Wednesday, March 17, 2021

It Depends Upon What the Meaning of the Word 'Conservative' Is

Conservatives Drift Leftward in the Plan to Rescue America [More]

As noted before, the term is dependent on time and place. At the time of the War of the Rebellion, conservatives backed the King. The way "conservative" is used here, noting Mitt Romney and unconstitutional Republican usurpations are being so identified, is calculated to make anyone "to the right" of that attackable as an extremist.

Unfortunately, and deliberately, the term "liberal" has been appropriated by those who are the farthest thing from it.

[Via Mack H]


Anonymous said...

"Conservative" refers to those who wish to preserve the gains in liberty that were obtained by the American revolution.

The idea that everyone opposed to change is a conservative is a lie, successfully implanted in the national discourse decades ago.

DDS said...

"Recession, repression, its all the same thing, man!" -- Cheech Marin

All the labels are noise the carny makes trying to distract you from keeping track of which cup hides the pea.

There are only libertarians ans statists.

You can sort them out with one question: "Do the people exist to serve the state or does the state exist to serve the people?".

Or cut to the chase and find out if they trust you to own a firearm of your own choosing.

The rest of it is all noise. Not all that different from infielders patter designed to distract a batter.