Friday, November 20, 2020

The Same Old Story

Multiple people were shot at Mayfair Mall, according to initial reports [More]

Be honest: Who's surprised?

Legal OR illegal. It's all the same to them.

Seeing as how they won't "let" you possess the means of defense, I don't suppose proprietors would be willing to demonstrate a commitment to their convictions?


Henry said...

A few decades ago, I had an address label company print me up a batch of transparent adhesive labels that I could stick onto the bottom of doorway "no guns" signs in places like this. They read, "MANAGEMENT ASSUMES FULL LEGAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR SAFETY ON THESE PREMISES." You could get them off, but not easily. Mall cops hated me.

Mack said...

Oh Henry.

And note the 'suspect' is on the loose.

And that means he got away with it.

Dad29 said...

Not necessarily "got away." Tosa PD reports this was NOT a random shooting, which implies that there's a link they know about.

May be a while before the shooter (6'0" white male, late 20's, skinny, gray sweatshirt and sweatpants) is located.