Wednesday, May 06, 2015

Giving WAGV the Finger

Keep your finger off the trigger or keep away from me. [Watch]
Aside from the fact that it's not the "common sense gun safety law" crowd that has Clue One about Cooper's Rules for fingers and triggers, everyone I know would gladly keep away from these cud-chewers.  But they keep inserting themselves into our business and our rights -- under force of state arms.

Gee, I wonder why comments are disabled?  Nice to see you can still give it the finger by giving a "thumbs down."

Speaking of fingers, does the"and bring joy to a girl" bit really belong in a video featuring children?  I guess I need to remember the type of people behind such productions. (Still, I thought all male penetration of womyn was rape.)

I guess we should be glad money is being squandered this way.

1 comment:

Robert Fowler said...

There was 4 minutes shot to hell.