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Notes from the Resistance...
What won’t Johnson’s Homeland operators be able to do, using “national security” as justification? [More]What could go wrong?
A Candidate's Death Could Delay or Eliminate the Presidential Election [More]
A Virginia Tech graduate who lived through the 2007 mass shooting on that campus said he perceived a cultural bias in favor of anti-carry partisans. Nicholas Roland, a Ph.D. candidate in U.S. history at UT, said the “worst situation is to have no defense back” in the event of a mass shooting. “The police were not fast enough and 32 people died” in the Virginia Tech massacre because no one else was armed. [More]You mean someone who had time to call 911 would have had time to defend himself and possibly save a lot of lives...? Instead of dedicating his life (for pay) to making sure everyone else is mandated by "law" to be just as useless as he was?
Ana Lopez, the co-founder of Students Against Campus Carry at UT, said that though the “Campus (DILDO) Carry” protest on Wednesday went smoothly, she received online death threats after the protest.Someone actually said he was going to kill you Ana? And you turned that over to law enforcement? That's what a death threat is. It's not some troll expressing a hope that you suffer the consequences you would impose on others.
The first step toward any reconciliation of policy positions will be an acknowledgement from individuals on both sides that they can be both right and wrong at the same time. [More]Is "reconciliation" the new word for "surrender"?
ATF’s sudden and unexpected change in policy on wetted nitrocellulose will likely have a significant impact on industry’s ability to deliver products to the military and commercial markets. Industry members have relied on the exemption for wetted nitrocellulose for many years and are aware of no accidental detonations or diversion of this product into illicit channels. Consequently, it is unclear why ATF believed it necessary to change its policy and, more importantly, why ATF announced the change in a newsletter article with no advance notice to industry. [More]It's because they're being directed to do so by totalitarian scum who want to disarm Americans, and this is just another of the thousand in-your-face cuts they'll inflict to make that happen.
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GARY JOHNSON FOR LESS GOVERNMENT, MORE LIBERTYJohn Stossel drubs 'aspiring dictators Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton' [More]Well yeah -- how could an open borders policy result in anything else?
Bill Clinton: Rebuild Detroit with Syrian Refugees [More]And I do hope nobody here buys Chobani products...
Mexican immigration authorities say 424 migrants from African countries arrived at the southern state of Chiapas over two days last week. The National Immigration Institute said Tuesday that it has issued them 20-day transit visas that will allow the migrants to reach the U.S.-Mexico border, where they plan to request asylum. [More]And remember, our diversity makes us stronger.
“Sadly, the establishment has won this battle by spending untold millions to call me liberal, dangerous, and weak," Ward told supporters, according to a copy of her remarks as prepared for delivery. "As Senator McCain said, ‘It shouldn’t be beyond us to refrain from substituting character assassination and mean-spiritedness for spirited debate.’ After refusing to debate while running a slash and burn campaign devoid of actual ideas, I hope the senator can rest comfortably with his conscience as he continues to lecture others about civility. [More]With the exception of GOA, much of this is on the gun groups. And on Trump. But mostly on gun owners.
Clinton previously had said she withheld and deleted only personal emails not related to her duties as secretary of state. [More]At some point one becomes numb from all the lies, and expects nothing else. It's like this woman consists of pure, concentrated dishonesty.
Streisand: I’ll Leave The Country If Trump Wins [More]Egotistical to the point of delusional much?
Kelli Ward is not a choice at all! Besides her “Chem Trail” conspiracy, she changes her position on issues on almost a daily basis. [More]You mean this?
The "chemtrails" Twitter conversation started after Politico quoted Ward publicly spurning the conspiracy theory. In March, Ward had told The Republic she was responding to constituent concerns and only arranged a forum for them to ask questions to state environmental experts.Nice try, though.
Although unlikely, taxation, regulation, cronyism, and/or public hostility to wealth creation could greatly undermine or even eviscerate the ability and willingness of businesses to deliver life-enhancing innovations to the marketplace. [More]Any of you cheap labor "immigration" geniuses care to address this without equivocation, weasel-wording or subject-changing?:
Why is the administration bringing this up now? The same reason it was brought up earlier: For cynical political gain. That and to paint anyone opposing “progressive” subversion as a racist. [More]This isn't about reducing hate. It's about stirring up more of it, and about historical revisionism. It's about control.
Gary Marbut, president of the Montana Shooting Sports Association (MSSA) sent a letter Friday to Jonathan Motl, the controversial Commissioner of Political Practices (COPP), asking how the Commissioner could justify using wrong facts in a Decision derogatory to Montana Shooting Sports Association ( MSSA ). [More]Nothing like someone in power screwing up and then blaming it on someone he opposes. Especially if you can attach a threat of prosecution.
Tomorrow (Tuesday, Aug. 30) is the primary election in Arizona. Gun owners have a chance to send the same shock waves through the establishment as the upset victory of Tea Party favorite Dave Brat over GOP mucky-muck Eric Cantor in Virginia. [More]The question is, will they? Or will they instead come up with tiger-talking excuses not to do a thing?
Before you get too angry at the administrator in this video, remember that he wasn’t the one who created this policy, he’s just charged with the awful task of enforcing it. [More]So "I was only following orders" works now?
Opponents of a Maine ballot initiative that would require background checks for all firearms sales and transfers have raised less than 2 percent of the money that supporters of the Michael R. Bloomberg-backed gun safety measure have collected. [More]Gra$$root$ in action...
But everything is about the NWO, the Rothschild family (Jews in general) running NATO, the UN taking control of our national parks and Obama staying in office under martial law after suspending elections. It's like the tiny GD tinfoil fringe, but everyone is like that. On steroids. With some subtle white power mixed in . [More]This helps show why Mike was so emphatic on not letting the III% concept get hijacked by those who didn't understand the moral principles behind it. Nice to see some folks jumped in to correct the record, which I hope you do when the occasion arises.
Pew poll: 44% of American households contain firearms [More]But...but...but...
An internal proposed strategy from George Soros’s Open Society Justice Initiative calls for international regulation of private actors’ decisions on “what information is taken off the Internet and what may remain.” Those regulations, the document notes, should favor “those most supportive of open society.” [More]You know, those most supportive of a society closed off to alternative/competing views ...
Orlando machine gun event stirs controversy. An event where the public will get an opportunity to shoot a semi-automatic gun is being criticized by some. [More]I guess it's not like "Authorized Journalist" Valerie Boey had anyone she could talk to and ask...
A $75,000 personal injury case against Glock filed by an Arkansas policeman has been scheduled for trial in a federal court, according to the final scheduling order issued last week ... The plaintiff in the case, Larry Jones, of Cherry Valley, Arkansas, was injured when his Glock 19C pistol discharged unexpectedly at the shooting range in June 2013, the lawsuit says. At the time he was trying to attach a tactical light. [More]Did somebody say something about the brightest bulb? Or Lee Paige Awards?
East side business owner offers pizza for guns [More]The fool has been robbed and shot himself, so now he advertises his personal commitment to being defenseless and expects customers to come in and put themselves in harm's way? Isn't that kind of like chumming the water because you hate sharks, and then inviting people over to go swimming?
"That's his right as a citizen," Kelly said. "We recognize his right as an individual to choose to participate or not participate in the national anthem." [More]True. And ultimately, contracts notwithstanding, you have a right as a citizen to refuse to participate with him. As does your team owner. Barring that, expect others to exercise their rights as citizens to not have anything to do with any of you.
Authoritarian regimes have already proposed Icann become part of the U.N. to make it easier for them to censor the internet globally. [More]Anyone who thinks this is happening because "The administration [is] naive" is ... uh ... naive.
It’s the feds that have established conditions where illegal foreign nationals are flooding the country. A commensurate rise in criminal activity is not only predictable, it’s inevitable. It also makes sense that encounters would be higher in Border States through which those making their way to the interior must first pass, and with established populations where many settle. Is a high encounter rate “profiling” or simply a reflection of higher odds? And is the alternative to turn a blind eye when a politically impassable threshold has been reached? [More]The point here is not to give a pass -- to anyone.
A lawmaker’s policies can’t produce the same results as Hillary’s and still buy him an “A” rating, at least not if the object is to provide gun owners with an honest and complete assessment. [More]So why do they and why does it?
Your NRA-ILA Campaign Field Representative is recruiting volunteers to: register voters, make phone calls, knock on doors, generate letters to the editor, distribute candidate information, attend events and turn out the pro-gun vote on Election Day. [More]Lt. Col. Robert K. Brown, NRA Director and Publisher, Soldier of Fortune, called me last night about this effort, to sound me out and solicit inputs. It's no secret I have my differences with Fairfax -- in this case, if the effort is to keep Hillary from getting to remake the Supreme Court, I can put those aside.
I have consistently fought against foreign and domestic threats to the liberties we enjoy as Americans. Ballot Initiative One is one of those threats. [More]Kudos to Nevada Assemblyman John Ellison.
The test consisted of six large balloons popping consecutively, followed by a fire alarm. This caused people to go into panic mode and run. [More]Next we're going to ring a bell and get them to salivate.
Note Massieu’s call for U.S. citizen disarmament acknowledged neither Operation Fast and Furious “gunwalking” nor the porous border. [More]What difference does it make if the enemy who wants you disarmed is foreign or domestic?
A rendezvous to make a late night car purchase goes bad when the seller's intent is to keep the cash and the car. [More]This week on "Stop the Threat"...
Police called to reports of gunfire in south-east London [More]You ain't seen nothin' yet.
“And we got more phone calls from people saying, ‘Wait a minute…there’s a machine gun coming down our parade. Can’t you stop it?’” said the mayor, “and I can’t.” [More]Leave it to Opposite Day "progressives" to get all bent out of shape because they can't stop freedom celebrations at a freedom celebration.
A Cuyahoga County judge ruled that some of Cleveland's new gun control laws violate the state constitution, but left intact a controversial gun offender registry that drew the ire of gun-rights groups. [More]Here's the ruling, courtesy of OFCC.
University of Chicago to Incoming Freshmen: Don’t Expect ‘Safe Spaces’ Here [More]Shoot, I could have told them that.
Police say a Comcast contract driver may have intentionally ran over Dewey Skidmore. [More]Dang, and the driver had even gone through a thorough background check.
We know the Founders feared a standing army, and that the military is supposed to be subordinate to civilian authority. We also know the attitudes of Chiarelli and some of his partners in civilian disarmament like Stanley McChrystal, David Petraeus and Wesley Clark give cause to still hold those fears. It’s fair to ask what directives those now in charge won’t execute when so ordered by an administration sharing their disdain for an armed citizenry, and the non-optional mandate “shall not be infringed.” [More]At one time, one of our most respected military leaders was a guy named Arnold.
Chief Flynn puts less emphasis on aggressive police action and more on community outreach and gun control. [More]That's because he's an oath-breaking political appointee dependent on his masters to remain and advance at the trough. As such, he's owned, and thus committed to continuing down the same path that created the mess in the first place.
Texas school district sign: Armed faculty 'may use whatever force necessary' to protect students [More]I don't think I'd be inclined to advertise it. YMMV.
University Of Texas Students Start School Year With ‘Cocks Not Glocks’ Anti-Gun Protest [More]What is it about hoplophobes and penis obsession?
Permanent state-agency gun-ban hearing on Aug. 31st! [More]If you're a Virginia gun owner, there's really no excuse for not helping with the request to "**PACK** THE MEETING ROOM ON WEDNESDAY!"
De demonstrates no qualifications on the subject other than ignorant contempt for gun owners and a gift for self-promotion. She has a checkered past as an actual doctor, having failed to complete her residency training program for the documented reason of incompetence. [More]It turns out guns aren't the only things the gunquack has problems with.
It’s fair to ask Dr. De why her opinions on guns would be more qualified than her opinion on what to do about that pinging noise from under the hood, or what the mix of mutual funds and high tech stocks in your retirement portfolio should be. Just because she’s (presumably) highly competent in one field doesn’t mean she knows diddly about others. But she’s trading in on her degrees and the forum in which her rant appears to make it look like this is the informed work product of a qualified professional. Unfortunately, those who don’t know any better will be inclined to give her opinions more credence than if she were Monya De, Licensed Cosmetologist. [More]What ever happened to the medical oath to “utterly reject harm and mischief”?
An elected sheriff in Colorado is behind bars on charges of having sex with a prisoner in custody, court records show. [More]He just may end up getting more of that than he bargained for.
Wikileaks: 67 Emails Between Hillary and Chelsea Clinton under HER FAKE NAME “Diane Reynolds” [More]What parent and child don't communicate that way?
He's irrelevant. Why waste space on him? [More]He won't be irrelevant if he draws enough of a percentage to tip the scales to Hillary, meaning it's up to those who don't want that to spread the word / inform others. That shouldn't need to be explained.
Conservatives better wake up & get with [OPEN BORDERS] libertarians advocating disarming the govt so they don’t have the power to take our guns & other rights. Think about it, what are you going to do when the likes of Irontiger wield an overwhelmingly powerful govt against you? I hopeThere, I fixed it for ya.“thank you for your service, officer”["GRACIAS POR SU SERVICIO, OFICIAL"] won’t be what you’ll say. [More]
But they said the SSL's members became more likely to be arrested for the shootings of others. [More]See, I just knew it was NRA's fault.
Florida Carry Board of Directors, General Counsel, prominent FL speakers at GRPC [More]If you're a Florida gun owner, are you a member?
In the past, I have voted across party lines but always as a Republican. [More]So what you actually are doesn't matter, it's what you call yourself? It's how you "identify"?
Hillary Clinton and her fellow traveler gun-grabbers would rather see your wife, your daughter, your mother, your sister, savagely violated and slaughtered than equipped and capable of defending themselves. [More]But don't take my word for it. Ask her yourself.
They now face up to seven years in prison for running a page that featured memes and doctored photos of junta leader Prayut Chan-O-Cha -- the former army chief who seized power two years ago. [More]What, like this?
Gov. Bruce Rauner is signing legislation to impose long prison sentences for people convicted of trafficking guns into Illinois. [More]This will do nothing to violent crime except increase it.
On Saturday, Farooqui allegedly injured a man and woman at an apartment complex in Roanoke, yelling "Allahu akbar" as he attacked them with a knife ... Authorities believe he may have been trying to behead the male victim, who was likely picked at random... [More]And about that "rigorous security screening"...?
Soros donated $3 million to the Immigrant Voters Win PAC, which was established to fund the Families Fight Back campaign. That campaign aims to register 400,000 Hispanic voters in swing states before the November elections. [More]Why don't we ask Grover and every one of his deliberately-indifferent/obtuse apologists why they think that is?
Produce credible data – not opinions, not platitudes, not isolated anecdotes, but something that can be independently validated – that “amnesty” and a “pathway to citizenship” for MILLIONS of foreign nationals in this country illegally (and even legally, with current culturally suicidal policies) WILL NOT overwhelmingly favor Democrats and anti-gunners.I'll even tie one hand behind my back.
FBI files linking Hillary Clinton to the 'suicide' of White House counsel Vince Foster have vanished from the National Archives ... Days before his death, then First Lady ridiculed him mercilessly in front of his peers, say former FBI agents and detailed it in their report ... 'You have failed us,' Hillary told Foster... [More]Aren't some people trying to come up with laws for when bullying leads to suicide? In any case, it sure is indicative of a cruel and totally self-absorbed character, which is no doubt why the records have been "buried." I'm sure they'll turn up right next to the Rose Law Firm files.
In the wake of the tragedy at Sandy Hook, Republican Sens. Pat Toomey and Mark Kirk broke from the gun lobby and supported a bill to help prevent felons, domestic abusers and the dangerously mentally ill from obtaining firearms at gun shows and online. This week, they are earning our organization's endorsement. [More]I've been after that Kirk subversive for years, to no avail. "Republicans" still enabling him with aid and comfort merit special contempt. And ditto for Toomey. I would rather see both seats go to virulent anti-gun Democrats in order to expel the far more dangerous enemies within the gates.
If the receiver fails the check and the owner fails the check, what is the dealer supposed to do with the gun? [More]So Bloomberg's Question 1 Nevada Gun-Grab raises more than one question?