Thursday, February 21, 2019

And Remember, with 'Progressives,' Every Day is Opposite Day

Leading Public-Health Groups Oppose Ban on Infanticide [More]
But they offset that by being for bans on you having the tools to defend lives.

From a strictly statistical point of view, I can't help but observe that most abortions will reduce the number of future Democrats.

[Via Mack H]


Anonymous said...

It’s a constant battle to replace murdered babies with illegal presumptive democrat voters

Archer said...

To sum up, "Progressive" push policies to:
- Kill you in utero (they call it "women's rights").
- Kill you in your cradle (they call it "post-birth abortion").
- Kill you in your old age (they call it "reasonable rationing of medical services").
- Kill you on your front doorstep (they call it "dynamic police investigation"; I call it "SWATting").
- Kill your dog(s) (see above).
- Let other people kill you (early release for violent criminals).

And last but not least:
- Refuse you the tools to protect yourself or your loved ones from any of this.

It's really no wonder I often refer to "Progressivism" as a Cult of Death. That's all they're selling: various forms of legally-sanctioned death.