Monday, November 30, 2015

Republican Establishment Just Doesn't Get It

Lou Dobbs explains. [Watch]

Don't forget to take the poll while it's still up.

As I've said before, if Priebus doesn't immediately condemn this and promise sanctions against all behind it, he is complicit. The same holds for each of the other contenders who have not come forth and done the same.

As I've also said before, the party fidelity pledge ought to be a two-way street -- if not, the "deal" for The Donald not to go third party will have been broken by the Republicans.

Establishment GOP shill Liz Mair ought to henceforth be persona non grata as a consultant. Her participation in future campaigns ought to be treated as a liability.

[Via Florida Guy]   


Henry said...

Unfortunately, I have no idea where this poll is actually located, and can find nothing in this article that points me towards it. :-(

David Codrea said...

Key phrase: "while it's still up."

It's the "Question of the Day" and has since been replaced by "Do you believe, like President Obama, the way to defeat the Islamic State is to fight global warming?"

By the time you read this, that may be bumped with "Do you think sending a message that isn't backed by an 'or else' with real personal consequences will sway evil bastards who won't hesitate to destroy you and all you love if they think it will advance their agenda?"