Tuesday, March 02, 2021

On This We Can Agree?

 "...I've been writing pretty much every day for months and months about what I see as the terrible crisis that we're in that we have to recognize, under the guise of a real medical pandemic, we're really moving into a coup situation, a police state situation and that's not a partisan thing that you know, as you say, that transcends everything you and I might agree or disagree on and that should bring together left and right to protect our Constitution," Wolf Started. [More]

Well, Naomi, it would be a lot easier if "feminists" like you, who say they fear police states and then promote citizen disarmament, pulled your heads out of your ... monologues.

[Via Jess]

1 comment:

Henry said...

Every day for months and months? Cry me a river. We've been at it for decades, while you and people like you fought us fang and claw.