Wednesday, November 25, 2020

We're the Only Ones Captivating Enough

 It wasn’t that they confused Honestie with the person for whom they were searching. Indeed, she’s told “you’re not in any trouble” as she wailed “no” and they put her in cuffs. Yet, they still did it. They still be handcuffs on a child who was “not in any trouble.” Just in case. Just because. Just a child. [More]

She should be thankful they didn't take her out for resisting arrest.

[Via Michael G]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Every day, 1000s of cops strap on the gear and sally forth in their war against 'us'. We, no matter who we may be or how we may behave, are the enemy and are subject to violence at will, up to and including lethal force.

This will ramp up as the Harris administration lays more 'law', 'regulation', and 'offenses' upon us.

The cop who approaches your car in a 'routine traffic stop' has his finger on the trigger and you are in dire straits.

What was the line in the original Blade Runner? 'If you're not cop you're nothing', or words to that effect.

Good luck citizens.