Friday, March 06, 2015

CCDL Responds to Commission

The Governor and his hand-picked Sandy Hook Advisory Commission continue to ride the horrific Newtown tragedy for all of its worth. The sole purpose of this is to advance an Anti-Constitutional Rights agenda. [More]
Figures -- the state's already written a check it can't cash, so naturally they want more. In a way, we should be grateful, because they've shown us we can never "compromise," because they'll never be satisfied with what they get --they'll always be back for more until they have it all.

To those who think otherwise, here's a test: Go to the nearest zoo and climb into the hyena habitat.  Now throw them a couple pieces of lunch meat and tell them that's all you are prepared to give them and you now expect them to go away.

Report back here when you're done with the experiment.

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