Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Teach Your Children Well


That is government censorship. That is totalitarianism. That is the state of the quality of far too many feeding at the public trough as they indoctirnate and poison young minds.

This makes me recall Fifth Grade-- I was attending a Christian school in Tehran, Iran (Dad was plant manager for the brand new B.F. Goodrich tire factory and we lived there for five years). If you look at my Fourth Grade class, it was hardly "intolerant" -- we had kids from all over the world and all the major religions and the bottom line was if you didn't like someone it was because he or she was a jerk.

My teacher was Mr. James Yowell, a Kentuckian as I recall, who had us reading Mark Twain, among others. For my 10th birthday, he gifted me a book and introduced me to John Steinbeck. His perceptive and caring tutelage really helped with the transition from mostly comic books and Mad Magazine to mostly classic literature and a love for reading.

I probably could not name a dozen teachers from all the schooling through college, and half of those would be negative memories. That's how meaningless to my life the overwhelming majority were.

Here's to the rare ones.  And the flames of hell with the book burners.

[Via Michael G]


DDS said...

"I probably could not name a dozen teachers from all the schooling through college, and half of those would be negative memories. That's how meaningless to my life the overwhelming majority were.

Here's to the rare ones. And the flames of hell with the book burners."

Roger that!

My experiences were similar in the 50's - 70's. As were the experiences of my children in the 80's - 10's thus giving credence to the expression, "nothing much changes but the date."

"When I think back
On all the crap I learned in high school
It's a wonder
I can think at all" -- Paul Simon, "Kodachrome"

Henry said...

Libraries as an organized entity continually make big noises about opposing censorship. It will be instructive to watch, as always, while they do exactly nothing to protest this issue -- just as they did when nearly every library in America was refusing to carry books like Unintended Consequences and The Black Arrow (Suprynowycz).