Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Have a 'Progressive' Thanksgiving!

 Oregon Governor: Snitch On Your Neighbors For Violating Thanksgiving COVID Orders [More]

Hell, just snitch on 'em for celebrating racism and murdering intelligent beings.

And remember to insult those feeding you and who still pay the freight on your worthless carcass in the most obnoxiously self-righteous way possible!

[Via Mack H and Michael G]

1 comment:

Pat H. said...

There's a great meme, from someone local to me.

I'll post the text.

"This Thanksgiving, if you see 20 cars at your neighbor's house, and you're thinking about reporting them, go to your fridge, pour, and drink a big glass of milk.

Why? Milk is good for your teeth. You want to know what else is good for your teeth?

Minding your own damn business."