Friday, February 14, 2020

That's One Small Step for Man...

Megan Youngren “is set to make history on Feb. 29 as the first openly transgender athlete to compete at the U.S. Olympic marathon trials,” Sports Illustrated reported. [More]
We need an "In Fourteen-hundred and ninety-two" parallel.

I'm just wondering how "glass ceiling" feminists feel about someone born to white male privilege essentially buying into gains won through years of their struggle, particularly as it applies to the opening of corporate doors and also to government contract "woman-owned business" provisions.


Henry said...

I don’t follow sports, so I’m wondering what is going to happen if the International Olympic Committee isn’t quite as far down the rabbit hole as “woke” America is?

Bill Mullins said...

Works for me! Hoist the libtards on their own petard!