Monday, May 07, 2018

We're the Only Ones Disarming Enough

The patrolman can elect to stop the vehicle and challenge the driver to produce his concealed weapon, for which he has a legal permit IN ANOTHER STATE. If the driver is found to have a concealed firearm (handgun), he has violated Maryland State firearms law. The person will be arrested and there is a three year minimum sentence.  [More]
Hey, he's just following orders.

[Via Florida Guy]   


FedUp said...

No, that's not Probable Cause for a warrantless search, nor is it Probable Cause for a judge to sign a warrant.

Holding any valid license from a government agency is not even Reasonable Suspicion for a Terry Stop in this country. That would be like pulling over everybody with a Teaching Certificate and searching their car for kidnapped elementary students.

Just because the cops are doing it doesn't mean it's legal.

Sue them each and every time.

Having a concealed carry permit in another state may be probable cause for the patrolman to do a search of the out-of-state vehicle.
I've seen this done along the Route 50 stretch between Annapolis and Ocean City, some poor sap with the contents of his vehicle splayed on the ground while the officer searched for an "illegal" hand gun, for which the individual had a legal permit to carry in another state.

Henry said...

Rental trailers are cheap insurance, largely obscure your rear license plate, and don’t come up as owned to you. YMMV if you live in a state that issues front license plates.

Anonymous said...

Good reason to move to a state that allows Constitutional carry (no permit required), i.e. Arizona. Remove your taxes and other revenue from the Socialist states. Let 'em starve.