Friday, March 15, 2019

Two Wolves and a Sheep

In a party-line decision, the state Senate voted 25-16 on Tuesday night to make New Mexico part of a multistate compact that would elect the president by popular vote. [More]
Are they planning on seceding? Because last I checked, the Constitution, enacted by Founders who warned against the tyranny of an unchecked majority, was still "the supreme Law of the Land" and Section. 4. mandates:
The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government...
The alternative being plotted here is eviscerates checks and balances against manipulation of the populace. There's nothing to stop them from all getting together and declaring the Bill of Rights, which were considered at the time to be unalienable, revoked.

This is a Rubicon that demands free men rebel against. No wonder those pushing it want us disarmed.

[Via Mack H]


Mack said...

If I had known about this, I would have included it as well:

Democrats' Multi-Faceted Attack to Warp the Electoral College

Bill Mullins said...

"Senate Democrats disagreed, saying a few swing states have inordinate power under the electoral college."

Ah, I get it now. Those benevolent are trying to protect us from the evils of just "a few swing states have[ing] inordinate power" by arranging for just a few CITIES to wield EVEN MORE power. NYC, Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston and perhaps a couple more cities would have HUGE influence in a presidential election. San Antonio, Texas not only covers more area than the entire STATE of Rhode Island but it has several times its population.

Funny thing isn't it? Every time the alleged "Democratic" Party gets involved in something, it inevitably becomes LESS democratic!