress from a case of wicked racial violence.
Oh, yeah – that last part did not happen.
In fact, when police arrived, they arrested Motley for assault. Ditto for Gina Herring. [More]Any questions, racists?
[Via Michael G]
That's an Affront, Alright...
Calling the use of encrypted phones and computers a “huge problem” and an affront to the “rule of law,” Comey, painted an apocalyptic picture of the world if the communications technology isn’t banned. [More]I think he means an affront to the law of rulers...
You know what else we need, for even more vital security? Some way to tap into people's minds to know what they're thinking. You'd better believe this is under development and probably a lot farther along than those without clearances realize. Then we could all be plugged into a cloud, and keythoughts could trigger scrutiny...
Hey, if you don't have anything to hide...
[Via Florida Guy]
Giving Back to the Community
We are asking gun shops, Manufacturers, FFL licensees, and those businesses that sell complimentary lines of products or services to join with us and contribute... [More]There are some who don't do that much volume or who may have special considerations precluding full partnership, but who nonetheless ought to do something, and all of them need to actively recruit support from their customers. And that goes especially for the big volume merchants.
The ones who won't lift a finger, including the ones who support the Bloomberg initiative for reasons of agreement or gain, need to be singled out and made examples of. I would suggest Nevadans for State Gun Rights come up with some sort of decal or poster supporters can display, something that would have the same basic effect of sending the economic wrath of gun owners elsewhere as painting lamb's blood on door posts did at the first Passover...
Legislative Shoot-Out
Within the next 72 hours, gun owners should expect votes in the U.S. Senate on: * Outlawing ATF bullet bans * Concealed Carry Reciprocity * Prohibiting Senate anti-gun amendments. [More]You know what to do.
I keep meaning to compile a list of reps worth contacting, along with an easier way to contact them all, even if you don't live in their district or state, so that gun owners who don't want to waste their time amusing safe antis have alternatives. I have some ideas, but just haven't been able to find the time.
Securing the Blessings of Liberty, Totalitarian-Style
Federal regulations in the Land of the Free REQUIRE banks to file ‘suspicious activity reports’ or SARs on their customers. And it’s not optional. [More]Hold on, it's in here somewhere, I'll find it...
Meanwhile, ask to audit the fed's banker, and guess what? Lord knows we wouldn't want "political pressure" to influence any of that...
The Fifth "P"
Why don't you add "progressive pastors" to your list, Carlos, you stupid damned genocide-enabling Opposite Day "man of God"? [More]
Flower Power
In bloom or in boom? [More]Now no "In Bloomberg" wisecracks, please...
This reminds me of another gun/flower connection from a while back...
[Via Todd S]
Private transfer gun owner registration bill fast-tracked in Oregon
“The bill has a long list of co-sponsors including Val Hoyle who at one time seemed to be rational on this issue,” OFF continued. Concern there is especially relevant to gun owners, as many of them relied on her endorsement by the National Rifle Association, casting their votes and supporting her campaign accordingly under the assumption that she would support the Second Amendment. Further compounding the confusion going forward will be a "Legislator of the Year Award" given Hoyle earlier this week by the Oregon Outdoor Council. [More]Today's second Gun Rights Examiner report provides yet another in a long line of examples of Fudds throwing rights under the bus in order to advance their "sport."
Paving the Way?
I've seen that speculation. [More]
I don't think so. Jones was looking for a way out for some time, and Holder's imminent departure would only increase his vulnerability, plus, my sense of things is that negotiations with NFL would have probably preceded the ammo debacle.
So it's not like I want to publicly disagree with Kurt, but I've been asked before about this and the answer I've been giving is the one I just stated. Besides, I said something nice about him last week and still haven't received my dollar.
I don't think so. Jones was looking for a way out for some time, and Holder's imminent departure would only increase his vulnerability, plus, my sense of things is that negotiations with NFL would have probably preceded the ammo debacle.
So it's not like I want to publicly disagree with Kurt, but I've been asked before about this and the answer I've been giving is the one I just stated. Besides, I said something nice about him last week and still haven't received my dollar.
An Arsenal of Lies
Kurt takes on one of the big ones the antis are desperate to spread -- that there are really only a few gun owners with overflowing safes. [More]
Somebody ought to ask Bernie Horn about how college "gun control" clubs are getting more interested students than they can handle. Oh, wait...
Interesting "progressive" perspective, that if a group is a minority, you can deny them rights. Besides, if the minority is determined, do you really need more than, say, three percent...?
Somebody ought to ask Bernie Horn about how college "gun control" clubs are getting more interested students than they can handle. Oh, wait...
Interesting "progressive" perspective, that if a group is a minority, you can deny them rights. Besides, if the minority is determined, do you really need more than, say, three percent...?
Mainstream press confirms ATF's Jones going to NFL
“This is a joke, right?” retired agent Jay Dobyns asked incredulously... [More]This morning's Gun Rights Examiner report notes a curious assignment, expecting the guy who gave a pass to corruption and retaliated against whistleblowers to rein in NFL's thug population.
This Day in History: March 26
I need hardly tell you that the intelligence brought by the Washington diffused general pleasure here— We had long been in suspence with respect to the negotiations, & had received no other lights on that subject than those the speech of his Britannic Majesty & Mr Townshend’s Letters threw upon it— These were by no means Sufficient to dissipate all our apprehensions... [More]
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
Hearing on government’s motion to dismiss machine gun case set for April
Oral arguments on the Justice Department’s motion to dismiss a case before the United States District Court for the Northern District of Texas Dallas Division are set for April 23 Judge Barbara M. G. Lynn ordered Tuesday. Counsel was advised to convene in the Earle Cabell Federal Building in Dallas. [More]This evening's Gun Rights Examiner report notes the latest developments in a case that has the potential to overturn almost 30 years of insane federal law and open up a whole new market.
Inconvenient truths about Jones’ successor at ATF warrant investigation
Without bringing the original and subsequent work to wider attention -- and the press isn't about to -- most of the public will never hear about it, meaning the corruption, cover-up and stonewalling will continue as the “authorized journalists” run interference. [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes the new guy is a company man just as capable of going Full BTodd as the outgoing administration lackey.
When You're Hot You're Hot
Let's see critics of gas do this with charcoal. [More]
Although maybe I spoke too soon...
[Via Florida Guy]
Although maybe I spoke too soon...
[Via Florida Guy]
"U.S. Media AWOL"
Obama Accused of Obstructing Battle against Boko Haram to Promote Axelrod’s Nigerian Muslim Client [More]There are one of two ways we could treat this.
We could understand this is the type of investigative journalism the Fourth Estate Fifth Columnists have no interest in making known, and that it's therefore up to us to be force multipliers and share the link far and wide to help wake more people up to the domestic enemies posing as our leaders.
Or we could take the "progressive" approach: Smear the author as an Islamophobe who hates Obama because he's black...
Actually, there is a third way, one taken by far too many: We could just do nothing.
I know what I chose.
Crash and Burn
Mr. JONES AND Mr. BRANDON SERIOUSLY? This in and of itself should get you fired. A half million dollars for drones nobody can fly? Have you ever heard of a trial run? I bought a drone for $300 and got aerial video the first day. If this aint waste fraud and abuse what is? The tax payers are gonna love this. [More]Vince Cefalu notes some defective remote-controlled drones, and also some that came in a box.
It appears BATF-U's tendency to pull this crap will not stop with the director's departure. Still, the new guy deserves his own identity-- maybe somebody could come up with better lyrics:
B. Todd abandoned him
What do you do when you're Brandon
And you're out on a limb?
We're the Only Ones Privately Recording Enough
State legislators around the country are pushing to make it much harder for the public to obtain police officer body camera videos, undermining their promise as a tool people can use to hold law enforcement accountable. [More]Hey, gotta keep those costs down for that public we're serving and protecting the hell out of.
[Via Florida Guy]
A Blind Eye in the Hawkeye State
From Iowa Firearms Coalition, via email:
Senate leadership is purposely stalling this bill, they know they have to do something, but they know if they can put us off until the 11th hour they have a lot more leverage. If they can delay SF425 until the last minute they can bring forward a watered down version of the Omnibus Gun Bill and pass it before our side can mount any resistance. We've created a petition calling on the Senate leadership to Bring SF425 to a vote - AS IS! Please sign it and share it as soon as possible.
Meanwhile, Over at the Gun-Free Zone
Police say they have arrested two men in connection with February's shooting outside Frederick High School. 21-year-old Brandon Tyler and 19-year-old Chandler Davenport were both arrested and face charges related to the shooting. [More]What more proof do we need that you must be disarmed?
We're the Only Ones Making it Stick Enough
A Pennsylvania police officer was charged Tuesday with criminal homicide after investigators concluded she shot an unarmed motorist in the back as he lay facedown after a traffic stop over an expired inspection sticker. [More]On the bright side, he won't need to renew...
[Via William T]
And They Say There Are No Stupid Questions
How about we ban all civilian gun ownership? [More]Thanks for confirming the end game, James. And for a handy link to throw back at liars who say "No one wants to take your guns."
[Via Herschel]
We're the Only Ones Making Sure Enough
“His gun was wet, and he went back into his office and felt it would be an opportune time to clean it and make sure it was working”... [More]It was.
Also, more "Notes."
We're the Only Ones #DrunkLivesMatter Enough
St. Ann reserve officer accused in crash quits, blames drinking on Ferguson, chief says [More]Bottom's up, more shooters!
[Via bondmen]
A Guy Walks into a Coutroom...
Prosecutor engaged in egregious misconduct, warranting dismissal with prejudice of all charges, by providing defense counsel with an edited transcript of defendant’s statement to police, adding fabricated language suggesting that defendant had committed a more serious crime than that to which he actually admitted. [More]But it's OK, because the prosecutor said a few years back it was all taken the wrong way.
Jeez, can't you people take a joke?
[Via Geordan]
As Found in Nature
You know, animals puffing themselves up to make the threat they want to convey appear larger than it really is...
Check out these animals.
[Via Jess]
Check out these animals.
[Via Jess]
Cry, the Betrayed Country
24-25 March 2015: GOSA, along with a number of pro-gun sporting and other bodies, will be attending the Firearms Summit in Parliament. Unfortunately it seems that we will be granted "observer" status only. The list of speakers should make it clear that they are out to get our guns (again). What does Danny Jordaan know about firearms, except that Senzo Meyiwa was murdered (hint: this is already illegal) by a yet-to-be-apprehended (see how well the law works?) criminal using a gun (again, already illegal). This is not about firearms, it's about control. [More]I'd comment further, but I've been told by the antis that I'm not qualified because I "clearly haven't been raped."
And GOSA would comment further, except they've been told by the antis in charge of the forum they won't be allowed to. Say, this monopoly of power business is all right! You can tell people what to do and when they can speak and everything...
From a GOSA press release, just in:
Firearm owners will be demonstrating outside Parliament at 13h30 today (Wednesday 25 March) in support of their representatives taking part in the Firearms Summit at Parliament.
According to Jeff Radebe “the main objective is to ensure that we reduce the ownership of arms in South Africa.”
The latest figures released by Statistics South Africa, clearly illustrate that firearms are used in only 1,7% of assault related deaths. This calculates to about 0,1734% of non-natural deaths, and roughly 0,01734% of all deaths nationally.
Of even greater interest is that of these assault related deaths, the top cause at 85,1% is ‘Sharp Object related’.
A ‘firearm control system’ initially costing R42 million, has turned into around R412 million. With possibly billions more tax payer Rands being squandered on a law that clearly has done nothing to curb crime, but which has rather disarmed law abiding citizens, one would think that the Civilian Secretariat for Police should conduct an audit of the Firearms Control Act immediately.
A Symbolic Victory
How does that do anything but provide risk-free cover? [More]
Sorry to sound so cynical, but this lets them go on to support all kinds of tangential infringements and then come back and brag about their 2A bona fides.
Talky-talky, no go no place.
[Via cydl]
Sorry to sound so cynical, but this lets them go on to support all kinds of tangential infringements and then come back and brag about their 2A bona fides.
Talky-talky, no go no place.
[Via cydl]
On the Fringe
The dispute has made Van Duyne a hero on fringe websites that fear an Islamic takeover of America. [More]Why would any crazy fringers think that?
Besides, it's not like The Dallas Morning News has an agenda or anything...
This Day in History: March 25
The greatest part of this sum had been anticipated and how our army could have been kept together for three months is utterly beyond my solution. [More]
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
Saipan gun controls challenged to comply with current U.S. law
Setting aside the debate over American possessions and the right of self determination, as long as said territories fall under U.S. jurisdiction, consistency also demands full recognition and equal protection of rights. [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes the tendency of imperial powers to treat colonial subjects as less than citizens, that is, as less than human beings, is a relic from an exploitative past that deserves to be buried.
Speaking of Fourth Estate Fifth Columnists...
It's not like the canons of journalism were ever any more than self-serving window dressing... [More]
[Via bondmen]
[Via bondmen]
Yeah, It's a Real Mystery
But only for those pretending like they don't have a clue. [More]
Wonderful places, "progressive" strongholds. It's hardly any wonder most are stupid enough to "elect" the rulers they do...
Wonderful places, "progressive" strongholds. It's hardly any wonder most are stupid enough to "elect" the rulers they do...
When in Doubt, Heed the Demons
See, that's what conservatives need to do -- listen to atheist God-hating Bosheviks about how to appeal to Christians! [More]
I mean, would they lie...?
I mean, would they lie...?
We're the Only Ones Highly Rated Enough
Philadelphia Cops Shoot and Kill People at 6 Times the Rate of the NYPD [More]From the Monopoly of Violence Bolsheviks at Mother Jones...
Anybody know if Ramsey is still a "gun criminal"...?
Urgent Action in AZ
HB 2320 is scheduled for a Senate Appropriations Committee hearing at 2 PM on Tuesday, March 24. HB 2320 would exempt CCW permit holders from being disarmed when entering state and local government property unless every person entering is screened for weapons. [More]Forward to every AZ gun owner you know.
Coming Soon, to a Municipality Near You
One Ring to rule them all... [More]
[Via J3]
But they're not a standing army! Remember that the next time they refer to us mundanes as "civilians."
[Via Mack H]
[Via J3]
But they're not a standing army! Remember that the next time they refer to us mundanes as "civilians."
[Via Mack H]
Killing the Messenger
The hive insects at CSGV continue proving their clownish irrelevancy with their infantile demands for attention. [More]
Gosh, that IS a "massive petition."
Heck, if Adolf wants Emily gone, who am I to argue?
Gosh, that IS a "massive petition."
Heck, if Adolf wants Emily gone, who am I to argue?
Just Give Them What They Want
This is about the best outcome the antis could hope for-- not only does it give them a "gun violence" blood dance, there was no pesky DGU to challenge the narrative. [More]
If only we had universal background checks! If only they disarmed you and me.
Any guesses what would be happening if one factor had been reversed?
[Via Florida Guy]
If only we had universal background checks! If only they disarmed you and me.
Any guesses what would be happening if one factor had been reversed?
[Via Florida Guy]
Those Who Make Peaceful Revolution Impossible
Unfortunately, with all branches of the government, including the courts, stridently working to maintain its acquired powers, and the private sector marching in lockstep, there seems to be little to protect the American people from the fast-growing electronic surveillance state. [More]Yeah, that's the bottom line from all our traditional "leaders": You can't get there from here.
Heck of an admission, ain't it?
Hence the new paradigm, and their hostility to it, knowing their having been maneuvered into a dead end exposes their lack of any real solutions that will wrest power from totalitarian oppressors.
[Via Plug Nickel Times]
The End Justifies the Means?
Just ask Adam Reposa! [More]
The guy is a "badass attorney," huh?
That means an officer of the court was doing this, indifferent to the effects of inflaming racial tensions and the endangerment and harm he was causing to innocents?
Seems to me an ethics investigation is in order.
That and a mental evaluation.
[Via bondmen]
The guy is a "badass attorney," huh?
That means an officer of the court was doing this, indifferent to the effects of inflaming racial tensions and the endangerment and harm he was causing to innocents?
Seems to me an ethics investigation is in order.
That and a mental evaluation.
[Via bondmen]
Cost Analysis
I guess as long as it doesn't come out of their pockets, the sellouts and traitors will only talk about fraudulent "benefits." [More]
And the economic part hardly accounts for all the costs. Not by a long shot.
[Via Robert F]
And the economic part hardly accounts for all the costs. Not by a long shot.
[Via Robert F]
How dare anyone try to block our pathway to citizenship? [More]
Just when we're making such "progress"!
Just when we're making such "progress"!
A Monopoly of Power
No wonder they demand a monopoly of violence. [More]
Heres' the thing -- you forbid someone from keeping and bearing arms, you damn well had better assume a special relationship with attendant liability should that help to enable their harm.
Testified? That means he was under oath when he said that? And he hasn't been charged with perjury?
Non-squanderers can tell these power elites and their lying lobbyist whore what they think of them here and here.
[Via several of you]
UPDATE: I am told I misread that section and took the statement out of context. Yes I did. I could say I need to slow down, but that doesn't cut it-- I apologize. for misreading that part. But I still think anyone who joins with Bloomberg to lobby against rights is what I said, assuming I didn't misread that part, too.
Heres' the thing -- you forbid someone from keeping and bearing arms, you damn well had better assume a special relationship with attendant liability should that help to enable their harm.
‘All this bill does is allow kids to bring guns to school,’” Fitzpatrick testified.
[Via several of you]
UPDATE: I am told I misread that section and took the statement out of context. Yes I did. I could say I need to slow down, but that doesn't cut it-- I apologize. for misreading that part. But I still think anyone who joins with Bloomberg to lobby against rights is what I said, assuming I didn't misread that part, too.
Power Addictocracy
Interventions don’t always work. The drunk often continues in self-destructive denial until he ends up in a gutter, emergency room, or morgue. [More]Some people can't be saved, and shouldn't be. Not that the other bar patrons and party guests are paragons of sober moderation.
Is there any dependency more destructive to everyone than an addiction to power?
Sometimes, all people can do is save themselves from those driven mad by their own demons.
Lock N Load
I'll be joining up with Bill Frady again this morning at 10 Eastern.
You can listen in -- and comment on the conversation -- here.
You can listen in -- and comment on the conversation -- here.
In Until the End
The sentence “we will not comply” is not temporary. It does not have an “if, then” clause. It does not mean “We will not comply until you make us understand that it’s The Law.” Initiative 594 is not constitutional, it is not just, and therefore it is not law. As such, We the People are not bound to follow it; in fact, it is our duty to resist it.
And resist it we will. [More]Welcome to the new paradigm.
The fundraising groups don't quite know what to do with these people, aside from joining with "progressives" by calling them "extremists." That's because those in it strictly for the liberty don't send out emails to lists asking for money, or selling merchandise, or offering gunprizes to induce people to do the right thing out of covetousness instead of principle, or sending "fax blasts" to stuff the pockets of the spammers, divert resources from the gullible who will then feel like they've done their part, and amuse corrupt legislators in safe districts.
They're not asking people to do anything, especially anything for themselves. They merely set the example of not doing something, in this case, obeying tyrannical edicts. There aren't enough enforcers if more would but realize that and resolve mass defiance is the best way to nullify. They're setting personal examples, regardless if others decide to join them or draw the blinds.
So aren't I just contradicting everything I've ever said about "Profiles in Apathy" and all my complaints about people not lifting a finger?
Hardly. This does not negate the need to do the hard work of electing principled representatives, funding worthy efforts, and getting involved at the grassroots level virtually and in meatspace. This comes after those have been tried and failed. Perhaps that's why some ostensibly on "our side" resent them so. And these people are lifting a lot more than a finger -- they are giving their all.
These are last-ditch efforts by men and women of resolve before the oppressors lash out in violence and fury. When that happens, we'll see how many who have not yet joined them -- whose sole contributions to "the cause" appear to be "Molon Labe" comments -- actually mean what they so casually (and anonymously) declare, and how many have done the requisite work of training and preparing so that they're as ready as they can be for the time of tribulation.
These are the efforts of brave Americans who understand the terrible risks they are assuming. When the merciless would-be masters decide "it's time," these are among the first people they'll conclude they must make examples of to cow other potential rebellious slaves.
More backstory:
Feb 25, 2015 ... Washington State liberty activist Anthony Bosworth was arrested ... Anthony Bosworth - Facebook (Used with permission) ..... DavidCodrea.
www.examiner.com/.../federal-agents-catch-and-release-open-carry-activist- washington
Mar 9, 2015 ... ... officials shaking his hand and telling liberty activist AnthonyBosworth they appreciated his leadership in keeping a Friday. ... David Codrea.
www.examiner.com/.../splc-chatter-predicts-arrests-of-spokane-liberty- activists
Mar 6, 2015 ... Anthony Bosworth addresses the crowd as protesters defy the ban on federal grounds. Maria Bosworth .... David Codrea. Original photo ...
www.examiner.com/.../spokane-protest-to-defy-judge-s-gun-ban-on-federal- grounds
Feb 27, 2015 ... Anthony Bosworth being arrested by federal police for exercising his rights. Maria Bosworth (YouTube screen capture) .... DavidCodrea.
www.examiner.com/.../washington-activists-plan-peaceful-armed-assembly- response-to-activist-s-arrest
Feb 6, 2015 ... Activist and event coordinator Maria Bosworth has established a Facebook page to post ... Maria Bosworth's Twitter feed. ..... David Codrea.
www.examiner.com/.../saturday-rally-to-illustrate-new-paradigm-gun-rights- advocacy
UPDATE: Mark of a Freeman calls our attention to this:
It's a mystery how Hollywood "progressives" can understand this and yet revert to being grasshopper supporters in real life.
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