Friday, March 06, 2015

We're the Only Ones Thinking "Progressively" Enough

Brooklyn Teen Was Charged With Assaulting A Cop Until This Video Proved The Police Were Lying [More]
Which is why these Double-Opposite Day "progressives" ("Think" and "Progress") demand a police state monopoly of violence and do everything they can to subvert true egalitarian power-sharing by We the People!

[Via William T]


Crotalus said...

I know that you aren't cop bashing, David, and you are no doubt right: most cops really are there to protect the public, and only a few are bad. But I believe that he NYPD, LAPD, and the Chicago PD are corrupt from the top down.

Anonymous said...

Crotalus: when a cop lies, or stands by and does nothing in order to protect another cop who has broken the law, that cop is just as guilty as the one who broke the law. I think I've reached the point where I believe that any actual good a cop does is incidental.