Thursday, February 18, 2021

Misunderstood Intentions

 “We don’t have a snowball’s chance in hell of taking back the majority without Donald Trump. If you don’t get that, you’re just not looking.” [More]

Who says he doesn't get that?

[Via Mack H]


DDS said...

"And to President Trump, you’re going to have to make some changes for you to reach your potential."

That's a door that swings both ways, Senator!

1chota said...

Little Lyndsey is a leech. He is grasping at straws to save his lecherous little ass.

Anonymous said...

There is no intent to claim majority status. Only a desire to remain as a rump of reasonable opposition; as others have described it, the Generals vs the Harlem Globetrotters. Just much less entertaining.