Wednesday, September 06, 2017

'Fake News' or Something to Consider?

Morbidly obese, smoked Newports, exerted herself in an agitated crowd on a hot day, had a heart attack... [More]

And doesn't look a thing like the picture McAwful and the media have been spreading around....

Where have we seen that tactic used before?

This is not to trivialize her misfortune or excuse any unjustified use of force by anyone, or to apologize for real hate, again by anyone. But we who believe in a limited government of powers delegated for the purposes articulated in the Preamble can't be afraid to challenge any narrative smearing us as racists, haters, Nazis, fascists, and domestic enemy extremists. And that's what this has been turned into.

If we're to believe the driver was a "right wing terrorist," why has he not been so charged? And if the woman's death was attributable to factors besides his actions, true "social justice" demands a sober and judicious examination of all facts and evidence, as opposed to just a ginning of the mob based on accusations serving an agenda.

1 comment:

Mack said...

"Thou Shall Not Bear False Witness."

Anyone who commits that sin is without credibility.