Friday, September 29, 2017

RAM It Where the Sun Don't Shine

They recognize they are abominations and desperately try to cope by hating God and Creation. If you're not spiritually inclined, they hate the way things just are.   [More]

Either way, if you let them, they'll devour you.

Now as to the question of slavery, they have a point -- it never really ended. But not in the way they say.

And they obsess on being the ones holding the whip.

[Via Mack H]

1 comment:

Henry said...

“the rise of a black man [Barack Obama] to the height of [America’s] political machine,” triggered a “white supremacist” backlash that took the form of a “fascist movement” emblematized by “the ascendance of Donald Trump” to the presidency in 2017."

And they explain Mitt Romney’s loss how?