Wednesday, September 06, 2017

Justice and Righteousness Demand It

SPLC's Civil Rights Memorial features this powerful and noble sentiment paraphrased from Amos 5:24 (and repurposed, because the word was "judgment," meaning by God).

SPLC is a leading voice calling for the removal of monuments it deems hateful. And SPLC is a leading voice in calling out prominent Christians it deems prejudiced against the LGBT community via its "Hatewatch" resource.

There was a prominent Christian minister who publicly described homosexual attraction as a "problem" that is"culturally acquired." He advised a confused young man seeking counsel to "see a good psychiatrist who can assist you in bringing to the forefront of conscience all of those experiences and circumstances that led to the habit. You are already on the right road toward a solution, since you honestly recognize the problem and have a desire to solve it."


Looks like that plaque is going to have to come down. And statues. And quite a few streets and schools are going to need to be renamed.

If we're going to be consistent...

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