Taking the cake for media manipulation may be PressTV, a state-owned affiliate of Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting. They borrowed a photo of a cute little girl reaching for an unattended handgun to illustrate their take on the story, as if that’s what anyone is talking about, but with a headline like “Iowa approves bill to let children aged 14 and under have guns,” their job is done. [More]Curious, that the mouthpiece “press” for the Islamic Republic of Iran, which has a history of training and sending armed children into battle, should concern itself with gun-grabber objections to U.S. parents teaching kids about guns.
Monday, February 29, 2016
Iran’s Islamic Republic ‘News’ and Domestic Gun-Grabbers Sabotaging Gun Safety for Iowa Children
Not that Clarence Thomas finally asked a question. [More]
That it had to be asked at all.
And not to beat a dead horse, but the lifetime ban for "misdemeanor domestic violence" is something Grover Norquist supporter and current NRA Board candidate Bob Barr was for.
That it had to be asked at all.
And not to beat a dead horse, but the lifetime ban for "misdemeanor domestic violence" is something Grover Norquist supporter and current NRA Board candidate Bob Barr was for.
Captain's Log
- When worldviews collide
- Size matters
- Notes (and my basic thought was to note the irony of the demonizing "gangster gun" sentiment" reserved for when they're possessed by anyone else.)
Gun Owners for Hillary
"I think everybody that's buying these big, high-powered rifles nowadays," she said, "what do you need that for? Unless you're going to war." [More]You're really not all that deep, are you, Deborah? She says even dumber stuff in the video.
And note to Palmetto: MSNBC just used you. Don't you get that?
An Either/Or Proposition?
America must decide between its people and guns [More]Anything you say, Ahson Saeed Hasan.
That was you who grew up in Pakistan, wasn't it?
Why did you come here again?
We're the Only Ones Brotherly Enough
The brother of the Lincoln County sheriff is accused of taking weapons from the evidence locker. Even after he confessed, it took more than eight months for the charges to be filed. [More]That second part should be as big a concern as the theft-inviting "storage" procedures.
[Via cydl]
Physician, Arm Thyself
Health care professionals, staff, and even visitors, have a right to defend themselves and those around them from a violent attacker. [More]Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership states something that many physicians are catching on to, even if their major professional associations are still hopelessly mired in Opposite Day "progressive" medical anti-life advocacy.
We're the Only Ones Uncompelled Enough
“Officer safety is huge, so you wouldn’t want to compel that upon officers,” Suhr told audiences at a smart gun symposium in San Francisco. [More]Why not? That's what the gun-grabbers want to do to the rest of us.
And flesh out why you think it would be an officer safety concern, but it wouldn't be for us mundanes.
Stupid Opposite Day "progressives" don't seem to realize their promotional piece for "smart guns" concisely illustrates the two main reasons they're so objectionable.
Problem-Solving on the Fly
Why does anyone need a gun-firing, flame-throwing assault drone...? [More]
The kid seems a lot cooler, plus more technically skilled and innovative, than Obama's stupid clock boy.
[Via Florida Guy]
The kid seems a lot cooler, plus more technically skilled and innovative, than Obama's stupid clock boy.
[Via Florida Guy]
Stockholm Syndrome
Incest and necrophilia 'should be legal' according to youth branch of Swedish Liberal People's Party [More]OK, but so should refusing to have anything to do with them. Anything.
This is where "progressive thought" invariably leads -- to the graveyard.
Cecilia, those "migrants" your kind is welcoming in are gonna have fun with you. If you survive, I can see a burqa in your future, and probably a militant advocacy for imposing it on others
A 'Progressive' Husband and Father
My wife is a University of Georgia professor, and our daughter is a UGA student. [More]And I'll bet neither one has ever considered your utter inability to fulfill what used to be considered a duty of husbands and fathers to protect their families, right, Jefferson? If you ever fail them, you'll be lucky if they're still around to look at you in a completely different way.
Who would at least have a chance in a situation like this? You, or someone with a different attitude and capabilities...?
We're the Only Ones Doing Our Best Enough
"We are doing our best to investigate the crimes," Hill said. "But unfortunately, we can only do so much with the evidence on the scene. [More]They're not just helpless in this instance. They're pretty much incapable of protecting the public in every instance, which isn't so much a knock on them as an admission of reality.
So why is it #1 Brady-rated California "law" favors that, and CHP helps enforce it?
The Truth, the Hole Truth, and Nothing But the Truth
VINCE FOSTER 'SUICIDE' SHOCKER: 2ND WOUND DOCUMENTED - Prosecutor saw photos of Clinton attorney with possible 'bullet hole' in neck [More]Well, there's one way to find out...
Buy a bracelet with a dead person's name! Proceeds will help Dan Gross keep his cushy gig! [More]
All the best-protected lottery-winning fascist media pigs are wearing them!
I see Dan is playing coy about this. No wonder-- Harvey himself has clammed up, possibly after his investors asked if he'd lost his mind. Plus, it's not like he kept his pledge to go easy on the"gun violence" in his movies or anything...
All the best-protected lottery-winning fascist media pigs are wearing them!
I see Dan is playing coy about this. No wonder-- Harvey himself has clammed up, possibly after his investors asked if he'd lost his mind. Plus, it's not like he kept his pledge to go easy on the"gun violence" in his movies or anything...
Got a 'Republican' Alternative?
See, that's the dilemma: If not Trump, who? [More]
My friends at GOA say "Cruz." Disregarding his wife's Goldman Sachs affiliation, who doesn't believe Team Hillary won't challenge him on "natural born" citizenship -- and that they won't be right? Don't argue with me on that, refute Alan Korwin's observations.
Rubio or Kasich? Not that they have the numbers, but if you want the amnesty/pathway to citizenship destruction of the Republic, and to make the Red-Blue Axis establishment happy, go for it. I note NRA, Norquist, et al, have thus far shown deliberate indifference to trying to refute those concerns with anything other than misdirecting anecdotes and unsupported happy talk. That's because they can't, and that's because the numbers can't be manipulated to work in their favor. Most of them appear to be hoping if they don't acknowledge it, a critical mass won't learn about it, and they're probably right.
Mitt Romney, after he jumps in to "save" the sellouts responsible for making Trump so appealing to so many...? Really?
Carson? That doesn't seem likely to happen unless he joins the frontrunner as Veep wannabe and fate/intent intervenes.
All the energy and acrimony may stem from people deep down knowing there is no alternative, and while everyone is having a cow over the number of angels on the head of a pin, "something wicked this way comes."
My friends at GOA say "Cruz." Disregarding his wife's Goldman Sachs affiliation, who doesn't believe Team Hillary won't challenge him on "natural born" citizenship -- and that they won't be right? Don't argue with me on that, refute Alan Korwin's observations.
Rubio or Kasich? Not that they have the numbers, but if you want the amnesty/pathway to citizenship destruction of the Republic, and to make the Red-Blue Axis establishment happy, go for it. I note NRA, Norquist, et al, have thus far shown deliberate indifference to trying to refute those concerns with anything other than misdirecting anecdotes and unsupported happy talk. That's because they can't, and that's because the numbers can't be manipulated to work in their favor. Most of them appear to be hoping if they don't acknowledge it, a critical mass won't learn about it, and they're probably right.
Mitt Romney, after he jumps in to "save" the sellouts responsible for making Trump so appealing to so many...? Really?
Carson? That doesn't seem likely to happen unless he joins the frontrunner as Veep wannabe and fate/intent intervenes.
All the energy and acrimony may stem from people deep down knowing there is no alternative, and while everyone is having a cow over the number of angels on the head of a pin, "something wicked this way comes."
Saturday, February 27, 2016
Mad as Hell and Not Gonna Fake It Any More?
A tweet expressing anger at the “racism and violence” against the students—now proven to have never occurred—still remains on Hillary Clinton’s Twitter page. [More]While she continues to enable and ignore real violence against women. No wonder so many Opposite Day "progressive feminists" love her so.
Just Like the Police State They're Enabling
Privileged elites protected by public and private "Only One" operators: It's a big club and you ain't in it. [More]
A spot-on comment:
A spot-on comment:
Simply announce a gun-free zone and save the money wasted on security.Where's Skip Coolzip when you really need him?
Friday, February 26, 2016
Selective ‘History Lesson’ on Militias Ignores Inconvenient Truths
The Opposite Day “progressive” collectivists don’t get to subvert and sabotage the work of the Founders and then call those attempting to protect and restore that heretofore unparalleled system for protecting unalienable rights through delegated powers “traitors.” Not on our watch. [More]A latter-day Benedict Arnold gives Esquire's "progressive" readership something to agree on besides mixing perfect martinis and mankini waxing...
The WMD Loophole!
The Barrett .50 caliber rifle is a powerful gun. Originally designed for military use, its rounds can “penetrate light armor, down helicopters, destroy commercial aircraft, and blast through rail cars,” according to a report from the Violence Policy Center, a gun safety group. [More]OK, you can stop right there. Shoots down aircraft. "Gun safety group."
Oh, wait a minute...this is by Christopher Ingraham of The Washington Post.
That explains it.
"That Student"
How have these people coped to date with going off campus to get their Depends?
[Via Mack H]
How have these people coped to date with going off campus to get their Depends?
[Via Mack H]
The Magic Piece of Paper
Authorities say a man who opened fire on the central Kansas factory where he worked was served with a protection from abuse order shortly before the attack. [More]Well then, it looks like everyone did everything they reasonably could... no?
[Via Steve T]
In the Spirit of Compromise
Yesterday I stood with my colleagues as we received a petition signed by more than 1.3 million Americans calling on Senate Republicans to do their jobs and stop the outright political obstruction around Supreme Court nominations. [More]OK, we can talk about it, but in order to be confirmed, the nominee must in principle:
- endorse "shall not be infringed" and pledge to never rule against the Second Amendment being an individual right.
- agree that all Second Amendment cases brought before the court be considered under strict scrutiny.
- acknowledge that the legal concept "in common use at the time" refers, at a minimum, to weaponry carried by soldiers for battlefield use, in addition to those commonly used for self-defense and sport, and that it will include technological advancements so that new "arms" used for those purposes cannot be denied to We the People.
Somehow, I don't think Murph the Smurf here is going to be receptive to the concessions I'd need before giving him what he wants.
Oh, and I'd also expect NRA to cause grade/endorsement pain for any senator not using this as a litmus test (Yeah, I know, "Ha!"). Because without an "or else," who thinks the Republicans won't cave?
[Via Jim Q]
Skip to My Lew
Former U.S Attorney General Eric Holder used the alias Lew Alcindor, basketball great Kareem Abdul-Jabbar’s birth name, for one of his official DOJ email accounts. [More]My first thought is to wonder if withheld Fast and Furious-related emails that are eventually uncovered will show Holder was in the hoo... uh, loop.
My second thought is to wonder if Jabberer ever heard of Arab slavers.
[Via Jess]
The Sounds of Silence
Liberal Media and Gun-Grabbers Ignore Latest CDC Report – It Doesn’t Fit Their Narrative [More]Since when has reality ever mattered to them?
[Via William T]
Siding with the Norquist/Bloomberg Alliance
As to the effort to recall Grover Norquist, I do not support it. [More]I do.
So you're OK with the political and cultural terraforming of America. But you have no numbers to refute that concern.
OK. Disappointing, but good to know that the unfounded perception of being "harmful to the Association" takes precedence über alles.
Yeah, I know, that's not what the recall petition focuses on, so we can just pretend the greater threat doesn't exist.
Buried Treasure
Shoot, a fella' could have a pretty good weekend in Vegas with all that stuff. [More]
If you do it right, it'll last as long as you're likely to need it.
What's in your cache?
[Via Len Savage]
If you do it right, it'll last as long as you're likely to need it.
What's in your cache?
[Via Len Savage]
Thursday, February 25, 2016
Daily News Continues Assault on Truth with Brooklyn ‘Smart Gun’ Hit Piece on NRA
The bright side to all this is that the only people who will be taken in are those ignorant enough to vote for Adams or pay for the Daily News. According to all indicators, those latter numbers are shrinking, resulting in well-earned “downsizing.” Still, working against the truth, until such time as the company sucks itself out of existence, will be the desperation of those who haven’t yet been thrown out. [More]Considering the “objectivity” of past “reporting,” everything the New York Daily News publishes should be viewed as garbage until proven otherwise.
Apocalypse U
"It's not going to be a good thing,” Cynthia Smith said. “We're going to start seeing more murders on college campuses.” [More]Yeah, that's what the liars and ignoraNuses claimed about concealed carry with all their Dodge City/blood-in-the-streets-over-fender-benders prognostications.
It never happened, did it?
Normal people aren't anything like Kentavious Holland.
[Via Jess]
The hell you say. [More]
You know what else it's not, you old monsters, dependent on thug firepower to try and bend free people to your lust for control?
You'll see. And you're not gonna like what happens if you try.
None of us will. So back off.
[Via Michael G]
You know what else it's not, you old monsters, dependent on thug firepower to try and bend free people to your lust for control?
You'll see. And you're not gonna like what happens if you try.
None of us will. So back off.
[Via Michael G]
A Sophomoric Opinion
That is why with every application for a firearm, there should be a professional psychological evaluation by two board-certified pre-eminent psychologists in their city or state. [More]F-ing idiot admits he knew nothing about guns until this winter, and now he has the solution to all our problems? Like we've all been waiting for the genius of Keith Reed to have that Eureka! moment that's eluded everyone else thus far?
No, you ignorant child. Your move.
[Via Michael G]
Corruption Case
Ex-state Sen. Leland Yee gets 5 years in prison in corruption case [More]Yep, that is corrupt, noting what the evil, gun-grabbing criminal son of a bitch was guilty of, and that patriot Wayne Fincher got more time than that, and all he did was dare to claim his right.
[Via Dave Licht]
We Have a Problem
I’ve read the exit polls from Tuesday’s Republican caucus. Even with record turnout, an alarming majority of GOP voters are uninformed or indifferent about Bloomberg’s Universal Background Check ballot initiative. [More]That's OK. That's Nevada, and we don't live there.
We can ignore it and procrastinate and not get worried until Bloomberg is trying to ram it down our throats where we live, right? Then we can ask gun owners who don't live in our state for help! That and post "Molon Labe!" comments.
Carjacking Gone Wrong
A simple errand at the mall turns into a dangerous situation when a carjacker grabs the purse of a woman as she exits her vehicle. Outraged, the woman jumps on the hood of the car as the carjacker tries to make his getaway. [More]This week on "Stop the Threat"...
The Dark Magic Kingdom
In-your-face Illuminati/Satanic symbolism and imagery, brought to you by The Happiest Place on Earth! [Watch]
Even if you don't buy into supernatural conspiracy stuff, what's undeniable is powerful forces find it useful -- and profitable -- to promulgate.
Oh, did I say "you"? Yeah, but primarily it's made for a target audience:
But what the hell do I know?
Even if you don't buy into supernatural conspiracy stuff, what's undeniable is powerful forces find it useful -- and profitable -- to promulgate.
Oh, did I say "you"? Yeah, but primarily it's made for a target audience:
Aimed primarily at children...The parents of kids left to absorb this crap unattended, for the most part, based on manifested cultural priorities, are already locked in.
But what the hell do I know?
And Remember, with 'Progressives,' Every Day is Opposite Day
Really? How much South LA gang violence has he ended?
And curious, isn't it, that he reacts to ideological differences by throwing down challenges to engage in violence...? Along with how the parasite Marxists running plunder-funded indoctrination camps presume to dictate terms and conditions for speech they will allow...?
We're the Only Ones Grabbed by the Long Arm of the Law Enough
Cop Caught Masturbating To Cell Phone Porn In Patrol Car Is Arrested For Misconduct [More]I guess when you're empowered to screw people at random, you sometimes prefer the simplicity of a little "me" time...
"Marshall Hardin"? What is this, an Onion article? That's like the best aptronym ever.
Looking Out for Their Own
Wirth, 58, is described online an activist with the Occupy Denver movement. [More]That must explain why this story isn''t being exploited on the CSGV and Moms Demand Facebook pages...
[via Tricia N]
Untruth in Labeling Act
Douthat bills himself as a conservative, but in his latest column for the New York Times he concludes that “President Hillary” would be a better choice for America than “our own nuclear-armed Berlusconi”. [More]Kind of like Joe Scarborough presents himself as a Republican, and Bill Maher calls himself a libertarian. That way The Times can bill themselves as fair because they give everyone a voice-- kind of like the time they ganged half-a-dozen anti-gunners up against me, which proved to be about as much challenge as fighting five-year-olds.
This Douchehat character is a a real piece of ... work. I can't find the tweet in question, making me think it has been pulled, but I did find one from the day before envisioning the assassination of Trump that's still up at this writing:
The Truman Show
Some of those scripted lines, he says were provided by recent UCLA graduate Adam Swart, CEO of a company called Crowds on Demand, which will stage rallies and demonstrations for any almost candidate or cause. Swart says he has employed actors to sway city officials in meetings across the country. [More]And just think-- if one of those fraud actors ever hits the big time, adoring fans will cling to their every vapid political pronouncement, just like they're anything other than reliable emissaries for those who let them stay on the gravy train.
Going In for an Oil Change
Mike's gonna be in the shop on Friday until...? [More]
As I've urged before at such times, go easy on the emails and comments. Every time he has to stop what he;s doing to address your concerns, he's not addressing his, plus, none of us know what he's got to slog through to make it happen.
Everybody here has helped out, right?
Tell me you're not just ignoring it. Tell me you're worth the value he has given you.
As I've urged before at such times, go easy on the emails and comments. Every time he has to stop what he;s doing to address your concerns, he's not addressing his, plus, none of us know what he's got to slog through to make it happen.
Everybody here has helped out, right?
Tell me you're not just ignoring it. Tell me you're worth the value he has given you.
Should We Elect An American President?
The “Natural Born Citizen” Issue Explained: It’s not a court issue—the Founders defined it—we’ve just forgotten. [More]True.
I could make the same statement about the Second Amendment, and about the targets of a lot of other infringements and usurpations. But that doesn't stop them from being decided in court.
And this one will be, too.
That said, Alan Korwin has written a supremely important piece here. It's no doubt going to infuriate some who, realizing the truth he shares, still demand it be otherwise for their guy.
Pissing people off is the Number One occupational hazard of being a truth-teller.
Take a few minutes and read the whole thing. Then make it today's Five-Minutes Activism project to share his link far and wide.
Wednesday, February 24, 2016
A Condition of Employment
A local business owner with several offices in Georgia is now requiring all of his employees to get a concealed carry license and be armed. [More]Sorry, pal. I wouldn't work for you, and not just because of your presuming to impose a Judge on me. That's not what I believe would serve me best. But thanks for the free gun.
Here's my beef: Who does this guy think he is, telling another human being he's going to require them to apply for permission to exercise a right?
That and you don't pressure somebody into something deeply personal like that. Seems to me if overmuch angst is caused, you're just asking for unforeseen issues to manifest. You don't want that happening with a gun, both from a safety and from a liability perspective.
[Via Florida Guy]
We're from the Government and We're Here to Help
The massive expenditures by agencies which are supposed to be administrative by nature have many people asking why, for instance, the Department of Veterans Affairs would need riot helmets, body armor, Kevlar blankets, and tactical gear. Or why the FDA needs ballistic vests. [More]Let's turn their breathless meme around. Why, do you realize government is a bigger threat than ISIS?
[Via Florida Guy]
Sanctioned Kill
Permit-carrying resident halts armed robbery with fatal gunfire [More]You need someone else's permission for that?
[Via Fresch Fisch]
We're the Only Ones MIA Enough
The robberies have all been reported near Pohick Road and the Richmond Highway, in the Pohick/Lorton /Newington area. [More]So much for "The police are there to protect you" myth.
Even when they have it narrowed down to suspect description, geographic area, M.O. and more, the cops have been serially unable to stop the parasite again and again and again and again and again and again and again.
Of course I have no way of knowing this, but I won't be surprised to find the -- do I call them "teens" or "kids" these days? -- uh, the perp is pulling all these death threats off with a replica gun. Nor will I be surprised if presenting him with his well-earned Darwin Award results in all kinds of outrage.
[Via William T]
Scenes We'd Like to See
Piute County Sheriff threatens arrest of Forest Service personnel [More]So will the Utah turn around and pull the same decertification crap fed-beholden Oregon is trying on Sheriff Palmer?
And will they charge deputies with impeding federal officers and roll out the terror statutes?
Unintended Consequences
Zimbabwe park warns it may shoot 200 ‘surplus’ lions now that big game hunters are staying home [More]If this isn't the best example of the "With 'progressives,' every day is Opposite Day" truism, I don't know what...
[Via Florida Guy]
The Privileged Class
Al-Qaeda fighters using FACEBOOK to buy and sell 'CIA weapons' [More]See, the restrictions only apply to those we're told pose a greater threat...
[Via Jeet]
Playing the Trump Card
Listen to a doctrinaire "progressive" Fourth Estate Fifth Columnist on what's best for the party and the country! [More]
Go for it, establishment figureheads! I'm sure Walter Shapiro only has all our best interests at heart!
I noticed several attack Trump pieces on WaPo the other day. I'm sure a perusal of other major media sites will yield the same. It's like the guy terrifies them.
To paraphrase Capt.Butler, they should be terrified, often, and by someone who knows how.
I saw a great observation over at Mike's the other day in response to one of his posts warning against the guy:
Even when "progressives" make fun of the guy I still get a kick out of it, probably because they can't do so without exposing their own absurd delusions.
Go for it, establishment figureheads! I'm sure Walter Shapiro only has all our best interests at heart!
I noticed several attack Trump pieces on WaPo the other day. I'm sure a perusal of other major media sites will yield the same. It's like the guy terrifies them.
To paraphrase Capt.Butler, they should be terrified, often, and by someone who knows how.
I saw a great observation over at Mike's the other day in response to one of his posts warning against the guy:
The point isn't that Trump might do all that, the point is that Trump is going to get elected by promising to do all that. He's going to get elected by saaying things that aren't PC, and that liberals hate. He's going to prove that you can be Right, and get elected. The Republicans have been saying for years that their only viable candidates were just as far left as the Dems: the only way to get elected was to be a leftist. Even if everything Trump says is exposed as a lie, he's going to expose a bigger, more fundamental lie: you don't really have to be far-left to get elected.That and he both creates and provides fodder for comedy gold:
Even when "progressives" make fun of the guy I still get a kick out of it, probably because they can't do so without exposing their own absurd delusions.
Five Out of Nine Doctors Agree
Medical opinions on guns don't form the monolith the professional associations would have us believe. [More]
True, it's not a "scientific" poll, but then again, neither is this.
Just anecdotally, back in a previous life, I was director of policies and procedures for California's largest physician practice management corporation, and one of the department heads who read my stuff in the magazine confided to me that he kept a 1911 under the driver's seat of his Corvette -- "illegally," of course.
Naturally I cautioned him about being careful who he told that to.
True, it's not a "scientific" poll, but then again, neither is this.
Just anecdotally, back in a previous life, I was director of policies and procedures for California's largest physician practice management corporation, and one of the department heads who read my stuff in the magazine confided to me that he kept a 1911 under the driver's seat of his Corvette -- "illegally," of course.
Naturally I cautioned him about being careful who he told that to.
Burning Down the House
Well played, Forces of Darkness! Well played! [More]Bracken notes a plan coming together.
Ready or not, here they come.
Where a Kid Can Be a Kid
Authorities in Connecticut are searching for approximately a dozen patrons who were caught on camera fighting at a popular children's restaurant. [More]"Kids" will be kids...
Question for Ted Nugent
![]() |
Americans for Tax Reform |
If there was a Hall of Fame of Common Sense, a huge statue of Grover Norquist would at be the front door. [More]Do you still feel that way? After knowing this? And this and this?
I ask because, as one of the few who got an "everybody keep this in perspective" message into the Google News feed over your bone-headed "Jew poster" misstep, I see you're also up for Nominating Committee-endorsed reelection this time. Candidly, I want to know if I should add you to my "Do not vote for" list.
What I'd prefer is to see some common sense from you. That and some answers to a few questions.
Message delivered:
UPDATE: Answered without you, Ted. I wasn't expecting you to reply anyway. From page "C" of the 2016 Director Recall:
So evidently hard core "Great NRA Patriot" Ted is OK with a fellow director who endorses gun-grabbers, just like he has done. It doesn't bother Ted if Grover works with Bloomberg to implement Hillary amnesty policies, and to ensure millions of Democrat-leaning anti-gunners are fast-tracked on the "pathway to citizenship."
And like the rest of them, he won't give a compelling, numbers-based rebuttal because he can’t.
There's the Rub
According to legal experts, any child born to an American mother or father, no matter where, is considered a US citizen. [More]But is that child considered a "natural born" US citizen?
This needs to be resolved now, not later. It would create a genuine crisis were this suit to be dismissed, but a stronger complaint financed by the Democrat war chest -- accompanied by enthusiastic media cheer-leading -- were to be filed at the most opportune time of their choosing.
Trying to duck things doesn't make them go away. It just sets the stage for a Streisand effect to incubate and grow.
It's on Constitutional expert lawyer Cruz to resolve this once and for all, so that there's no question and no danger. If he thinks it's a distraction now, think what it will become if he wins the nomination. Plus, this is bigger than him. This affects all of us. He owes it to everyone pinning their hopes on him, and donating their energy, time and money to get him elected.
And no, I'm not taking a "side" here on his eligibility. Not only don't I have time to wade through and try to validate all the conflicting arguments, but ultimately, it's going to be what some black robes rule, whether I personally think they're full of it or not.
Bleep Van Bleep
There's no fool like an old fool. [More]
This is fitting, not just because it's shows what anyone endorsing a system responsible for the deaths of 200 million people deserves, but because the person who posted it appropriated the property of Bernie-supporter Seth MacFarlane to share with the masses.
Here are some more lottery winners for Bernie. And here's their Twitter feed, where they sure do cite the Pope a lot, at least when he's not talking about abortion. And here are the stage props getting a final paint touch-up on their masks, the better to delude the idol worshipers into believing they actually share the qualities of the characters they're pretending to be.
Two Firesign Theater lines come to mind.
From "Don't Crush That Dwarf, Hand Me the Pliers":
This is fitting, not just because it's shows what anyone endorsing a system responsible for the deaths of 200 million people deserves, but because the person who posted it appropriated the property of Bernie-supporter Seth MacFarlane to share with the masses.
Here are some more lottery winners for Bernie. And here's their Twitter feed, where they sure do cite the Pope a lot, at least when he's not talking about abortion. And here are the stage props getting a final paint touch-up on their masks, the better to delude the idol worshipers into believing they actually share the qualities of the characters they're pretending to be.
Two Firesign Theater lines come to mind.
From "Don't Crush That Dwarf, Hand Me the Pliers":
The Howl of the Woof Movie: Presenting honest stories of working people as told by rich Hollywood stars.From "In the Next World You're on Your Own":
Eat flaming death, fascist media pigs.
The Keys to the Kingdom
The Italian press reports she worked as a kind of gatekeeper for the Pontiff, as well as for the bishops and cardinals who stay there. [More]What? You mean non-vetted and approved people are being kept out?
@Pontifex tear down this wall!
Tuesday, February 23, 2016
No Upsets Expected in NRA Board Election despite Controversy
And this year, despite a unique and emotionally-charged recall measure against a high-profile director, don’t expect to see any significant changes in the makeup of the board. [More]Expect eligible NRA members to vote the way the Nominating Committee wants them to, with most unaware that the “pathway to citizenship” threat to gun rights favored by Hillary and Bloomberg is being intentionally ignored.
A Typical 'Progressive' Response
Time to ban gun sales until we find a way to keep them out of wrong hands [More]Where were the good guys with guns?
Hey, where were the cops?
And where do newspapers find such full retard editors?
You think the drug cartels are dangerous, just wait 'til you get your wish and the gun cartels start claiming turf. But thanks for showing us what you mean by"reasonable common sense gun safety laws."
We're the Only Ones Secret Enough
Virginia Senate passes bill to keep police officers’ names secret [More]We could tell you, but then we'd have to kill you. After all, if it's a "law," authoritah can use an up-to-lethal escalation of force to make sure it's obeyed.
Brought to you by John Cosgrove, Jr., a "law and order Republican."
Plus he's endorsed!
How did the slogan go? Oh, yeah:
Vote freedom first![Via Mack H]
We're the Only Ones Not Only Enough
"I'm one of the good guys," Hughes said. "Now they're trying to make me one of the people I protect society from." [More]Please. You have it to protect yourself and your own.
You're entitled to no more exemptions in this regard than I am, meaning, interestingly enough, that you're entitled to all of them. But enough with the self-serving BS.
If you can do it, I can do it. But that's not the claim I'm hearing.
[Via William T]
Leaving Money on the Table
I continue getting emails from state gun groups with announcements that can't be repro'd in full here. We've talked about this before.
I cannot emphasize strongly enough how lack of a shareable link means your signal never makes it farther than the inbox with those of us who use blogs and social media instead of mailing lists to spread the word.
I cannot emphasize strongly enough how lack of a shareable link means your signal never makes it farther than the inbox with those of us who use blogs and social media instead of mailing lists to spread the word.
Speaking of Blind and Stupid
With his bodyguard in jail, now would be a good time to wall this jackass up in Al Capone's vault... [More]
Haunted by His Past
Donald Trump in 2000: “I Support the Ban on Assault Weapons” [More]Yeah, we know.
What's the point of emphasizing it now? Especially by a guy who puts Think Progress first among his Twitter profile links?
The first time I voted for president, I chose McGovern. If you'd asked me back in the 80s, I'd have endorsed licensing and registration.
We grow. We learn. We change.
Have you never evolved on a position?
Sure, we can by default presume the guy is a phony and that he's just telling the rubes what they want to hear. If you do that without proof, I sure hope you never find your fate in the hands of jurors doing the same.
By all means, watch Trump -- and all the other candidates -- like a hawk for inconsistencies and fresh sellouts. Just understand that collectivist writers on collectivist websites are counting on being able to scream "String him up!" and watching the mob go for the rope.
[Via @pamnsc]
Burden of Proof
The hearing was over the temporary restraining order (TRO) and preliminary injunction (PI) being sought by the League of Women Voters and a host of other leftist groups to stop the recent decision of the U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC) to allow Kansas, Georgia, Alabama, and Arizona to enforce their proof-of-citizenship voter-registration requirement. [More]So just make 'em all citizens and problem solved!
Right, Hillary? Right, establishment Republicans?
Question: If you don't have to prove citizenship to be eligible to vote, why should you have to prove age?
[Via Michael G]
At the Zoo
A zoo official testified in December that it operates a preschool on site, runs other education programs for children and meets the state definition of an amusement park, noting that Missouri law allows banning weapons in such places. The zoo said its preschool uses “the entire 90-acre campus of the St. Louis Zoo as a classroom.” [More]Sounds like the same BS excuse Universal Orlando is using.
Something tells me it's all happening at the zoo.
[Via bondmen]
It's Almost Like There are Two Sets of Standards
Paul is being accused of making “terroristic” threats. [More]Curious. This guy isn't.
We're the Only Ones Blameless Enough
Bradley said the department did a thorough internal investigation and found no one in particular is to blame for releasing Frustaci’s gun for destruction. [More]I don't suppose anyone is responsible for proving it was actually destroyed, either.
Following secured stores procedures just ain't that difficult, people. If you want to follow them. Which is why my first thought isn't "negligence" or "honest mistake."
[Via cydl]
Setting the Tone
Santilli’s case has attracted the support of groups as disparate as the American Civil Liberties Union of Oregon and the Oath Keepers, a citizen militia. [More]Well, thanks for linking to my piece, WaPo, but its not a militia.
You guys kind'a specialize in calling things what they're not, don't you?
Economics 101
$15/hr. meets reality.
I remember when I was a young foreman back in the late 70s and the union went on strike. Within two weeks, we had office workers trained well enough in the floor jobs to where our production and scrap rates were comparable to what those who operated the machinery for a living produced. And this was a highly regulated industry, using state of the art (for the time) equipment and processes to make medical plastics, tubing and compounds. The lesson that taught was that if anyone can do what you do with that minimal level of time in training, how much effort have you put into yourself? What value are you offering to make doing business with you worth it?
Most of us have worked crap minimum wage jobs, often while going to school. They're not intended to be the end all. And in terms of people having kids and needing more money, everybody who doesn't know how babies are made or that choices have consequences, raise your hand. You shouldn't get to make those choices and then use the up-to-lethal force of government to make those who made better choices pay for them.
I remember when I was a young foreman back in the late 70s and the union went on strike. Within two weeks, we had office workers trained well enough in the floor jobs to where our production and scrap rates were comparable to what those who operated the machinery for a living produced. And this was a highly regulated industry, using state of the art (for the time) equipment and processes to make medical plastics, tubing and compounds. The lesson that taught was that if anyone can do what you do with that minimal level of time in training, how much effort have you put into yourself? What value are you offering to make doing business with you worth it?
Most of us have worked crap minimum wage jobs, often while going to school. They're not intended to be the end all. And in terms of people having kids and needing more money, everybody who doesn't know how babies are made or that choices have consequences, raise your hand. You shouldn't get to make those choices and then use the up-to-lethal force of government to make those who made better choices pay for them.
The American Spectraitor
If white Republicans want white Europeans to dominate the American landscape once again, then they better start reproducing themselves. If they’re not making babies (they’ve sent their kids to liberal universities where they are systematically brainwashed), then they will be out-voted by Latino voters. [More]So the solution is to empower the guy who wants amnesty?
This guy has verifiable evidence that'll reverse polarity on that 70% Democrat/anti-gun advantage? Because every time the Repubs cave, betray their core and give the collectivists what they want, all our ships rise?
And it ain't a matter of "white Europeans." Those who know the score would also oppose a mass influx of Swedes and Brits.
This is ideological, not racial.
The Wretched Refuse of Your Teeming Shore
The administration has decided to let immigrants with three sexually transmitted diseases known for causing sores or lesions on genitalia to enter the United States, an expansion of a previous decision to let in those with HIV. [More]I see the Opposite Day "progressives" running the Department of Health and Human Services have focused their agenda on those they're chartered to keep healthy and to serve...
Monday, February 22, 2016
Obama’s Kalamazoo Blood Dance Reveals End Game Disarmament Goal
“Clearly we’re going to need to do more if we’re going to keep innocent Americans safe,” Obama proclaimed at a White House meeting with governors. “[We need] to partner and think about what we can do in a common-sense way, in a bipartisan way, without some of the ideological rhetoric that so often surrounds that issue.”
Like what? Notice he doesn’t get all that specific? [More]You can’t “fundamentally transform America” until you first enact some “common sense ruling class safety laws.”
Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Piers Morgan Paradise
"Serious misconduct"! [More]
Well, there go my UK political ambitions.
Funny -- Boris seems to be getting away with it.
I guess if you do it in the context of an authorized monopoly of violence supporter...?
[Via Jeet]
Well, there go my UK political ambitions.
Funny -- Boris seems to be getting away with it.
I guess if you do it in the context of an authorized monopoly of violence supporter...?
[Via Jeet]
Haters Gonna Hate
And when the SPLC hates, government listens. [More]
I'm jealous. They mention Oath Keepers numerous times. Ditto Vanderboegh.
Who do I gotta hate to get on the damn list?
[Via Michael G]
I'm jealous. They mention Oath Keepers numerous times. Ditto Vanderboegh.
Who do I gotta hate to get on the damn list?
[Via Michael G]
We're the Only Ones Penetrating Enough
2 Los Angeles police officers charged with raping women on duty [More]If you think about it, it's a natural extension of all that indoctrination, training and reinforcement that it's their function to bend us over and dominate us any time they command it, and our portion to submit.
[Via Florida Guy]
We're the Only Ones Ratted Out Enough
USPS Police Officer Opens Fire After Rat Spooks Him, Sources Say [More]The best laid schemes o' Mice an' Men. Gang aft agley...
[Via Steve T]
Well It's a Marvelous Night for a Blooddance
Never one to let a crisis go to waste,Obama breaks into that same old song. [More]
What? The facts aren't even in yet? And they seem to be trickling in pretty slowly, all things considered? And social media accounts have been pulled down so that we're dependent on "official" sources and their mainstream flacks?
Dance, puppets, dance!
[Via @pamnsc]
What? The facts aren't even in yet? And they seem to be trickling in pretty slowly, all things considered? And social media accounts have been pulled down so that we're dependent on "official" sources and their mainstream flacks?
Dance, puppets, dance!
[Via @pamnsc]
We're the Only Ones Expensive Enough
Steve Stenger says that there is a better, more cost effective, solution. [More]Yeah, but I don't think a Bloomberg City is gonna go for that...
[Via bondmen]
We're the Only Ones in Deep Doo-Doo Enough
A former Chesterfield police officer admits he's guilty of recording men going to the bathroom and posting it to his porn site. [More]Sounds like it's past time to flush this piece of ...
[Via bondmen]
After the Fall
This SHTF Intelligence course is a two-day course that prepares students to gather intelligence information for post-SHTF community security. [More]In Montana and then in Washington...
There's plenty of time to make plans.
What Do You Want to Bet...
...that if Marjorie Esman, executive director of the ACLU of Louisiana, were left to the tender mercy of the heathens she's so defensive of, that she'd end up calling out the name of God...? [More]
I thought the business about the dumbbell presses was pretty funny.
And yeah, I get the Gremlins are the creation of "Only Ones"-employing government and its public/private partnership with "community leaders."
[Via Dave Licht]
I thought the business about the dumbbell presses was pretty funny.
And yeah, I get the Gremlins are the creation of "Only Ones"-employing government and its public/private partnership with "community leaders."
[Via Dave Licht]
Daddy's Little Girl in Vogue
Mommy, a "progressive" who picked "prison reform" as her contribution to "social justice" fell for a lying bad boy killer. So naturally the daughter needs to make the world safe for Daddy. It's the in-Vogue thing to do. [More]
We've talked about this weirdly-motivated gun-grabbess before, and how her dark past explains much about her present.
Herschel tells us she evidently has a secret identity as a Bloomberg apparat-chick.
[Via Dave Licht]
We've talked about this weirdly-motivated gun-grabbess before, and how her dark past explains much about her present.
Herschel tells us she evidently has a secret identity as a Bloomberg apparat-chick.
[Via Dave Licht]
We're the Only Ones Carrying On a Tradition Enough
San Francisco police are searching for the gun of a federal agent who lost the weapon after he left it on top of his car and drove off. [More]And there have been others? See, if all these professionals with training can do this, imagine the disaster if we trusted you with a gun!
Two items of note: If someone found it, they evidently haven't turned it in. And we again don't know the dumb @$$'s name, do we? It takes a special kind of negligence, arrogance and entitlement to do something that spectacularly irresponsible.
Watch your rights get blamed if the gun ends up being used in something blood dance-worthy.
[Via several of you]
We're the Only Ones Homogenized Enough
Now Palmer is facing more than half a dozen complaints - some from law enforcement agencies - about his actions during the standoff. Palmer is outspoken about gun rights and is sympathetic to anti-government protesters. [More]There's no "i" in "team." Troublemakers will be decertified. You will get with the program. You will play along.
Dr. McCoy illustrates what happens to those who don't:
Trump and the Great Pershing Pig's Blood 'Hoax'
![]() |
And if anyone knows pigs, it's the Daily News. |
The stories all point to Snopes dismissing it as a "legend," which is a different degree of standard than a hoax or a myth, which so many seem to be calling it as they point and laugh. The thing is, among those citing it as real were "Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Bob Graham (D-Fla.)." Snopes presents further anecdotal evidence of Pershing "merely threatening to do as described," and also cites the 1938 book "Jungle Patrol," that seems to indicate credit for such tactics is a misattribution.
Here's the other thing for all those gleeful at seeing someone embarrassed by passing on an email hoax -- something many of us are guilty of, by the way. Per WikiLeaks, Dr. Larry Forness repeated the story in a document for his students that "was subsequently circulated within the US military."
Forness is "a professor at the American Military University who has "nine degrees, including three doctorates and two law degrees, with over half the degrees obtained via distance education. He completed his undergraduate training at Notre Dame and his advanced degree and training from prestigious universities such as Duke University and UCLA. He also earned two Law degrees (JD and LL.M.). A former Marine, Dr. Forness provides classified consulting to U.S. Military Special Operations units. Specialties include unconventional warfare and intelligence."
Now it could very well be that Prof. Forness is wrong-- he concludes by inviting readers to "verify it by any means you wish." It would be appropriate if he either sourced his information or admitted he never did.
That said, seeing it repeated by a professor at AMU and the Democrat Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee adds a bit more "gravitas" to this than just repeating an unsourced email from a pal. That none of those participating in the pile-on chose to acknowledge mitigating circumstances (assuming they even did the minimal checking to know about them) tells us much about the media and agendas.
As an aside, if I had Trump's money, I'd be tempted to buy the Daily News at fire sale prices, ax all the subversives, and turn it into an American newspaper.
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