Aside from being a PITA who will betray us on SCOTUS nominations? [More]
And aside from all this...?
Thursday, March 31, 2016
Don’t Count on Cruz ‘Natural Born Citizen’ Controversy to Just Go Away
We may not have heard the last word from the courts either, leaving open the question of what Republicans will do if Cruz wins the nomination and his eligibility is challenged by the Democrats. While some conservatives argue they wouldn’t dare, because that would open the door to resurrecting questions about Obama, that contention is more a matter of opinion than anything else. The prize is the one that lies ahead, not behind, and people who crave power will dare much. [More]This will upset and even anger many. But the questions are too important not to ask and expect unequivocal answers for.
Imagine How Much Worse This Would Have Been Without I-594
I sure do "feel" safer with all those "common sense gun safety laws"! [More]
No Longer Cast Away
Gun Ban Struck Down in Northern Mariana Islands [More]How can it be a commonwealth if it doesn't share in the common wealth of rights? How can it be a protectorate unless those rights are protected?
[Via several of you]
Coming Up Short
Our fiscal quarter ends tomorrow, and we haven’t reached our fundraising goal yet! [More]Meanwhile, Bloomberg cuts another check...
We're the Only Ones Prepared for the Worst Enough
"While we cannot predict the behavior of the people who fail to meet their obligations, we do have to be prepared for a worst case scenario to protect the public and the officers." [More]And we aim to protect the hell out of you -- or else.
[Via William T]
No Justice, No Peace?
Background info. And more. And more. This isn't just some random guy -- this one addressed the UN in Geneva.
This is incredibly dangerous -- imagine what will happen in the cities if and when some "unarmed social justice demonstrators" are martyred. Now imagine what the government will be able to convince a frightened and unprepared public into accepting in the name of 'public safety" and "security."
[Via Florida Guy]
Speaking of Core Denial
They hear my interviews, troll my social media and read my various writings in their bizarre scramble to find fault with my logic and the unlimited evidence I bring forth that is so very contrary to their core denial. [More]Let's test Ted's talk against his walk, shall we? Let's test his geometric logic. From his column:
It is culturally suicidal not to have stringently enforced borders, especially during a war on terror when our own commander in chief’s allegiance is dangerously questionable at best.
It is simply suicidal to let in hordes of so-called “refugees” from lands infested with America-hating terrorists when you know damn well a certain percentage of them are dedicated to killing you.
Who's scrambling, Ted? And who's in core denial over logic, presenting such blatant contradictions as "wisdom"?
Wednesday, March 30, 2016
Control the Language, Control the Narrative
The Library of Congress has announced that it will use “unauthorized immigration” and “noncitizen” to replace “illegal aliens” in its bibliographical records. [More]Why don't we just cut to the chase and call them "Heroes of the Revolution"?
[Via Florida Guy]
Lawmaker Lunacy Symptomatic of Racist Social Engineering Destroying America
For Chambers, such behavior is expected. He’s been getting away with spreading his special brand of lunatic hate for a long time. As Nebraska’s “longest-serving” state senator, he’s confident he can keep getting reelected no matter what he says or does. [More]He's racist. He's anti-gun. He talks about "mowing down" his colleagues in the legislature. And he'll keep on getting re-elected no matter what he says or does.
"Streetside Shooter"
An active shooter engages a group of friends walking down the street. The shooter, unstable and fumbling, makes the split second decision to fire on the crowd. A bystander takes control of the situation and goes into action. [More]This week on "Stop the Threat"...
Inquiries About Mike
I would say the same goes for most emails. Knowing he has shown a tendency of being compelled to address them, is it really necessary to add to burdens?
For now, the best thing to do is pray for our friend, if you're the kind who does. And who knows? Maybe he'll bounce back soon and fill us in on things.
The next best thing is to demonstrate gratitude.
Freedom's Safest Place?
Speaking of "single issue," they sure seem to be expanding it, right down to highlighting IRA audits, Benghazi and Venezuela.
Guess what they won't talk about. Grover & insider pals wouldn't like that.
[Via The Gun Feed]
Petitioning for Redress
Please contact your congressman. Urge him or her to call Congressman Frank Guinta and become an original cosponsor of the interstate firearms purchase bill... [More]Realistically, ambitious politicians are not going to be rocking any boats until after the election. Then there's the question of providing the right motivation. Even if it does pass and get signed into law by the next president, expect state lawsuits to tie things up for years.
Still, I guess it wouldn't hurt to put your congressthing on notice, assuming yours is even approachable on the subject. A few of us have been unsuccessful at getting groups to adopt the idea of writing to those who can be persuaded, even if from a different district or state -- after all, the "laws" they pass affect all of us, and it's not like they don't accept campaign contributions from anywhere...
A quick way to bypass those exclusionary contact forms on congressional websites: CSPAN has the Twitter accounts for all federal reps. I haven't found time to come up with a "worth contacting" list. Culling everyone with a "D" or lower from GOA's House and Senate pages would probably be a good place to start.
That way, you won't need to waste your time appealing to "safe" seat Dems like Feinstein and Schumer, whose staffers will just laugh at you. What you can do is contact more pliable politicians from other areas, and persuade or threaten with economic/political consequences as appropriate.
Graphic Proof that the Real Threat is You
They'll be coming out with a chart chronicling freedom advocate attacks any day now... [More]
[Via Mack H]
[Via Mack H]
Separate Ways
It just didn't work out. [More]
But not before she talked him into giving up his "cowardly killing machines."
I wonder if he now feels that was an idiot move, and if he's rearmed yet...
But not before she talked him into giving up his "cowardly killing machines."
I wonder if he now feels that was an idiot move, and if he's rearmed yet...
It's You Haters' Fault
"Inflammatory comments about patrolling and securing Muslim neighbors or barring Muslims from entering this country, having an immigration policy based on religion, is counterproductive to our homeland security and national security interests," he said. [More]Plus Norquist and Kasich and the Pope don't like it much. Besides, we're "rigorous!"
Tuesday, March 29, 2016
‘Open Carry’ RNC Petition Highlights ‘Progressive’ Projection and Hate
There were no shootings, no reported altercations of any kind. As much as that might disappoint “sophisticated” petition supporters leaving comments about “violently fractious racist simpletons” and tolerant sentiments such as “I’m kinda hoping there’ll be a bloodbath at the RNC,” that’s just not the way gun rights advocates conduct themselves. [More]Perhaps the hate is due to the realization that America’s “gun violence” problems overwhelmingly originate among Democrats and their family members.
The Travelin' Mark & Gabby Magic Thinking Show
Former Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, D-Ariz., and her husband, retired NASA astronaut Mark Kelly, are announcing a statewide gun safety effort called Virginia Coalition for Common Sense. [More]Fitting two such glaring contradictions back-to-back is a pretty neat trick in and of itself.
[Via Keith B]
Voice of the Opposition
The protest was held several blocks away from the store in a local park, and most protestors did not come over to the actual location of the store. Kathy Witkowski-Jacobs, a self-identified “hippie” from Arlington who requested to be referred to as “Mama Nanny Cat Dog,” was the lone protestor to show up outside the store. At her feet was a plate of food somebody at NOVA Armory had brought out for her. [More]You can't make this stuff up.
[Via William T]
'Fundamentally Honest,' Opposite Day 'Progressive-Style
This may shock you: Hillary Clinton is fundamentally honest [More]That someone fired for lying is making such a claim doesn't shock me at all, Jill Abramson.
But here, let me agree with you for a moment, and give a demonstrable example of Hillary being precisely honest:
“There is no classified marked information on those emails, sent or received by me."True. Official markings are "Confidential" or "Secret" or "Top Secret."
Open Letter to Ted Nugent
Genocide. And all the more troubling that you, an honorary member of The Zelman Partisans, the no compromise, no surrender Jewish RKBA organization, would use that “rat” imagery to promote such acts. As I recall, the Nazis demonized Jews during the Holocaust by referring to them as rats to be exterminated. [More]Carl Bussjaeger notes some problematic sentiments expressed by the TZP member with the longest media reach.
One major point left unexplored:
(In my personal view, eliminating the handouts would go far towards discouraging leeches, while allowing in those who want a chance to improve their own lot; in such an event, truly open borders would become a good thing for America.)In the absence of magical transformation, all real world-grounded cautions stand. .
We're the Only Ones Equating Enough
“America is a very safe place, particularly compared to the rest of the world,” said Bratton. But we have our incidents, as we know. We have had more than our share of mass killings. Some committed by inspired terrorists, but the vast majority committed by American citizens living here who have access to firearms.” [More]Because as we all know, only NYPD can be trusted with firearms. And broom handles.
[Via Michael G]
'Easy Access,' Opposite Day 'Progressive'-Style
Clemons didn’t know how to answer that, though he did mention that Belgium has easy access to guns, though the Brussels attackers used bombs in their assault... [More]That must be why Gun, a group run by globalist gun-grabbers in their own right, assesses Belgian gun laws as "restrictive," right, Steve-O?
It'll never be enough for the control freaks until they have it all -- and then they'll find new ways to squeeze.
Monday, March 28, 2016
About That Right Wing Conservative the Antis Were Hoping For...
Yeah...uh... that didn't exactly work out. [More]
And still more here.
[Via Florida Guy]
UPDATE: Original link has been discontinued by that website. It did not have a photo of the suspect. The new story is here.
And still more here.
[Via Florida Guy]
UPDATE: Original link has been discontinued by that website. It did not have a photo of the suspect. The new story is here.
Gun Ban Case Supreme Court Didn’t Consider Enabled by Phony ‘Pro-Gun’ Democrat
But it was the case SCOTUS didn’t hear that has the most immediate impact on gun owners throughout the Republic, and it’s been enabled by a prominent so-called “pro-gun” Democrat: The ban on guns in Post Offices. [More]Who would believe someone who supports gun bans and Obama is "pro-gun" and worthy of an "A" rating?
Armed American Radio
I joined host Mark Walters and George "Mad Ogre" Hill for "a classic AAR Roundtable" last night in Hour Three. [Listen]
Exploiting Vulnerabilities
The US election could get worse. It could be a prelude to a civil war. How so? Here's a simple scenario. [More]Sure it could happen. What's to stop it?
[Via Skip]
We're the Only Ones Gentlemanly Enough
So far, investigators confirmed the incident began as a disturbance about 5 a.m. Wednesday outside the Red Rose Gentleman’s Club on Santa Rosa Boulevard. The altercation spilled over into a parking lot across the road, and shots rang out. [More]I can't even begin to tell you how many times I've put myself in this exact situation...
[Via Fred L]
Communist Martyrs High School
High School Mural Features Communist, La Raza Propaganda [More]Time was, that was from an old Firesign Theater bit.
At least the privileged little Portland "progressives" understand where power comes from.
I wonder if a pro-RKBA/Constitution mural with armed Americans imagery would be allowed?
We're the Only Ones Pointed Enough
FBI employee charged with pointing a gun at woman’s head inside a restaurant [More]This is why you and I can't be trusted to be armed at restaurants that serve adult beverages. We just don't have the training and experience to produce outcomes like this.
[Via Florida Guy]
Once Upon a Time
I suppose the endings would have been happier with a woodsman hacking the wolf to death with his axe, and with Hansel and Gretel pushing the witch alive into the oven...? [More]
I suppose as long as we're talking fantasy fiction for children, The Times doesn't want any competition...
[Via Michael G]
I suppose as long as we're talking fantasy fiction for children, The Times doesn't want any competition...
[Via Michael G]
We're the Only Ones Falsifying Enough
And these the deputies haven't been charged with fabricating a crime ...why...? [More]
That said, the guy really needs to fix his problems with his son.
[Via Florida Guy]
That said, the guy really needs to fix his problems with his son.
[Via Florida Guy]
We're the Only Ones Divided on Race Enough
Two Atlanta police officers were relieved of duty after getting into a fist fight where a gun was allegedly pulled. They fought over who could run faster. [More]I don't have their specialized training, so I hope this question doesn't come across as something only an outsider would ask, but I don't suppose they could have ... you know .... raced?
[Via Steve T]
Playing Both Ends Against the Middle
CIA-armed militias are shooting at Pentagon-armed ones in Syria [More]But everybody had background checks, right...?
[Via Robert H]
Well, That Fender-Bender Shooting Finally Happened
We just don't know the circumstances yet. [More]
So naturally, WDJT CBS 58 Milwaukee is telling everyone it was "murder."
I've asked them to explain.
So naturally, WDJT CBS 58 Milwaukee is telling everyone it was "murder."
I've asked them to explain.
I'd Buy That for a Dollar...
A Family Dollar store clerk fatally shot a suspected robber inside his store... [More]Good for him. Now zip it and brace for the real costs to appear.
Oh, and to the comment poster who says "I recently purchased a tiny, 9mm handgun. Can carry it unnoticed in my blue jean pants pocket": Invest in a proper holster before you hurt yourself or someone else.
[Via Keith B]
Actions Have Consequences
A South Carolina bill would hold faith groups liable for refugees they settle — including their crimes [More]Uh-oh. The Red-Green Axis isn't gonna like this one bit.
[Via Keith B]
A Special Meeting
According to the agenda, the Opposite Day "progressives" get into the treason part of the program right after the Pledge of Allegiance. Say, that is special. [More]
GRNC invites your input.
GRNC invites your input.
We're the Only Ones Bashful Enough
Manhattan DA hands another win to the cop-bashers — with Bill Bratton’s support [More]Wouldn't want any "quality of life" ordinances to complicate public Temple of Baal orgies...
[Via Mike M]56
And Thank You for Your Service!
260,000 Vets Stripped of Their Gun Rights With a Single VA Gun Regulation [More]See, what we're all overlooking is the Founders wanted to add an "except for" list after "shall not be infringed," but figured everybody would automatically know...
Don't you think...?
[Via Keith B]
The Gift that Keeps on Giving
“Victor Avila is also certain that there is more to come out. He is convinced that his case, where weapons were transferred from the US to a Mexican cartel, must in some way be linked to the wider scandal.” [More]I need to make time to watch this.
[Via Neil W]
Great Place for It
A plan to exhibit a model of the Temple of Bel — also known as the Temple of Baal — in Times Square or Union Square is awaiting approval from the Mayor’s Office, Michel said. [More]But gods forbid a hamlet somewhere put up a manger scene at Christmas...
[Via Florida Guy]
Going 'Mainstream'
We find out who is behind the secretive, and insular Hollywood studios and the massive conglomerates that now own and control every molecule of your news, entertainment and education. We are going to find out what motivates these nefarious entities and how they have been able to use predatory, discriminating, unethical, and often times illegal business practices to maintain power. [More]And you can help. All you have to do is want to.
We're the Only Ones 'Insider' Enough
Sources told the paper that Emanuel believes only an insider could restore the trust of African-Americans... [More]Gosh, a new code word, like "teen." So will rappers start saying "Inisda" and do guys like me have to use "the 'I' word"...?
Put another way, Emanuel believes in raciist political pandering and unequal opportunities based on skin color. How very Opposite Day "progressive."
Meanwhile, Kif is lamenting it's not easy being green.
Any bets "gun violence" will go up instead of down?
Forget it Jake, it's Chi-Town.
A 'Bizarre Flap'
I typically try not to link directly to anymore because it's not a company I choose to solicit page view revenues for, but sorry, Dave, your Norquist column does NOT "tell NRA voting members everything they need to know."
The comment by "carlosperdue" needs to be read by more and addressed in detail by you.
The comment by "carlosperdue" needs to be read by more and addressed in detail by you.
Where There's a Will There's a Way
A new report shows that contraband seized in Ohio’s prisons increased nearly 64 percent from 2013 to 2015. [More]I guess that's one measure of the "success" we can expect when all the bars being built around us are up.
Saturday, March 26, 2016
Things That Make You Go 'Hmmm...'
We talked yesterday about that petition demanding open carry at the Republican convention. I still maintain it is a product of "progressives," designed to exploit venue realities, to embarrass, and to engage in some good old-fashioned Alinsky Rule 5 ridicule.
First, we don't know who is behind it -- the petition originator lists himself as "NA" and does not share his identity with anyone he doesn't know. My hometown paper identifies the sponsor as "Americans for Responsible Open Carry," a group I've never heard of that doesn't appear to have any other sort of web presence. In any case, according to Fox News, the Akron Beacon-Journal is the go-to source for the name, so I asked reporter Doug Livingston how he ferreted it out. He replied that the name has apparently been changed. Unfortunately, a petition url cache search does not offer independent corroboration to further help us determine who is really behind this.
[UPDATE: "Hyperationlist" claims credit while maintaining trolling anonymity.]
Another reason to have doubt: The petition uses the phony, demonizing term "assault weapons" without quotation marks -- something right out of the gun-grabber lexicon, and something no experienced gun rights advocate would do.
There's something else we've come to expect: In all the news stories about this petition, there's no shortage of comments hoping for violence and death as "just deserts" for anyone daring to support the right to keep and bear arms. This report also has its share. And one guy stands out.
Meet Jeffrey Pilz. I can't tell you much about him, because he only shares his Facebook details with "friends," but he certainly has an interesting buildup of hostility eating at him, as evidenced by two separate comments:
Curious thing about Jeffrey. One thing we can tell from his Facebook page is he has a friend from Mason City, IA. That in itself would be totally insignificant, except when considered with one other factor, it rises to the level of interesting coincidence, and possibly a lot more.
That's because we have another story out of Mason City, IA, featuring one Jeffrey Pilz, an academic of sorts who has been arrested twice -- once for harassment related to threatening messages, unwanted contact and stalking, and the second time for violation of a no contact order to pressure his target into dropping charges. He was jailed after a plea deal that included a mandatory mental health evaluation. It was a misdemeanor charge, but restraining and mental eval orders generally have an effect on legal gun possession, at least for a prescribed period.
The faces in the two photos certainly resemble each other. The Pictriev similarity meter agrees:
What are the odds? But either way, the bloodthirsty comments from the first "Jeffrey Pilz" sure do indicate some anger management issues, like his visceral hatred for others is actually a projection, and like he's a total headcase loser ready to snap. If these two photos are of the same guy, the people responsible for evaluating his "progress" (maybe Magistrate Ronald J. Wagenaar?) ought to know how he's "reformed," because all too often we’ve seen tragedies that could have been prevented if warning signs hadn’t been ignored.
Isn't that something we're told is "common sense gun control"?
First, we don't know who is behind it -- the petition originator lists himself as "NA" and does not share his identity with anyone he doesn't know. My hometown paper identifies the sponsor as "Americans for Responsible Open Carry," a group I've never heard of that doesn't appear to have any other sort of web presence. In any case, according to Fox News, the Akron Beacon-Journal is the go-to source for the name, so I asked reporter Doug Livingston how he ferreted it out. He replied that the name has apparently been changed. Unfortunately, a petition url cache search does not offer independent corroboration to further help us determine who is really behind this.
[UPDATE: "Hyperationlist" claims credit while maintaining trolling anonymity.]
Another reason to have doubt: The petition uses the phony, demonizing term "assault weapons" without quotation marks -- something right out of the gun-grabber lexicon, and something no experienced gun rights advocate would do.
There's something else we've come to expect: In all the news stories about this petition, there's no shortage of comments hoping for violence and death as "just deserts" for anyone daring to support the right to keep and bear arms. This report also has its share. And one guy stands out.
Meet Jeffrey Pilz. I can't tell you much about him, because he only shares his Facebook details with "friends," but he certainly has an interesting buildup of hostility eating at him, as evidenced by two separate comments:
That's because we have another story out of Mason City, IA, featuring one Jeffrey Pilz, an academic of sorts who has been arrested twice -- once for harassment related to threatening messages, unwanted contact and stalking, and the second time for violation of a no contact order to pressure his target into dropping charges. He was jailed after a plea deal that included a mandatory mental health evaluation. It was a misdemeanor charge, but restraining and mental eval orders generally have an effect on legal gun possession, at least for a prescribed period.
The faces in the two photos certainly resemble each other. The Pictriev similarity meter agrees:
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[Click to enlarge] |
Isn't that something we're told is "common sense gun control"?
Friday, March 25, 2016
Daily Defense
I'll be joining Armed American Radio host Mark Walters this afternoon at 4:30 Eastern to talk about whatever the heck he wants to bring up.
Go to the AAR website and click the "Listen Live" icon to join us.
RNC Convention Open Carry Petition
I agree, everyone should be able to. [More]
That said, my money says this is a ploy by conveniently anonymous antis designed to embarrass the GOP, the candidates and NRA with charges of hypocrisy (and in many cases they would not be wrong). The rhetoric parody is pretty much dead on.
They know they won't have a problem getting gun owners to sign, and the more who do, the more an agenda is served. They also know there's no place in the country big enough to host this where the venue owners would allow it.
It's a pretty clever "Gotcha!" But I'm betting the fake egalitarians behind it don't want open or concealed carry anywhere, unless it's by one of their precious monopoly of violence enforcers.
That said, my money says this is a ploy by conveniently anonymous antis designed to embarrass the GOP, the candidates and NRA with charges of hypocrisy (and in many cases they would not be wrong). The rhetoric parody is pretty much dead on.
They know they won't have a problem getting gun owners to sign, and the more who do, the more an agenda is served. They also know there's no place in the country big enough to host this where the venue owners would allow it.
It's a pretty clever "Gotcha!" But I'm betting the fake egalitarians behind it don't want open or concealed carry anywhere, unless it's by one of their precious monopoly of violence enforcers.
When "progressives" level that charge, just remember that for them, they're either liars or fools, for whom every day is Opposite Day.
Charging "xenophobia" is conflation and misdirection. It's how they smear those advocating standards for which foreigners gains entry and for how many can be accommodated.
What "standards"? Establishment-serving ones, like now?
The government has a pretty clear directive for what its policies are required to accomplish.
ALL of its policies.
Charging "xenophobia" is conflation and misdirection. It's how they smear those advocating standards for which foreigners gains entry and for how many can be accommodated.
What "standards"? Establishment-serving ones, like now?
The government has a pretty clear directive for what its policies are required to accomplish.
ALL of its policies.
We're the Only Ones Traceable Enough
Gun used to shoot 3 Chicago cops traced to sheriff's deputy [More]See...? I told you we needed "universal background checks" and to sue the manufacturer!
[Via Neil W]
The Deep State Takes Care of Its Own
Merrick Garland, Richard W. Roberts, and the Kenneth Trentadue Murder... [More]The corruption and cover ups are astounding. I urge you to make this the one thing you read and share today. And then ask yourself why a true investigative journalist like this has to struggle to get by on his own...
I would also urge candidates Cruz and Trump to pledge to order the FBI to release all information Jesse Trentadue is seeking. I ask you to join me in asking them.
[Via several of you]
Sun Sets on British Empire in Portland
"The fact is that the English language is not the only aspect of British colonialism that lingers today." [More]And a special "Thanks for Being Gutless!" shout-out goes to Ristretto Roasters. Now there's "customer loyalty"!
I don't suppose the protesters would be up to driving down the coast for some chocolate chip pancakes at Sambo's, a longtime fixture and favorite in "progressive" Santa Barbara?
A Willie Horton of His Own
John Saul Miller was dying of cancer when the convicted felon managed to commit two armed robberies last year after being pardoned by Virginia’s governor. [More]So naturally, McAwful focuses on making sure potential victims for his catch-and-release program are as handicapped from defending themselves as he can arrange...
[Via Mack H]
We're the Only Ones Going Postal Enough
[P]lain clothes NYPD officers who were offended by Grays’ protest of their driving skills demanded his identification. [More]I guess the guy is lucky, since Liberty-Lynchin' Patrick has declared "lifting a finger" to be a death-defying act.
A Million Here, a Million There, Pretty Soon You're Talking Real Votes
Feeling G.O.P. Peril, Muslims Try to Get Out Vote [More]Which means they'll vote overwhelmingly Democrat. Which means, along with "pathway to citizenship" illegals, they'll enable anti-gun legislation and judicial appointments.
Right, Grover? Right, Ted? Right Glenn? Right, Chamber of Commerce, Club for Growth, Reason, CATO, The Independence Institute, Red State...? Right, by default, NRA/"single issue" excuse-makers...?
Thursday, March 24, 2016
Investigation into Alleged FBI Finicum Shooting Evidence Tampering Faces Credibility Hurdles
If confirmed, such evidence tampering at a crime scene would not just be a career-ender for those involved, it would be a crime that merits prison time. And while “Former FBI agents and criminal justice experts have said they’re baffled why elite FBI agents might hide the shots,” the incentive to engage in cover-up does not appear all that puzzling of a riddle. [More]What possible reasons could there be for the FBI to remove casings from the scene of LaVoy Finicum’s shooting? Will we ever find out?
The American President
If I may, Sen. Cruz, someone endorsed by GOA finding that movie to be quote-worthy, especially from that scene, is problematic. [More]
Case in point:
Case in point:
'I Don't Deserve to Feel Afraid at My School'
Yes you do. [More]
If chalk scares you, that's precisely what you deserve.
Funny though, how your side can use it just fine.
Now crawl back into your Rights-Free Zone "safe space." That "No Guns" sign will give you all the protection you merit.
So how exactly is saying you're going to hunt a student down supposed to make fragile psyches feel? And "Trump 2016" is "racial intimidation"?
I guess that's no more ludicrous than "Reason" conflating standards for who should be welcome and how many can be accommodated with xenophobia, or that their writer is "horrified."
If chalk scares you, that's precisely what you deserve.
Funny though, how your side can use it just fine.
Now crawl back into your Rights-Free Zone "safe space." That "No Guns" sign will give you all the protection you merit.
So how exactly is saying you're going to hunt a student down supposed to make fragile psyches feel? And "Trump 2016" is "racial intimidation"?
I guess that's no more ludicrous than "Reason" conflating standards for who should be welcome and how many can be accommodated with xenophobia, or that their writer is "horrified."
We're the Only Ones Carrying Enough
Lawmaker: Let N.J. legislators, judges carry handguns [More]Even the ones who enact and enforce citizen disarmament edicts!
Perhaps Mr.Mason would care to weigh in?
"I ask, sir, what is the militia? It is the whole people, except for few public officials." (George Mason, 3 Elliot, Debates at 425-426)Hey, I'm sure once they have theirs, they'll be happy to invite the rest of us to the table.
[Via Mike M]
Can't Be Trusted with a Gun
When I sit down and tell my story, I ask, “Do you think that a young man who would murder his dad a month later with a knife should be allowed to own firearms?” I don’t think there’s one person who would say yes. This would be an unmedicated paranoid schizophrenic having delusions going and purchasing firearms. I haven’t met one person at the Texas Capitol who has said yes. [More]In other words, he can't be trusted without a custodian.
[Via Mike M]
The Obvious Solution
Background checks and registration, of course! And no straw purchases! [More]
The Black Market will thank you.
[Via Florida Guy]
The Black Market will thank you.
[Via Florida Guy]
We're the Only Ones Not Evident Enough
Two bullet casings that might have proven an FBI agent shot at Robert "LaVoy" Finicum apparently disappeared from the scene shortly after the Jan. 26 highway confrontation turned deadly, according to law enforcement sources and newly released police reports. [More]No, really, we were just bending over to tie my shoe. Yes, of course I needed help.
[Via Florida Guy]
Motormouth City Madman Redux
President Obama is dithering while the free world dies at the hands of these rabid monsters. If elected, there is every indication Mrs. Clinton will carry on with the guaranteed horror of self-inflicted multiculturalism that has turned so much of the world into a jihadist playground. [More]You mean like the kind your buddy Grover wants to impose, Ted?
Go ahead, make my day. Argue that your actions don't contradict your words.
As long as he's going to ignore me, I might as well slap him in the face to get his attention. So in the spirit of 'VLLA SELLA...":
Hey Zelman Partisans-- does language like this seem reminiscent of anything?
Never invite rats, mice or cockroaches into your home. Kill them all before they even get close. Exterminate them.That's certainly problematic.
Are you still interested in him being your most famous member?
Blast from the Past
Donald Trump Finds New City to Insult: Brussels [More]That was from January. Anybody care to make that call now?
He was right about the "No Go" zones, too.
Ah well, if there's one thing the Fourth Estate Fifth Columnists at The Times are experienced at, it's lying to everyone about enemies.
[Via Brian P]
'Hard Right,' Establishment-Style
Sean Cairncross, the RNC’s chief operating officer, addressed a trio of exclusive, off-the-record gatherings that brought together many of the party’s most prominent hard-right voices, including the the Club for Growth, Family Research Council, and the Heritage Foundation. The gatherings, all in Washington, were the Conservative Action Project breakfast, anti-tax activist Grover Norquist’s Wednesday meeting, and what's known as the Paul Weyrich lunch, named after the late conservative activist. [More]All pushing essentially the same "immigration" policy as Obama and Hillary.
Yes, Prof. Quigley? You had something to say?
Besides "It's a big club and you ain't in it"...?
A Hypothetical Match-Up
The people want Kasich!!! [More]
The people want more Islamist refugees and amnesty for illegal aliens! And fewer jobs! And "gun control"!
And what we REALLY want is a heartbeat-away-from-the-presidency Democrat running mate!
Feel that fire in your belly flaming up yet...?
What's "reality" got to do with it? Faux News said it, I believe it, that settles it.
And one thing about about political polls: There's a difference between "registered voters" and "high propensity voters." Curious, that for such potentially game-changing results, this one polled the former.
It's Free!
From a letter at the end of Camille Paglia's latest proof of bipolar disorder:
For "progressives," every day is Opposite Day.
I went to the City College of New York in the ’60s. It was FREE ... I do not understand, and neither does my 96-year-old mother, why it was fine for me to have a free education, but not for the students of today. We both wish that Bernie would remind people of these facts when he talks about free college and gets chided for it.He gets chided for it because it's NOT "FREE." Somebody pays for it, whether they want to or not, or else.
For "progressives," every day is Opposite Day.
Wednesday, March 23, 2016
'Shot Show - Psycho Redux'
Live from Shot Show in Las Vegas, audience participates with host James B. Towle and panel returning guests Wes Doss and Richard Portwood as they watch and comment on Stop the Threat reenactment of "Psycho Redux". [More]This week on"Stop the Threat."
Is There a Problem Here, Butch? Then Sign SB 1389
Call Gov. Otter Immediately and Urge Him to Sign Constitutional Carry into Law! [More]So when we're told he "Opposes restrictions on the right to bear arms," can we take it to the bank? After all, who helped to give him his position of power and privilege?
My question for you, Governor, is why do you even have to be asked? Why aren't you leading the fight?
They Don't Just Hate 2A
Emmerich was allegedly warned by the producer that if he showed his sign, he would be arrested based upon the fact that he was known to the producer as one who displays religious signage. After the producer walked away, Emmerich stationed himself in view of the camera, behind the commentators, and held up his John 3:16 sign. While Emmerich was holding up his sign, a police officer grabbed him from behind by his shirt and neck and moved him out of the view of the camera. [More]What was "the producer's" name? I'd like to tell him what I think of him.
And why would anyone who cares about RKBA -- Christian or not -- give aid and comfort to the ESPNemy?
The Super Genius Establishment RINO Flack
The super-PAC Make America Awesome launched a Facebook campaign last week with three ads ahead of GOP contests Tuesday in Utah and Arizona ... Each ad is expected to reach around 10,000 voting-age Mormons per day, Liz Mair, the GOP strategist behind the group, told BuzzFeed. [More]Ol' Liz sure is getting a lot of media play for someone whose "Awesome" PAC Twitter feed, created last year, only has 506 followers, and whose last commercial garnered a whopping 427 YouTube views.
That's some strategist.
Interesting -- she shares a seat (no pun intended) on the GoProud advisory council with Grover Norquisling. And they have even more in common:
Mair’s support for amnesty for illegal aliens, wide-open-borders immigration policies, and public advocacy for the Senate “Gang of Eight” amnesty bill...She doesn't explain how a pathway to citizenship for a 70-80% Democrat/anti-gun demographic isn't going to Make America Awful.
One factor among many Mair just doesn't seem to get is that Melania Trump is hardly seen as a liability, and this attack comes across more like unprincipled catty jealousy than anything else. All she's "uncovered" is an opportunity that wouldn't have been offered to her.
You start digging back into people's pasts like this and you make your own decisions as a twenty-something fair game.
We're the Only Ones Concerned Enough
"In general, the concept of any kind of weapon that's disguised, so that it's not apparent that it's a weapon, would be cause for concern," said Bill Johnson, executive director and general counsel for the National Association of Police Organizations. [More]Why, Bill? Flesh that out for us. Then explain why you trough-feeding ************s endorsed Obama, you oath-breaking ***** of ****.
Y'know, here these designers come up with something so the hoplophobes won't freak, and the Totalitarian Lobby come up with new objections. The reason why is obvious, and is the true cause for concern.
Crippling Hoplophobia
He also tells me that ROTC will be doing these exercises for the next couple weeks. So I reply that I guess I'll be calling 911 for the next couple weeks—and I will. Every time. [More]I suppose at some point they could just arrest her.
"Associate professor," eh? That means she doesn't have tenure. It's not like liberal arts English writing teachers are rarities, and it's not like she's not considered a mediocrity.
Maybe this is just some plan to reduce vulnerability at a time of fiscal realities by making herself a social justice martyr and adding fear of a legal settlement into the mix.
Then again, maybe she's just delusional:
[Via Steve T]
Not Afraid to Call a National Socialist a National Socialist
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Assume the position. |
The NRA Is Already Back To Making Hitler Comparisons [More]Gosh, Where would they ever come up with an idea like that from?
These Nazis sure are touchy about admitting who they are.
Speaking of touchy, does headcase "gun criminal" Brock ever use his hands on you, Timothy, or just the paddle?
Short of the Goal
As we near the end of March, we find ourselves approaching the end of our first quarter. We’ve seen great success so far in 2016 to raise the funds necessary to defeat Bloomberg’s Background Checks, but we are not yet at our quarterly fundraising goal. [More]My unsolicited two cents:
Polling shows those who don't know any better believe "background checks" sound like "common sense," and the average gun owner who buys from dealers and submits to NICS may not grok what the big deal is. That may help explain the lack of a sense of urgency or need on their part and the subsequent funding shortfall. The other side, of course, need not worry about that.
I'd refer to it as "Bloomberg's Private Sale Ban" or "Bloomberg's Total Gun Registration Scheme" or some such in all public statements.
Of course, I'd also point out how you can prove what the grabbers are really after has nothing to do with background checks, but then again, that's something the major players don't want anything to do with. I covered that here (scroll down to where the article talks about BIDS).
That continues to be ignored by practically everyone except me, Alan Korwin, and a handful of others. Too bad, because with a bit of amplifying, the public could be shown how the goal of "background checks" could be achieved without registration -- and that would expose the true goal of anyone who insists transfer records must still be created.
Speaking of major players, it would appear their lack of a funding commitment equal to the task at hand is more motivated by how they will be portrayed as weak if Bloomberg prevails than by anything else. It's not like we haven't seen that concern be their #1 Priority before.
A Prohibited Person
The retired Nevada businessman, who never owned a gun before or after his conviction, said it’s a civil rights issue, not a gun control issue, and that after a felon does his or her time, they should be able to re-join society with the same rights as anyone else. [More]Everyone is still in denial over the truism.
I'm actually more concerned that he's a Democrat.
We're the Only Ones Unassuming Enough
NYPD: Teacher Killed by Cop in Crosswalk “Assumed Risk” by Crossing Street [More]It's not much of a risk to assume that excuse only works one way.
[Via Florida Guy]
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