Monday, May 07, 2018

But It Works So Well in the Places that Have Tried It

Letting Cops Decide Who Gets to Own Guns Is a Terrible Idea [More]
I can think of any number of totalitarian regimes that would disagree...

[Via Michael G]


Anonymous said...

Now tell me this, how does the "you must justify to us that we can let you buy a gun" differ from the NRA-backed "red flag" EVPO legislation where, "your family, 'friends', paid informants say we must confiscate your guns until you satisfy us we can let you have them back", exactly?

In both cases, your right that "shall not be infringed" is still subject to extra-Constitutional restraints -- except the NRA-backed one can be done ex parte, where you aren't even notified until after your legal property is seized.

Henry said...

I have personal knowledge of a woman who appied for a handgun ownership permit (yes,you need a permit for mere ownership) permit in Massachusetts, citing fear of her ex-husband, who was stalking her. The chief refused, saying that she did not have sufficient cause to fear for her life or health. Several weeks later, her ex broke into her house and put her into the hospital. When she came out, she reapplied, assuming she needed no further proof, and was again refused. The chief claimed the woman was refused because she now had “a history of violence.” What brass balls. She had to hire a lawyer and sue the chief, after which she was issued the license with no comment, no apology, and no precedent set.